Tuesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 1/2/12 7:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
GM PA!!!

For those of you that are still on vacation - yeah!!!!

For the rest of us who are pulling ourselves out of bed to begin our drives into work - yuck!!!

On the bright side I do have Monday Jan 16th off from both work and school something to look forward to!!!  Then no holidays until May - I'm going to have to sit down with my calendar and see what days I'm going to take off each month.....

Finished my homework yesterday - not liking the start of this class very much - little communication from the instructor - no idea of expectations at this point.  I believe Friday is another on-line class so we are not going to meet this instructor face to face until the third class.  I do intend to send an email making sure we are not supposed to be on-campus Friday.

Today working till 4, then home.  Got myself on the treadmill last night have to start out slow - 15 min for the first couple days, it's probably going to take a while to work up to the two hours I used to be able to do.  Baby steps.  I did cook a good variety of food/meals over the weekend so that we are eating more than yogurt all week.  Since the construction on the house has begun yogurt has become the main staple of food in this house.  I'm tired of it so I managed to bring in some kitchen utensils and then bought others that are burried too far into the shed to get to, so now I can do a bit of un imaginative cooking.

Hope you all have a wonderful day - stay warm...



on 1/2/12 9:37 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Ida and all of PA.

I am back to sitting in my classroom.  I am ready to see the kids again.  I really do miss them over break.  However, I have not planned anything for the day yet - so we shall see what I ACTUALLY accomplish.  Anyway - I am dealing with some stressors.  Friday evening was our family Hanukkah party.  My step dad and his wife said that they had a wedding in the afternoon but that they should be there.  Well, at 7:15 Molly called them to see where they were.  I don't know who she talked to, but they said they were home, but they were tired.  They live a whopping 7 minutes away from us.  I truly think that it was because my aunt and uncle were there.  They are very difficult people.  My uncle is my mom's brother.  They tried to stay in touch with Charlie (Stepdad) after mom died.  He sucks at returning calls and making plans and my aunt is a "stand-on-ceremony" type person.  So, that relationship basically ended.  Then he did the same thing to my mom's best friend, my Aunt Ellen.  The difference there is that she is so laid back, it is not a big deal to her.  In any event, I tried to tell him last night how upset I was, his response on the phone was, "ok, good bye" and we hung up.  So when he showed up this morning to get Emily to school, I handed him his and his wife's holiday gift, (Well, tossed it actually), I said, "This would have been much nicer had you bothered to show up on Friday night."  His response was to sit stone faced and say nothing.  I then said, "I was really hurt that you couldn't even stop by for a half hour or so."  HE then said, "Sorry"  I said, it was not enough. He hurt me and he hurt his grandchildren.  As a matter of fact, Molly was still home when he showed up and she said directly to him, "I am really angry that you didn't come over Friday night." I had no idea she was going to say something.  I continued by telling him that he is my connection to my mom and that he and wife couldn't be bothered to even call us really hurt me. And I went on to say that he is alienating himslef from me and his grandchildren.  Again, he just sat there.  To be perfectly honest, he is a very weak man.  He was in his marriage to my mom and now again with this woman.  What really got to me was that at a hanukkah party that they put together at the last minute the week before Christmas wife was complaining to me that so many people backed out and how upset she was.  Then she turns around and does the same damn thing to me and the kids.  I know that these people are not going to change, however, I am not going to just sit back and allow this to happen without them knowing how I feel.  It is not how I roll.  I am hopeful that wife will be at my house this afternoon when I get home.  I will certainly say something to her as well.  However, I don't really like her - and I am only interested in step dad doing the right thing.

Anyway - Thanks for letting me rant.  I Am at school, then afterschool take Emily to Hebrew School, home for a bit, then back to teach tonight.  Then home to what I hope is the second of four of Larry's last night shifts!  He will be home Wednesday and Thursday nights.  Then Friday and Saturday SHOULD be his last night shifts.  Monday will start day work around the corner from the house.  Literally a 7 minute WALK.  Sigh....I am sooo hoping this goes through.  If it doesn't, my poor poor poor therapist!

Happy Tuesday all!
on 1/2/12 10:04 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - I'm back at work this morning too - and I have the 16th off, then I'll be off the week of the 23rd for shoulder surgery. Sad when you look forward to a week off when having surgery!! I'm really trying to get back into the groove this morning - seeing SNOW on the way in did not help my disposition this morning!!

Good for you Ida for getting back on the treadmill - I will be getting back on my bike tonight. I need to get to the store for food, though - not sure that will happen before the weekend. Need to pull my Magic Bullet out and start making my protein shakes in the morning.

Our neighbor's brother is coming over this week to discuss buying the house, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that we reach a good financial agreement and date with him.

Got some of my Xmas stuff put away yesterday while I was cleaning, but not all of it. The tree has to come down sometime this week - that thing is dropping needles like crazy - reminds me of why I have a FAKE tree!

That's about it for me this morning - hope everyone has a good day getting back into the swing of things.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 1/2/12 10:43 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning all.. things are quiet here, it's weird.  Siehara went back to school yesterday, but Neil was still here.  

He left about 30 minutes ago to go back home.  He has a viewing to go to and then starts his last semester of school tonight.  He will have a ton of work to do and we will not get to see him much before graduation in February.  I'm thinking I probably won't see him until January 21, when we are going to a birthday party together.  I know we will talk before then, but not seeing him will not be nice.  When the hell did I get so attached to him?? lol.    I AM so grateful to have found him and that we have established such a great relationship.  He and Siehara are becoming close, as well.  THAT is what is most important!  She respects him and listens to his advice.  

So, today I am working for Aetna.  After work, Siehara has her 1st one on one counseling appointment with the new therapist.  I really hope she is able to open up to her and make more progress.  

After the appointment, we are going to come home and I am going to touch up the relaxer in her hair.  Her roots have grown in quite a bit and it's time.  While we are doing that, we are going to watch the movie "Soul Surfer".  It is supposed to be a great, inspirational movie.  It will be nice to spend quality time with her one on one. 

Last night, I went back to the gym for zumba.  During class, I could feel that my sugar was dropping and I had to sit down.  Thankfully, I had a protein bar and a big bottle of water with me.  I ate and dran****il I felt better and then had to leave.  I need to get much better about my food so I can keep this under control.   I am going to try to get out and do some walking at lunch.  I need to get back into the groove and make my pouch do its job again.  

At some point in the next few weeks I do still want to call the dr to discuss the revision to my stoma.  It is causing me issues since I still feel that I am not in control and need the extra help from the revision to get me back on track.  It's too hard doing it on my own.  My motivation has plummeted and I'm sure part of it is due to the stress I've had in my life lately.... sigh.. 

Anyway, that's it for me today.  Back to work.. stay warm.  We did not have any snow here, but it's VERY COLD.  

My tracker


on 1/2/12 10:46 pm - Feasterville-Trevose, PA
Happy Tuesday y'all.  I have to get moving, one more day home and I'll grow roots!  Did someone say "snow"?  OMG, wash your mouth out with chocolate!
on 1/2/12 11:34 pm
GM Ida and PA!

Back to work already?? WOW did the vacation fly by!! Here I am, thinking about the changes I want to make for the new year. I did two things to jump start these changes. One, I quit my second job so I could dedicate that time to exercising EVERY day! I also brought my mini fridge back to school so I can bring yogurt, cheese sticks and other healthy refrigerated snacks to school with me. I was really getting tired of not having it!

So, today I begin my exercise routine. After school I will be dragging my walking buddy with me as we walk around the inside of our school. It is big enough that we can, so we will!!

Yesterday went to the doctor to get the results of my bloodwork. There were really no surprises. I have been off of cholesterol medicine since the summer and well, my cholesterol went up, not dramatically, but enough to go back on meds. My sugar is controlled, YEAH!!! The doctor suggested exercise, which is what I was planning on doing anyway. She was really thorough and gave me some useful information as to plan exercise to not only burn fat but also to work my heart. My BP is also elevated, hmmm, I wonder how that happened?? So they are upping one of my meds that I am already on to help control the BP.

After exercise I will go home, make dinner, help Dee with her homework, then relax. Dee is on punishment for the next two weeks, LONG STORY!! So, she will be banished to her room while we watch the IOWA Caucous(sp) on MSNBC. As hubby says, sports season has begun. Yeah, politics IS his sport!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth

Sara E.
on 1/3/12 12:18 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good morning all!
I have been MIA during the holidays.  From New Year's Eve until noon on the 2nd Caleb was very sick with the stomach flu, so he took up all my time.  I was to go shopping with one of my best friends on the 2nd but she wasn't feeling up to it.  I am back to work today.  Sure wish I would hit the lottery and have more spare time:)  After work I am working out with one of my best friends.  We have been working out together for over a month now and are really toning up.  Not much else is new....take care.

PS:  We had about 1.5 inches of snow at my house this morning...yuk.



Patricia R.
on 1/3/12 1:09 am - Perry, MI
 Hi Ida and PA,
I am still nursing my injuries from my fall on Friday.  I broke my nose and banged up my head and left leg pretty bad.  I was at the ER yesterday because my leg was a mess.  I made appointments with the ENT doc for tomorrow morning, and a follow-up with my PCP for my leg on Thursday.  Have to rearrange some appointments to accomodate these new appointments.

So, the rest of my day is keeping my leg elevated, because it hurts like nothing I have experienced when it is not elevated.

Hope everyone has a great day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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