Wednesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 2/21/12 7:44 pm - Philadelphia, PA
I was off yesterday for my daughter's fiencee's mom's funeral.  Gene and I spent the day down in South Jersey.  Beautiful countryside as we traveled to the funeral then after the funeral & luncheon we went to visit a friend that lives in Monroeville.  She suffered a heart attack around Thanksgiving, has a valve replaced, pace maker, and diferberlator installed.  She has healed amazingly and is looking to end her sick leave and be back on the pulpit March 4th, (she is 75 yrs old).  Her husband has alheizmers, we can see him slipping more and more as can she. 

Today is Gene and my 8th anniversary!!!!!   I'm working till 4ish.  Then home to try to work on school work and to sleep.

Hope you all have a wonderful day...



on 2/21/12 8:27 pm
Happy anniversary Ida! Mike and I have also been married 8 years.

I am working today till 5, then hope to get my hair trimmed....then just hanging out at home for the evening. No biggy!
Patricia R.
on 2/21/12 9:20 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
Happy Anniversary, Ida.  It is awesome that you and Gene have each other.

Today, I am waiting for the nurse to come and change my dressing.  Then, the weather is supposed to be beautiful later, so Utley is getting a walk.  Then, I have an appointment with my orthopedist about the back pain I have since I fell a while ago.

Hope everyone is having a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 2/21/12 9:24 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, Lynn, those to come. . .

Happy Anniversary to you and your Gene, hope you have an enjoyable day!

This weather is amazing and while I really did think we'd have a mild winter, I never dreamed it would be this mild, our ground has never even froze over because it's never gotten cold long enough, only complaint I have is a lot of the best days are during the work week. . .  oh well, can't have it all now can we. . .  ;)

My plans today are being here at wor****il 4, nooner AA meeting, a visit with my DIL and grandchildren this evening.

Wishing each and everyone of you the best day possible and for anyone who is dealing with challenges of any sort, I wish you peace and strength to get through them.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Lisa H.
on 2/21/12 9:27 pm, edited 2/21/12 9:28 pm - Whitehall, PA
 GM everyone.. Happy Anniversary Ida.. Lynn, don't overdo it now.. lol

Well, if you have seen my FB you know my morning is off to a glorious start.  Siehara's throat is bothering her again.  I believe that.  She does tend to come down with strep pretty often.  The issue started when I told her that if she is sick, then she needs to stay in her room.  We've had this "discussion" before.  Well, she started screaming at me with her sore throat that I am punishing her for being sick and that she can rest while she watches TV.  I never used to do this (make her stay in her room), but she's been "sick" so much lately.  I figured this was a way to pull out the truth.  She's probably just more upset because she got busted for a fake temperature.  She came in earlier with the thermometer in mouth saying something like it couldn't be right because it was low.  Then she left the room and came back about 5 minutes later saying it was 101.5.  Her head was not even remotely warm so I made her take it again in front of me.. 97.5... again, I have no doubt that her throat hurts, but she took Tylenol and refuses to drink any tea besides mint (which we are out of).  

I stuck to my guns and remained calm while she screamed at me.  She is now in her room and will remain there all day, except if I can get her an appointment with the dr.  She came in to me a little while ago and apologized for going off on me. Baby steps as far as behavior.. apologies are a good start.  

So, my day will consist of working, taking Siehara to the dr at some point, and going to the gym tonight.  I really liked what I did last week by going to CSWorx in Whitehall at 5 and then over to Bethlehem for Zumba at 6:45.  But, they DO have Body Pump in Bethlehem right before Zumba, so maybe I'll just go there.. who knows.  Guess that will also depend on how Siehara's behavior is later today and what time we can get into the dr. 

Hope everyone has a great day.. I'm trying to remain positive here and stay strong. 

My tracker


on 2/21/12 9:54 pm
GM Ida and PA!!

Happy Anniversary to you and Gene!! Hope u have a GREAT day!!

Trish, glad you are continuing to heal!

Lisa, hang in there! I am more convinced than ever that there is stuff going on at school with Siehara that she doesn't or can't talk about. When you talk about the issues that have been going on, it takes me back to 7th grade and that bully that I dealt with almost the whole year! It was only once I saw her beat the crap out of another girl that I finally fessed up to my mom what was going on! I figured I could be next!?!? I sooo do not miss the teenage years!! I am also SOOO not looking forward to Dee becoming a teenager!!

Speaking of Deanna, I got a concerning email from her teacher that she was totally off, getting upset VERY easily and not doing her work. I had a long conversation with her and helped her with her homework. She was still off focus, but I reeled her in! Once she was on track, she did really well and even commented on how she was able to do the work once she focused!!
My concern is that she is lacking in self esteem, I tell her CONSTANTLY how great she is, how smart she is, and that I have confidence in her! She just doesn't believe in herself! What do I do?? Any ideas, Lynn?? I know alot of it has to do with her learning issues, but she has been doing so well lately.

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, since I have self doubt issues!! I told her that when I was young I had learning issues too, but I overcame them and she CAN TOO!!

Well, enough of that! Today is wor****il 3:30 then running out the door to pick up the girls to take them to Hebrew School. I have to stop at the store to pick up a few things, then home to figure out what to do for dinner....then once she gets home from school, dinner, homework, bed!
That is it for me!!
Have a great day! I am gonna try to, although Wednesdays are my WORST day of the week!!!

Love, Beth">">>

on 2/21/12 11:43 pm - Croydon, PA
Good morning, all.  Happy anniversary, Ida.  My thoughts and prayers are with you guys struggling with young people!  My girls missed a lot of school due to "illness."  Cyber school was our last resort (after regular homeschooling, public schools, partial programs and charter schools) and I'm so glad I finally found that.  I do not have fond memories of all the screaming and fighting to get the kids to go to school.  

I have a plastic surgery consultation this evening.  I'm really nervous about it, although I don't know why, since it's just a consult!  I'm not sure I'm ready to take this step, but I've been inspired by some of the lovely ladies at the Barix support group meetings.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

Lisa H.
on 2/22/12 1:07 am - Whitehall, PA
 OMG, Cyber schooling??? NO WAY!!!!!!!  I need the 6-7 hour break when she is at school.  I work from home for my full time job. That would NEVER work.

Glad it worked for your daughter, though. 

Best of luck at your consult tonight!

My tracker


on 2/22/12 4:28 am - Philadelphia, PA
 First of all - YOU?!?!  WIth learning issues?!?!  I truly would have NEVER known....I am even more proud of you!  Look at what you do for a living....seriously?!?!  All the people that I know that can play instruments are all very smart.  I just assumed you were a mathy girl and started playing an instrument young.  Reading music is a very difficult language to learn.  I remember learning it whil playing the violin in elementary school.  I watch my kids read and play and know how smart they are to master it!

Secondly, I truly beleive that we can tell our kids the truth.  I am sure you give positive reinforcement all the time to Dee - I see you do it!  Do you ever tell her that you know that she would NEVER have chosen to have an issue with learning?  Maybe if she knows that it was just by accident that this is happening, she might start to see herself a bit differently.  She knows that she will have to work realy hard to get the things she wants.  Also, maybe she should not see her actual report card.  Can you work with her teacher to make up a modified report card which shows the growth that she has made in several areas?  Just a thought.

Anyway - just my two cents - oh, and speaking of money - I bit the bullet and bought a ticket for the reunion.  Just putting it out there that I will be there!

Love you!
on 2/22/12 7:47 am

Thanks so much for the kudos, but get ready to be MORE impressed! I didn't start playing the clarinet until the end of our sophomore year in HS. I had a SUPERB private music teacher who was my inspiration to become a music teacher.  Music for me came pretty easily and I really enjoyed it and worked my ASS off for YEARS to make it work!! I was always involved in music in some way or another during school. Mostly singing and school plays, but hence still music. I had speech issues, comprehension issues as well as having difficulty with math. All this AND I became a successful music teacher! Of course, Mr. Giamo(HS band director) thought I was CRAZY for wanting to become a music teacher since I had just started to play so recently(at that point). Again, I worked my ASS off and made it my reality!!

So, now that I have told you my HS story of how I got to be a music teacher, do I still have to go to the reunion?? I want to go, but I don't know if I can afford it?!?! I think the deadline is today :-( Oh well!?!?

Thanks again,


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