Happy Hump Day

Laureen S.
on 2/14/12 7:24 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
So we are half way through the work week (for most of us) and I am looking forward to seeing friends at Barix tonight, between now and then I will be going to work and right after work I have a cardiologist appointment to see what has been going on with my heart and to see where I go from here. 

Had a wonderful Valentine's day, though we celebrated on Sunday, except for my last gift which came yesterday, which was an addition to my Pandora bracelet, otherwise I got a Jets jersey, a dozen long stem roses and a nice dinner.  I am truly blessed on so many fronts and Tony is most definitely one of them. . .

Well folks, I'd best get to my shower and out the door to work. . .

You all have a wonderful day!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 2/14/12 8:28 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning Laureen and PA peeps - Laureen your Tony sounds like a real keeper! Glad you had a nice V day. My hubby got me a card and a box of sf chocolates - the card was beautiful so he did good too.

My big news of the day is we finally have a settlement date - our buyers have sold their houses and we are moving forward. Looks like settlement will be April 30. Wow!! I can't believe it's really going to happen now - part of me is thrilled and part of me is panicked. Leaving a good paying job knowing I won't find anything close to it in Florida is scary, but life changes and moves on and it's time for my husband to retire. So lots to do now - guess it's good I'm off for two more weeks with my arm so I can hopefully get a lot done in the house with packing, cleaning out, etc.

But for the next couple of days we're going to relax and head to AC with my BFF and her hubby for her birthday - do a little partying, a little gambling and a lot of fun!!

Hope everyone gas a great day - time to get packing.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 2/15/12 6:44 am - Philadelphia, PA
Congratulations on the settlement date.  I remember when Gene and I got the settlement date for his house when we sold it after purchasing this one.  Scary and exciting all at the same time.  


on 2/14/12 8:47 pm
Good morning PA!

The new work schedule is going to be a real adjustment for me - I was at a 30 hour training this weekend, and now continue store based training for the next 2 weeks. (Did I tell you guys I got a job in FL at the Apple store? I think so, but now I 'm just not sure if I did....or intended to!) Anyway, having a day off plopped into the middle of the week has me all confused. Feels like Saturday! But I am getting lots of hours in which is definitely a good thing.

Anyway, I have a busy day planned. I am meeting with a realtor friend to talk about some blogging work I am going to be doing for her. Then taking a good walk and taking advantage of the sunshine. This evening I am going to a community theater production of Doubt. And in between, cooking ahead for the next couple of work days and paying bills and doing some errands. I want to get fresh tilapia from Costco and portion it out for the freezer.

Have a great day everyone!
on 2/14/12 9:22 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning PA!

I am sitting in my classroom - waiting for a parent - they were supposed to be here at 8, it is now 8:16 and I am still all alone.  REALLY ****** me off - I rearrange my schedule for this parent and they can;t be bothered to show up.  Report Card conferences put me over the edge when parents are this rude and don't realize that our time as teachers is important.   I am going to call this parent and advise them all I had to rearrange child care to get here when I did - and that I had to miss a ery important meeting with my union to be here as well.  I am feeling all kinds of pissed off right now.

Today is half day with the students which is about all I think that I will be able to handle.  I was screamed at by an 8th grader yesterday morning and sent the child to the office only to be reprimanded that I had to keep him.  (I did NOT accept him back in the classroom.)  The rest of the day followed in the same ****ty manner.  After school today I am getting my nails done, I am supposed to take Molly with me as her bday is tomorrow however, she was such a ***** this morning, I don't even want to be in the same state as her.  Tonight I am having dinner with a friend.  I could so use a glass of something right now.

Happy Wednesday all!
Lisa H.
on 2/14/12 9:58 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Howdy all... great start to my morning.. NOT.. I posted this on FB just to be sure that I was right in my thinking.  I seem to doubt myself so much even when I KNOW I am right.  

Siehara stayed home from school yesterday. She told me that she had thrown up, but I wasn't convinced.  ( I told her that I now want to SEE the vomit before she flushes the toilet).  
I know there were things going on at school before she went to Kids Peace, but hoped that she would be able to deal with them better when she went back.  Today, she gets up (after 30 minutes of laying around) and tells me that she still doesn't feel good, and is worse than yesterday.  So, I told her that if she stays home, she needs to stay in bed and only get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat or drink.  She asked me if she could do that just until 2:15 (when school lets out).  I say no.  She said I'm basically punishing her for being sick.  I told her if she doesn't like it, then she can go to school.  Guess who got in the shower... 

Then, because of all of her bull**** she conveniently missed the bus, even though "the shower made her feel better".  So, I told her that she can either stay in her room all day or I would drive her to school.  She accused me of not believing her that she really tried to make the bus on time and glared at me the whole drive to school.    Oh well.. she'll survive. 

Anyway, I'm now working and not feeling guilty about sending her to school.  But, I really do hope that things get better.  Guess I'm going to call the school today to see if something happened on Monday.  

After work, I'm going to head to the gym.  I just need to decide if I am going to go to the close one for CSWorx and Body Combat or travel a bit further into Bethlehem and do Body Pump and Zumba.  Actually, I do believe I just made my decision.  I did Pump and Zumba yesterday, so CSWorx and Combat it is!   I feel so much better now that I have the time to get to the gym!  It gives me an outlet for my stress.  That's for sure!!!!

My tracker


on 2/14/12 10:04 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 I had Molly's mouth to deal with this morning as well.  It takes ALL of my strength to not slap her across the face when she is so mean to me!  I truly want to do it - and I don't!  UGH!  It really makes for a difficult start to the day!  I'm so sorry - I do get it!
Lisa H.
on 2/14/12 10:23 pm - Whitehall, PA
 I have slapped Siehara twice in the past 2 weeks.  I feel so terrible for doing it, but it was a terrible reaction to a messed up situation.  

My tracker


on 2/14/12 11:10 pm - Douglassville, PA
Lisa- do you think that Siehara's time at Kid's Peace was beneficial?  I had read that they had "discharged" her from the program, but do you think that she needed more time?  How did your family session go yesterday?

Lisa H.
on 2/15/12 7:53 pm - Whitehall, PA
 When we had our family session before discharge, she went off big time on a very angry rant.  At that point, I asked the therapist if she thought that discharging her was a good idea.  She said that there was really nothing more that they could "teach" her there.  She had the tools and had to use them.  I trust her judgment until she gives me reason not to.  Siehara DID apologize as soon as we hit the car that day, where before she would have been glaring and mumbling under her breath for at least another hour or two prior to this program.

She has DEFINITELY shown improvement and is becoming a happier child!

We never made it to therapy Tuesday night because Siehara "wasn't feeling well".  We see the psych tonight for a med check.  She will most likely increase the dosage on her Abilify. 

My tracker


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