Tired Thursday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 2/8/12 8:04 pm - Philadelphia, PA
GM PA!!!!

It snowed yesterday, although only a little it is pretty out there!

The drive home yesterday after leaving work as soon as the snow began to beat traffice was still quite crazy.  Most people are fools on the road in challenging weather.

Today I've waited for it to warm up a bit so that the side streets are more clear of the blac**** and am getting ready to leave for work.  It's nice to have the flexibility to make these decisions.

After work home to work on the PP some more and try to get the energy to climb onto the treadmill.  Or just veg on the couch and fall asleep as I normally do when I've worn my brain and body out completely as I do most days.

Hope you all have a wonderful day...



on 2/8/12 8:17 pm
Good morning PA!

Today I have to finish a report for my old job (it's not late - was from my last school visit). This will take a few hours to pull all the pieces together but so thankful for technology....it's mostly copy and paste at this point.

At noon I am meeting with a realtor friend for lunch. It is a business lunch - I am pitching a proposal to do some blogging for her. This will supplement my FL income and give me a chance to have a pretty significant writing credit. Hopefully this will be a "go" - I would love to do this for others via word of mouth recommendations.

Then depending on the weather I will either take a long walk or come back home and go to the gym later on. There is a 5 mile walk I would love to take - it is on the Gulf side of some totally awesome homes. Where the 1% lives, you might say. You and I do NOT live there!

Tomorrow I begin training for my new job with the Apple Store. It is a 2 week training, starting with Fri - Sun for 9 hrs./day. I am already thinking about packing my snacks. Am I food obsessed or what????
Patricia R.
on 2/8/12 10:04 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,
I am a bit sore this morning, mostly in my leg, with some in my back.  I have these lidoderm patches that help a little, but not completely.

I have one errand to run this morning, and then it is home for the rest of the day to keep the leg elevated.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/8/12 10:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Ida and all of PA!  I am here at school.  I am feeling pretty smug!

Yesterday after school I met up with a friend and did the first day of the Couch to 5k training.  I made an appointment with myself and her.  I say myself as at one point in the afternoon, she said she was not going to be able to meet me, my response was, "I totally understand, however, I am STILL going to go forward with it."  In the end she was able to meet me and we did it.  The first 60 second run was the most challenging - it felt like a week - and it was only one minute.  The other intervals were tough, but not as challenging as the first one.  I was so proud of myself for completing it.  So was my friend.  We are scheduled to meet again this afternoon for day two!  And....my thighs are NOT planning a revolt....SWEET!

Today is school, I am so very frustrated with these kids this year.  Had to write up several pink slips/demerits yesterday as the kids were just out of control.  It is going to be such a challenge to get through the rest of this year.  They were so mean to our substitute who they know WELL.  And then, one of my 7th graders - who has a sever stuttering issue - and handles it amazingly with participating, raising hand to take chances, works great with his groups, etc - was made fun of when I asked him to take something to another classroom.  So, I am not sure how I am going to handle it yet.  I don't know exactly who said what and I know they have the whole "mob Mentaility" thing,  But it really disturbs me when ew have had converstaion after conversation about people wiht disabilities, how they NEVER would have chosen to have a certain "difference"  Oh well, I guess some kids will just not get it until much later.  And, in the meantime - I have to teach the best that I can.  SIgh!

After school I am meeting my friend for day two of the C25k program, home to shower then Larry and I are meeting fb hubby and wife for dinner.

Hope your Thursday is a nice one - even though so many don't like it - take a quick look at the scene Mother Nature provided with the snow on the branches of the trees, it will be melting away very quickly!
Lisa H.
on 2/8/12 10:47 pm - Whitehall, PA
 GM Ida and PA...

Siehara's school district had a 2 hour delay today.  So that means that her transportation to Kids Peace was delayed, even though they were not.   I called them to let them know so she would not get in trouble like she was afraid she would.  She showed me all the school work she has done while she was there and she is keeping up pretty well.  She still has a bunch of stuff to do and I am hoping she will get it done in the next two days because she doesn't like it when I try to help her. She did a fantastic brochure on Progeria for one of her classes.  We met a little boy who has it and it totally fascinated her.  So when she was given a list of diseases to choose from for this brochure, she was all over it!! 

We had a pretty good morning.  Siehara hasn't been sleeping well at night, but yesterday while I was at the gym she fell asleep on the sofa.  When I got home I sent her to bed and she slept through the night with no extra lights on--she always turns on her bedroom light and the hallway light--so I know she was tired. 

Today, I am working for Aetna, trying to finish up work that needs to be done for the next bill run.  But, I am not getting the information I need from the underwriters so it leaves me without the ability to finish up.  At least I know it's not my fault that the work isn't getting done.  It's out of my control and I just have to deal with that. 

Tonight, I want to go to the gym.  But, there is also a mini support group at the hospital that I'd like to go to.  I wish I could do both, but the timing will not allow that.  The support group is from 6:30-8, but Body Pump is at 5:30 and Zumba is at 6:45.  I really don't know which I want to do.  I NEED both of them and I know that I cannot motivate myself to work hard on my own at the gym.  Decisions decisions... 

Other than that, we have a family session at Kids Peace where I will let them know what happened the other night and how tired she's been.  We will also determine if she is going to be discharged from the program tomorrow like they have been saying.  

Hope everyone has a great day and stays warm.. the snow is melting quickly.  It IS pretty, but I'm glad it wasn't much.

My tracker


on 2/9/12 12:15 am
GM Ida and PA!!

Thursday? Really?? This is going to be the LONGEST day ever!! I had a performance this morning with some of my students. It went very well, everyone was impressed! We were having a Cat in the Hat assembly and the librarian asked me if some of my kids could play "Happy Birthday" for the program. I taught it to them in like a day...YEAH ME!! Transposing music and figuring out what instrument can play what, is not an easy task!!

Today is wor****il 3:30 unless we have a faculty meeting, which we probably will! Then I have a drs appointment for a BP check. Seems my BP has been higher than usual. They upped one of my meds to help with that so they want to check to see how things are. Then home to grab a quick bite, then off to brownies with Dee for her Ceremony thing a maghy thing. I forget what they call it?? So we probably won't get home much before 8:30, BLECH! Then home to do homework, study for spelling test, make lunches, and finally collapse!

TGIF!! Going to see the Soul Cruisers @ Parx tomorrow night! SOOOO EXCITED!!! My friend from college plays in the group. It REALLY IS a small world!!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth

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