For Veterans Part 2 - Do you....

on 2/8/12 8:12 pm
Thanks for your answers to the last helps a lot.

A few more....

Do you keep track of carb grams each day? How do you know when you have had "enough" carbs?

Do you have "big eating days" and others where you eat less?

Do you strugge with regain? How much? Does anyone have a successful strategy for keeping the weight where it belongs?

Do you eat refined sugar?

Do you see yourself as thin or as obese at this time? Does it matter where you are when you see yourself in the mirror?

Other thoughts on body image after weight loss?
on 2/8/12 11:21 pm - Croydon, PA
I'm enjoying these posts. 

I do not keep track of grams of anything!  This past year I met with Barbara, the nutrionist at Barix, and came up with a workable plan of eating for me, whi*****ludes weighed and measured portions of carbs, as well as protein, fruit, veggies and dairy.  I know I've had enough because I eat what is on my plan.  Not perfectly, by the way.

There are days when I seem to want to eat more.  My plan doesn't have flexibility built in, but I've noticed that at times I am picking up an extra something at snack time, and there are other times when I have dropped my snacks for the day. 

I had a 45 pound regain from bad eating habits and alcohol consumption.  I was able to re-lose that weight by working with the nutrionist, and attending Barix support groups and Overeater's Anonymous (and AA) meetings to deal with some of the reasons why I ate more than necessary.  

I no longer eat refined sugar.  That really threw me for a time, because once I picked it up, I had a hard time putting it back down.

I like my body right now -- at least IN my clothes!  LOL.  I am comfortable in my size 14 pants,  size 12 dresses, and medium tops.  I love catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror today.  I definitely see the difference and remember the 320 pound me.  I am sometimes taken by surprise when I see my new body in the mirror.  Almost 5 years out, and, yes, it still feels like a new body to me.

I struggled with body image when I was drinking too much and when I was generally hating myself.  The better I feel about myself, the better I think I look!  I have gotten a lot of emotional healing in the past 8 months since I came back to Barix.  I'm still a miracle in progress, but I think I am feeling better than I ever have in my adult life.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 2/9/12 12:28 am

I really don't keep track of anything...BAD ME!

Yes, there are days when I can eat and eat and others that I just don't!!

I am struggling with regain now, Yes, I eat sugar. It doesn't affect me! I actually get sick from the sugar subs except for splenda.

Do I see my self as obese? Yup. I look in the mirror and have forgotten where I came from. I was pushing 400 lbs, so to be where I am now IS successing! I talked about this at Barix, and I am trying to come to grips with seeing me now and not as how I used to be. I took a picture with my friend over the weekend and I think I  looked pretty darn good!!

I think we all have a distorted body image. Especially since we lost weight SO quickly and dramatically that it still has not sunk it, even at almost 3 years out! I know people who are further out than me and still feel that way. After a lifetime of being overweight/obese, you never really lose the mental stuff that goes with it! I still have memories of people GLARING at me when I walked in a restaurant or purposely turning around to stare at me. It is BURNED into my brain. Being teased as a child, being left out of things in middle school, not having a boyfriend or a date to the senior prom in HS. These things stick with you!!

Eh, When will all this old crap leave my mind?? I have a good life, a husband and daughter who love me, a good job, a nice house. Why isn't that enough??

Sorry for rambling...


Laureen S.
on 2/9/12 4:47 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Dr. Marymoor gave me a guideline of what he thought was a balance of carbs and protein. . .  which was about 70 grams of protein per day and 140 of carbs (of course, all carbs are not created equal, so it's about the veggies and fruits first).
I personally do my best to avoid white flour, white rice and/or sugar, of course I don't do anything perfectly, but I'm talking about when I'm on the right path, like Jill, avoiding trigger foods is key to taking/keeping the weight off, because once I pick up a chip or certain other things, I just want to keep going.

I have some days where 6 bites and I'm full and others where I seem to be a bottomless pit, well not quite, but you know what I mean.

Regain, yes the struggle continues, but I am determined to get back to where I am most comfortable, by my 5 year surgiversary.  There are many successful people, most of their strageties seem to be monitoring themselves via regular visits with their scales and staying on track more than off.

I avoid refined sugar as much as I can, which essentially means, that nothing in my house is made with it and I pick and choose how much I consume elsewhere, as I don't usually get sick, but there are times I've experienced that horrible feeling that comes over some of us when we indulge in what our bodies have been programmed to avoid.

Most days I see myself as overweight, but there are moments when I look at myself and see the old me and my body image has improved, but being 50something and having this surgery I had no great expectations of looking marvelous without a little help from a plastic surgeon and since that is currently not in the cards, I guess that when I look in the mirror I think I look pretty good for a woman of my age.

Lynn, I hope you are enjoying Florida and your "retirement" ;)

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 2/9/12 11:13 am - easton, PA
 Had RNY 7 years ago Friday, put back 30 of the 120 lbs I lost
Never kept a food log
Yes I do eat more some days than others

I don't eat refined sugar but will eat sugar alcohol, I try to avoid it
Drink very little diet soda, in fact stopped drinking any diet ice teas that have additives that have side effects
The thing I struggle with the most is not drinking after eating

Keeping the where it belongs, do you mean I feel alot better that I look, yes 
My body has sagged and it seems that everything went to my gut,  The first 5 years after surgery I thought nothing of taking my shirt off to swim, now this summer I am not sure.  
I also find that weight training does very little for me

With all this I have no regrets.

Maura M.
on 2/9/12 9:38 pm - Yardley, PA
Am not necessarily a veteran..., but... here's my routine.. I read both posts and am responding here...

No soda of any kind

Low Low sugar - will I have a bite of candy or cake, yes, but not to an extreme - I can handle a bit more than that and have like many others, tested my boundaries.. a volume of sugar does make me sick, but I know I can handle up to ~ 10/12 grams of refined sugar - more of natural sugars.

I don't drink through a straw and actually never realized it until you asked - I guess because I never get soda anymore..

I try to be good about working out at least 3 times / week - varying amount of time and intensity - I should do more - skiing this winter has helped with that alot.  Still getting back in the swing after plastics in November.. boy does the muscle soreness from a tummy tuck last....

I still have a protein shake every morning (actually protein coffee) - starbucks decaf via with water, milk and chocolate protein - it is my daily protein insurance policy to ensure that I get enough.  I have one cup of 1/2 caffeine coffee when I get to work

I portion every  weekday - pack food for the next day every night.. the weekends are little more fluid and I do notice the "estimation" of the amount I am eating off of a plate when I go out has become more liberal and I need to watch that..

I am mostly good about my water intake daily usually 64-70 - I am NOT good about "countering" caffeinated and alcoholic beverages with equal water. 

I do stay lower in carb land - do I eat chips and snacks - hell yeah.. but again.. I weigh daily and adjust..

I never have and just don't have it in me to count calories or carbs... 

I was at a point where I had lost 50% of my body weight and got down to 128 - was looking gaunt and withdrawn and pale.  I am staying at about 132 now - amazing the difference that 4 lbs has on this new body size.  That was nothing before and now it could mean something fitting or not... it's crazy. 

I play around with the same 3 to 4 lbs.. and stay around 130-134 - and you better believe when it hits 134, the hyperventilating starts..

I weigh every day and when the scale is up a pound or two I think.. that's it.. the regain is starting, then I try to talk out the negative "I am going to fail" mindset and change that days eating.  1/2 slice bread for a sandwich or no bread and have a rollup - cut out a snack or go for a lower calorie one.  I try not to eat it anyway and say "Oh, I'll work it off during a workout".. then if that workout doesn't happen.... well you know..

I am honestly just starting to see myself as the thinner person I have become.  I still put 5 different outfits on in the morning though :)..  It is strange how I second guess if I can walk out of the house in a tight fitting shirt.. the angel/devil scenario happens - "who do you think you are going out in that" to "go girl, wear it, you worked your ass off for this"..  My husband rolls his eyes and says he can't believe that I still obsess about how I look as much as, well.. no actually MORE than I did before.  I'm coming around on that front and getting used to this new body...  I don't love me yet, but I do think I have a crush on me... I won't walk out of the house without makeup on either.. I guess because I have more pride about how I look.. and that's a good thing!

This new life is amazing, I wouldn't change it for the world.  I am doing, seeing and enjoying more things than I ever thought were possible.  I owe it to me to stay on top of it.

Well Geez, did you think you'd have to read war and peace???  I haven't been on here much, so I guess this is an update on me at the same time!!




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