Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 2/9/12 7:37 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA!

Off to work...this morning I'm meeting with the CFO of a hospital system, will all be fine, I know it will all be fine. 

My PP for Monday is almost together.  A few finishing touches and I'm ready.  Yeah....I think I almost have myself to a point where I know after Monday I have two classes left and the thesis presentation and I'm done.  I need to start taking care of me and I need to do it now not later. 

I see there is snow in the forecast for Saturday, we might get to see a tiny glimse of winter...glad that it is forecast for Saturday I can snuggle into the couch with Hider....

Hope you all have a wonderful day....



Patricia R.
on 2/9/12 8:33 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,
Ida, I told you there was a light at the end of the tunnel.  Good for you for making it this far.

Last night, my Ladies Bible Study started a new study, "Discerning the Voice of the Lord," by Priscilla Shirer.  I had the opportunity to hear her speak one weekend at a retreat.  Very knowledgeable young women.  Well, young to me.  LOL

The nurse is coming out this morning.  I also have to call the surgeon about getting more pain meds.  Tylenol just isn't cutting it when the nurse works on the wounds.  

I hope everyone has a really blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 2/9/12 9:36 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA Friends. . .

It's great that you are to the place of almost and I'm sure your meeting today will go well and your PP on Monday too!!!  You've worked so hard, for so long, can't wait to hear about your celebratory moment when you receive you degree, and all of this, to my way of seeing is about taking care of yourself, it's a part of yourself that thirsts for knowledge and success and that is a good thing, you will meet the rest of your challenges just fine.

My plan today, is nothing too unusual for me, at work now, noontime AA meeting and dinner with my DE sponsee at her halfway house this evening, which will be nice, it's her turn to cook for the ladies she lives with in the Halfway house, so I will be sharing a meal with all 7 of them, then it will be home to spend the evening with my Roxie girl, probably play some computer games, bed and tomorrow will be a busy day with chores and housework.

Wishing you all the very best day and for anyone facing the more serious life challenges, I wish you the peace and strength to get through it all.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 2/9/12 10:09 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Ida and all of PA.  It's a nice brisk morning here is good old Northeast Philly!

Students are just sauntering in.  I totally laid into them yesterday.  It was ugly and they were silent.  Then I recieved an email from one of my sweet young ladies so upset at the actions of her classmates - to no ones surprise - this young lady is a hard worker and an all around great kid. So, I sent her an email last night to hopefully let her know that I appreciate her words and how I feel about her individually has nothing to do with the actions of the entire class.  UGH!

Today I am at school, trying VERY hard to just teach and NOT wrap myself up in the emotions of these kids.  I told them yesterday - my day with them ends at 3:15 and I am done.  I will no longer allow them to join me in my head at home.  They are no longer invited.  Oh well.  So it is!  Tonight, I think I am going to bring the girls back to school as the 6th, 7th and 8th graders have a dance.  And while I am frustrated with the 8th grade, my 7th graders are adorable and I want to share this with them.  We shall see what my girls want to do.  After the dance, I will be coming home to wait for Larry and hang out the rest of the night.

I am kind of excited about my plans for tomorrow.  I am taking 8 of my kids from the synagogue and heading in to New York City - to the Lower East Side - to check out the Tenement Museum.  This is to show the kids what living arrangements were as the Eastern European Jews coming to America in the turn of the last century was like.  I am teaching a class on these immigrants and what they had to deal with when they were brave enough to come to this country THINKING that it was going to be all gold and rainbows and what exactly they were up against.  I have never been there, so I am looking forward to it.

Hope your Friday is a good one!  Have a great weekend!
Lisa H.
on 2/9/12 11:03 pm - Whitehall, PA
 I went to the Lower East side when I was in Hebrew School many moons ago.. I did not appreciate it AT ALL back then.  I would love to go back and visit again with Siehara.  We were in the neighborhood, but did not do any "educational" stuff when I went with Siehara and Kenny (my ex-husband).  

I can tell you that the neighborhood is NOTHING like it used to be.  There is not much of the Jewish stuff left and a lot of Korean/Asian owned stores have moved in.  There IS or WAS a fabulous pickle place there.. totally worth schlepping home!!

My tracker


Lisa H.
on 2/9/12 10:22 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Ida and Pa... I am looking forward to the day you let us all know that your classes are complete and seeing your graduation pics!!  

Today has me working for Aetna, hitting the grocery store at lunch, and then working for Dress Barn.  When I called the store for next week's schedule, my manager told me that her boss and her boss's boss will be in the store today.  She is not sure if they will still be there when I get there, but told me to dress to impress, just in case.  I always go in looking good, but I know she means to dress as we try to dress our customers.  She wants me to be sure to layer and accessorize because it sets the tone for what we are trying to do with our peeps.  Siehara picked out my outfit this morning---she loves fashion type stuff, and it made her feel good that I asked her to help!  She is going to rummage through the jewelry when she gets home today. 

Speaking of Siehara.. separate post on progress.  

My tracker


on 2/10/12 12:24 am
Good Friday Morning Ida and PA!!

Well, yesterday was exhausting but ended on a good note! School was crazy!?!?! Had a performance in the morning(it went well), then a disasterous lesson with my kindergarteners because my computer was not cooperating! They want us to use technology, but then it doesn't work when you need it MOST! Then I had a student get hurt in my classroom, he was fooling around and fell and hurt his leg. Don't think it was broken, but who knows! Luckily for me he is a goofy kid and the mom knows how he is, so hopefully I won't get blamed! After school I went to the dr for my blood pressure check. I REALLY did not want to go on the scale, but I forced myself to do so. I had to be accountable!! Well, come to find out that I have LOST 5 LBS!!! How I did it, don't know, don't care, JUST VERY HAPPY!! My blood pressure was 110/70 on both arms! So the medicine is working!! DOUBLE YEAH!

Today is wor****il 3pm, then home to get ready for date night with hubby! Taking Dee over to her aunts house while we go out!! Steven is becoming ALOT more pleasant now that he has this new position. I think right now he is in disbelief that he could actually LIKE his job and people around him could also be happy doing their job!?!? I might get my husband back!!

Have a great weekend!
Love to all, Beth">">>

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