Good news for a change!!!!!!
I think it's about time we all had some good news for a change.
Things are looking up around here!!
Siehara has had a great week!! Siehara TALKED TO HER THERAPIST!!!!!!! On Tuesday, I asked her how it went, expecting her typical "ok, I guess" type of response. Instead, she told me that she told her how the kids at school pick on her and make her feel bad and how Blake and the "sexting" boys make her feel good about herself. She said that she cried to her and felt weird about it. I let her know how AWESOME it was that she was comfortable enough to cry in front of a stranger and that it would help her to get her true feelings out so she can learn how to deal with those emotions, as well as find better people (like Blake) to hang out with who can make her feel good about herself.
She has stayed on task as far as her chores at home, for the most part. And, I have gotten great reports from her teachers!
I sent an e-mail to all of her teachers and the school psychologist yesterday to check on her progress. Her grades this quarter are much better than the first quarter (including gym) and she said that she expects to make Honor Roll!! She is such a smart girl. She just needs the structure and discipline to complete her work.
I am so happy with the progress she is making, especially in such a short time!! Allow me to share some of the comments I received from school so you can share in my joy!
From the psych:
"I am glad she started opening up to the therapist also. Thanks for letting us know all of this good news!! She is a bright young lady, with many strengths (that have thus far not been tapped fully). It really seems like Siehara is turning things around. :) "
Homeroom, Spanish, Enrichment:
"In Spanish, she is doing fine. Her grade for the 2nd quarter looks like a solid A. She has been completing her homework & participating in class. More importantly, I saw an improvement this week with making noises, talking out & off-task behaviors. Let's keep working hard for her success! "
Social Studies:
"Siehara scored an "A" on the chapter 5 test. I asked her if she studied and she said that she did not study. I think that she did all of the work leading up to the test and was with me for the last few weeks. "
Academic Strategies:
"At this time, Siehara has an A+ in my class, her behavior is fairly good, she can get a little off-task at times, but overall her participation is well-received and she contributes positively :) Thank you for your message!"
I am SOOOOO proud of her and YOU! You are a GREAT Mom and she is so lucky to have you!!
Hearing about her struggles at school (especially with other kids being mean to her), really makes being a teenager even HARDER! Not that it isn't hard enough?!?!
Sounds like she is on a FANTASTIC road!!
Tell her I said that I am proud of her!
Love to both of you
So happy that things are looking up for you and Siehara.
Hugs, Donna