Tired Tuesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 2/20/12 7:27 pm - Philadelphia, PA
GM PA....

Managerial Accounting began last night.  Not too bad, so far.  I know there is accounting/math type stuff coming down the road uuuuuggggggggg.  The instructor seems okay, he's been teaching a long time and seems to know his stuff and also seems to know how to keep the class calm.  Most of the class  receives their books through a program at the university have not received their books yet.  Apparently the person responsible to order the books did not do so and last night sent out an update that the order has been messed up once again.  I self purchase my books so that I do not run into situations such as this.  Most of the class is pretty upset, he seemed to be able to calm most down.  For those in my class that is not an easy feat. 

Yesterday I sent my draft of my Thesis project to my advisor.  She told me last night she marked it up a lot, I eyeballed it when I got home.  Was not so bad and all her comments/changes were spot on.  So I have quite a bit more work to do on this, I'm almost done and very please with her comments.  When she told me in class that she really marked it up, one of the other women in the class remarked that she'd be upset if she received her paper back all marked up.  I responded as did our advisor that isn't that exactly what you want feedback to write a better paper?

Hope you all have a wonderful day.....



on 2/20/12 8:13 pm
GM Ida and PA!!

WOW! You are posting early today!! Sounds like you are going to have your hands full with this class and your thesis! Good luck with all of that!!

Today is the usual wor****il 3:30, then picking up the child, homework, dinner, relax and bed! I know, I know SOOOO exciting!!!

The long weekend was nice, but I have a feeling it will be difficult getting back into the swing of things...I will do my best!

Have a great day!
Love, Beth

Patricia R.
on 2/20/12 9:04 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Everyone,
I am curled up in bed, resisting the need to get up and moving on the day.

I want to get to my AA meeting at 9:00.  Nothing else exciting.  It's supposed to be nice here, but I think it might be too cold to walk Utley.  I'll see later.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/20/12 9:32 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Ida and all of PA - Ida - I agree with you on getting feedback on your paper.  When I get observed, I want the feedback so that I can improve - there is always room for improvement.  Oh well....

I am here sitting in my classroom. I have a grade group meeting in a few minutes.  I am so NOT looking forward to it.  I really haven't spoken to the principal since she said stupid **** about us last week.  I am sure she will be all sweet and adorable this morning.  Can't wait for THAT crap.  Then I don't teach until after lunch as my first period class is going to be in the auditorium to see the school show, Pinnochio.  Love how they made it so that WE can't see it.  UGH!

Anyway - after school I am meeting up with my running partner and we are starting week 3, day 1.   I am aprehensive about this - the running is a lot.  I think I am up to 2 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking....we shall see how it goes.  Then tonight is Hebrew School and home to collapse.

Happy Tuesday all.
on 2/20/12 11:02 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone. I'm still home rehabbing for my shoulder. It's coming along very well so I'm happy about that. Was up early this morning to take my nephew and his gf to the airport - they're heading to Florida for a week to look at housing and job situations. I hope they have success.

Lots on my agenda today - lots of paperwork and phone calls this morning and going to tackle the closets in the spare room and clean them out. Really need to kick the packing into high gear since we'll be moving in a little over 2 months.

Hope everyone has a great day!! Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 2/20/12 11:03 pm - Whitehall, PA
 GM all.. Ida, I agree about the feedback, too.  Why would you want to turn something in that isn't as good as it can be?  Constructive criticism is important.

Steffi... keep it up with the Couch to 5K.  You'
ve come this far, you can DO IT!

As for me, working Aetna til 3:20ish.. get Siehara from after school tutoring and take her to her therapy session. 
 I don't care what she says today or if she's throwing up in the car, she's going!!!  I'll bring a bucket.. she's just making herself sick so she doesn't need to do stuff.  NOPE...  She's been doing really well and I don't want her to go backwards.  She will be going tonight.  

From therapy, we need to stop at Walgreen's to get her Rx's filled and then I will most likely bring her home and then head to the gym for Zumba.  I didn't really like this instructor too much in the beginning because I had a hard time keeping up with her and she doesn't take breaks in between songs like the other instructor, but then I realized that it was better like that and the heart rate stays up!
 Plus, I am learning her routines so I am not tripping over my own two feet... LMAO!!  

Hope you all enjoy your day.. the weather has been simply beautiful lately!

My tracker


Laureen S.
on 2/20/12 11:51 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA,

Happy that you see the constructiveness with regards to your thesis project being marked up, isn't that the whole point of having an advisor, guess some people don't get it, but happy that you do.  Good luck with it!

So I am two for two, went for my follow-up mamo yesterday, which involved additional shots and then an ultrasound to check out what they were seeing, which I was told is benign and just warrants watching via a six month follow-up to be sure nothing has changed.  Well now I am going to find out about getting a colonscopy and endo to have all that checked out, haven't had a colonscopy in about 7+ years and the endo, well last time for that was prior to my surgery, so guess it's time, plus I do want to make sure all is well with my innards as I still am experiencing some pains in the chest, which has to be related to something and so I want to be as sure as I can that it's nothing wrong with my pouch. 

Otherwise, all is good, had a very nice weekend, Saturday was a social day, went to Delaware to meet with a friend and went to Macy's where I scored an armful of clothing for $153 and I do mean an armful, 5 items went back, so that brought me below $100 for 9 items of clothing and I mean nice stuff, Charter Club, Lauren and when I brought stuff back, I purchased a nice 3-piece Kasper Suit for $96, so no shopping, other than a couple pair of slacks in my immediate future, after spending time with the one friend, met up with another friend *****cently purchased her own home that she shares with 4 lovely tuxedo cats, cute home, then we went to dinner at Pei Wei (Asian food) and to a women's AA meeting, got home at 9:15 exactly 12 hours from when I left home.  Sunday, Tony and I headed to BestBuy, where I finally got my SmartTV, a 46" Samsung with 3D, it came with a free DVD player and the glasses for the 3D, now mind you, I had no real want of 3D or anything other than the Wifi SmartTV, but the price I paid was for the original TV I was interested in, plus the player and glasses came with, so I did good, sports look really awesome on this new television.  I also had Roxie checked out for environmental allergies, as the poor thing just scratches and bites herself terrible and I also went to the eye doctor, so all in all it was an expensive weekend, but I am getting back a nice refund, it will pay for the windows I put in and most of what I purchased and it was fun, because other than Christmas and a few things I bought in Khols right afterwards, I have not gone shopping in some time.

Wishing everyone the best possible day and peace and strength to get through any of the more challenging aspects of living life.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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