Wednesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 1/3/12 7:50 pm - Philadelphia, PA
GM PA!!!

It is mid-week, I sure could tell the holidays were over with my drive yesterday.....Last week my drive was 32 min max to get from my house to work using I95.  Yesterday could not go near 95 had to use the side streets and my drive is back to an amazes me that there are so many vehicles out there during rush hour.  Coming home I also had to alter my route to use the side streets to get home rather than 95.  Using my alternate route although it adds time - it saves the aggrivation of insanity on the highway. 

On the way to work yesterday it was snowing/flurrying most of the way....

Today I'm working till 4 then home to play on my treadmill - two days in a row I've managed to get my arse on the darn thing.  Hider was sitting next to me last night while I was walking as soon as I turned it off she got onto the treadmill and sat down.  Guess she didn't like being separated from me.

I did email my instructor yesterday - it seems I'm not the only student who was confused with our schedule - she stated she was receiving a lot of emails regarding Fridays upcoming class and we do have to go to campus.  Oh JOY!!!!  A Friday spent on campus until 10 pm.....

Have to run and pack my breakfast, lunch, and snacks....

Have an awesome day....



on 1/3/12 8:39 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa. and Ida,
Totally know where you are coming from traffic wise.  I am in Tn. for two weeks and the traffic yesterday was awful.  I went into the post office and the line was so long I thought they were giving something away, decided to go back today instead.  On another note coming to Tn. may not have been the best idea, to much time to think, and then realize that I will be living in this large house by myself forever is wearing on me. 
Today will find me running errands.  Need to go to the court house and get a copy of the deed to the house for the lawyer.  Need to go somewhere to print out paperwork to get my credit report from all three agencies, as the lawyer wants to make sure no one has used my name for credit before the divorce goes through.  Walmart is also on the list there are so many things I need to replace that were left in the Pa. house, I have to do it a bit at a time.  Trying to keep myself busy unpacking some stuff that has been boxed up for a few years in anticipation of moving in permanently.  Looked for job openings for something part time when I get here to keep me a little occupied.  Hope that my daughter finds a daywork job soon, as the nite time nurse thing is hindering my ablility to move here permanently.  I worry about how she will do it with the kids, but it's almost "me time" and I know it will work out.
That's about it for me today.  Need to star****ching what I eat as my hair is starting to fall out again, but I am sure it is not just a protein issue, but my nerves as well.
Have a Good Day All, Ena
PS Ida hope things are going better for you with the house this year.

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




on 1/3/12 9:08 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - a lot of people must have taken yesterday off as part of the holiday because traffic was much, much worse for me today as well. Last night we were home in record time, but I have a feeling tonight it will be much later again. I have to tell you that I am over these long, dark, cold days.

Yesterday I was looking at jobs on line in Florida where we'll be living - there appear to be some good part-time options available that offer benefits - I need them more than the money. So once we have a final sale on the house and date to move I can really start doing the job hunt. Not that I'm looking forward to that, but again, hoping for something with fewer hours and definitely closer to home.

I got on my bike last night, Ida - got dinner in the oven and then got on the bike - after I finished I got hubby on it while I got dinner together - we both need to start moving more. Also made myself a protein shake for breakfast today - have to get back into a better food routine myself.

That's about it for me today - stay warm, bundle up, and be careful out there.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 1/3/12 9:38 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning folks...Nice and crisp here in my classroom!!!!!

I have to tell you - I am wearing a long sleeve sweater under a sweater dress with very thick tights.  The people in my building were wondering why I wasn't so cold.  Seriously?!?!?!  They looked at me like I was wearing shorts and a tank top today.  Just shut up and leave me alone, I actually do know how to dress myself...OY! 

Anyway - just a rant - so I saw stepdads wife yesterday after school.  Stepdad walked out of the house the moment I stepped foot in.  He refused to even acknowledge that I was there.  Wife did - her response to him walking out was that he was not going to get in to an arguement.  Hence my fb post last night about sometimes an argument means that you mean something to someone else.  I truly feel that he could care less about the relationship as he wont talk about it.  I am sure he had no idea that the post was for him - I was talking to a friend and said, "facebook, my favorite place for passive aggresiveness!"  LOL!!  It entertained me!  Anyway - wife of course, changed her story about if they were going to come over.  I think from now on, whenever it has to do with something within our family I am going to write down what that ***** says - right in front of her.  Have I mentioned that I can't stand her.  I am not going to see them again until next Tuesday at this point.  So, I either deal with him, or ignore him and move on....haven't decided what to do yet.

So, as for today, I am at school, directly from school I head off to the therapist and then to pick up Molly and head to the market, I think.  Larry is home tonight and tomorrow night and then I am off to Washington DC for some teenage lobbying.  I will explain as it gets closer.  This will be my third year of traveling with the 10th graders from my synagogue.  So excited.

Have a great Wednesday - hope you are all staying warm!
on 1/3/12 10:05 pm
GM Ida and PA!


My ride in to work was pretty normal, thank goodness. Yesterday I got off my *** and did some Zumba on the Wii. Hubby joined me, OMG! That was hysterical!! Seeing him trying to do Zumba. It really made the time fly and before I knew it, the class was over. I think he needs Zumba for dummies?!?!?

Today is wor****il 3:30 then off to pick up Dee and her friend and take them to hebrew school. Then home to do MORE Zumba, watch my soap, make dinner, etc. Gotta get back to exercising!!!!! Seems to be a reoccuring theme here....LOL!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth">">>

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