Finally Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 1/26/12 7:33 pm - Philadelphia, PA

I'm just about on my way out to work.  Had to go to NJ last night to get home 95 was a parking lot because of a tractor trailer accident.  Going over the WW to come back on the Tacony took me the same amount of time it would take me using 95 on a busy rush hour so not bad.

Came home to a sick hubby last night.  He usually does a group on Thursday nights had to call out. 

Today working till 4ish.  Hoping to complete my homework during lunch today that is due by 10 pm tonight.  I plan to be in bed early tonight have to head to Jersey to take my daghter to the doctors tomorrow morning, and am picking up the other daughter on the way so we can spend time together.

I heard yesterday it's supposed to be raining this morning hope you all stay dry...



Lisa H.
on 1/26/12 8:27 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Ida,  Glad you got home in a decent amount of time last night.  Enjoy the time with your daughters and I hope Gene gets better soon.

Today's the day! Intake at Kids Peace!!! It's going to be tough knowing that this is the beginning, but also a relief because I know that I am doing the best thing I can do for Siehara and her future. 

After that I am going to an old high school friend's house to pick up some GS cookies I bought for Neil... like he needs them, but whatever... lol

I'm going to see if I can get in to get my hair done today.  I should have thought of it earlier in the week, but nope.  Why would I think of myself with all this other crap going on?  SO, I'm really hoping to get in.  It will give me some me time while she's at school and time to destress while the stylist is giving me a glorious head massage while she rinses the color out of my hair.  

Tonight will be quality time with Siehara.  I don't know what we're going to do yet, but it will definitely be something together.  Neil will be here late tonight after his class.  I have to work 9-3 at the store tomorrow, so he will stay here with her and then we will do "family stuff" tomorrow night.  

This weekend will be all about Siehara and doing simple family type stuff.  We all need this and with her starting the program Monday morning, I'm hoping that it will help to put her in the right mind set to get everything that she needs out of the program.

Hope everyone has a great day!! Looks like it's going to be in the 50's, albeit wet, today. 

My tracker


on 1/26/12 9:33 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 I wish you all the strength to get through today. I am so proud of you for taking this very difficult and challenging step!  Just out of curiousity, how did Siehara respond when you told her she would be going to the partial program?  What happened at the meeting the other day with Kids Peace?  Maybe you wrote about it and I missed it.  Know that I am over here cheering you on.  Phone is at the ready if you want to text.  I am actually available to talk between 10:45 and 11:30 and then again from 1-1:45 if you need to cry to someone!

Love you! :)
Lisa H.
on 1/27/12 1:42 am - Whitehall, PA
Try to call a ***** and she ignores me.. sheesh.. you'd think she had a job or something.. lol.. J/K.. 

Siehara initially responded with trepidation and some anger thinking that this was a punishment.  I talked to her, as did her counselor, and she accepted that this is about getting help.  

The intake meeting went well.  She was open and honest with any questions that were asked of her and she left there feeling good about the program.  At least, she appears to be feeling good about it.  I THINK I would have been able to tell if she was bull****ting us and it didn't seem like she was.  The counselor who talked to us initially told her that she was obviously a great person, she's well spoken and well mannered and that she will get out of the program as much as she puts into it.. So glad we are all on the same page!

The staff psychiatrist is going to do a total med review on her and may (hopefully) make some changes.  The therapist noticed some of the depression signs that I did, so I'm sure an anti-depressant will be ordered.  Maybe there is something that combines the anti-anxiety and anti-depressant so she doesn't have to necessarily ADD a pill.  But, we will do whatever it takes.  They told me that we will have to go for blood work and an EKG since she is on a stimulant med.  Again, whatever it takes...  

That's it for now.. I'm going to relax for a bit.  I was able to get a hair appt for 5:30, so I am going to TRUST Siehara to stay home while I go.. give her a little bit of slack and see how it goes.  Of course, the lap top and all cords to the desk top will be in my possession.  I'm not THAT trusting, yet. 

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 1/26/12 9:05 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,
Busy day ahead of me.  Visiting nurse is coming between 8:30 and 9:30.  Then, I have an appointment with my PCP, for follow up on my hospital visit, and my B12 shot.  After that I have my fifth IV iron infusion, long overdue.  It was supposed to be the first week of January, but I was in the hospital.

When I get home, I will be exhausted.  So, I will be crasing on my couch.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/26/12 9:05 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Gm Ida, Lisa and all of PA!

I am here a little early at school, trying to get some stuff done.  Not sure it will happen.  Last night was a bit of a crazy one.  We have not had heat in our house for a while - not sure how long but realized it on Wednesday.  Called the heating company and they came out yesterday about 4ish.  We were planning an early dinner as we needed to head 35 minutes out to a Shiva house.  Planned on leaving about 6ish.  We were fed, cleaned up and ready to go only to know that this guy from the heating company was still in the basement. I took the girls and Larry and Josh stayed back.  He was there until about 7ish. CRAZY!  Shiva was nice, not too sad.  The girls were happy to see their friends, as was I.  I love how we handle death in Judaism.  I don't always agree with all of the traditions of my faith, however, shiva is an amazing process on the path to healing after a death.  And even though the woman that died was 90+ years old, she was someone's mom, grandmom, GREAT grandmom (13 times), sister, aunt and friend.  

As for today - I am in school.  After school I am headed home, my dad will be in town this weekend.  I will hopefully see him tonight.  Then I told FB wife that I would go to synagogue with her if she feels she needs to be there - another tradition in Judaism, going to services to hear the deceased person's name and feel a little more at ease with the whole situation.  She texted me this morning that she needs to be there, so I will most likely join her and her brother.

As for the weekend, lots of things - I am wanting to go skiing on Sunday - I know the weather is not cooperating, so I am not sure what the plans are as of now.

Happy Happy Happy Friday all! :)
on 1/27/12 12:16 am
GM Ida and PA!!

Ida, hope all goes well with your daughters and that Gene feels better! Last weekend I was dealing with Steven being sick, not fun?!?!

Lisa, I am praying and thinking of you and Siehara!! I hope that Siehara takes full advantage of this program for her sake and yours!!

Trish, continued healing for you!!

Steffi, Shiva's for the most part are a good way to heal a broken heart!!

Today I am working until 2:15, then I am leaving early to go pick up the child at school then coming BACK to my school for a movie night. It is a fundraiser for the 8th grade class so I said I would help out! Then back home to collapse....I may be volunteering to do some extra cookie booths on Saturday. I may have plans for tomorrow night, still unsure if I want to go...I don't know why I can't make up my mind about it??? Sunday is MORE cookie booth fun, then lunch and time with my BFF!!

Gotta go!
Have a great day!!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

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