Saturday Roll Call

Patricia R.
on 12/30/11 9:16 pm - Perry, MI
I really appreciate all the prayers and replies to my Facebook post about my fall and broken nose.  I feel so stupid.  In addition to the broken nose, I have a lump and scar on my forehead, a cut on the brodge of my nose.  Also, my left knee and shin are messed up, but not broken.  I have to call my Ear/Nose/Throat doctor on Monday to see about moving my appointment up.  I already have an appointment to see him on the 17th, but really hope he can get me in next week sometime.

Today, I am taking it easy.  I am in a world of hurt physically, and my dignity is outside on the street where I fell.  Tonight, my sister-in-law and her husband invited my sister and I over for pork barbecue and a game night.  We all love a game my daughter got us hooked on.  Anyone hear of "Ticket to Ride?"  It's pretty cool.

Prayers for anyone needing them.  Would appreciate prayers for healing and strength, also that I would be able to get in to see the doctor sooner.

Hugs and love,
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

IdaMae D.
on 12/30/11 9:44 pm - Philadelphia, PA
GM Trish & PA:

Trish - sending prayers, I missed your facebook post....

I'm up and dressed and heading out for blood work. 

It amazes me that I mentioned to one daughter that I was hurt that I am always an afterthought to my daughters when it comes to them coming to see me.  I'm the one that is expected to do all the running around if I want to see them, they never go out of their way to call come see me, however, I didn't mention to them that I'm on speeddial if they need money or we are planning an outing that I and Gene or I am paying for.  Yet they run to see their dad who pretty much lives right around the corner from them, doesn't do anything supportive for them, never has money, lived with one daughter for 3 years, didn't work, never helped out financially when he was there.  When the kids fell on hard times while he was living there guess who they called to help them out - us.  Now that our finances have tightened up it seems that I'm not on the list of important folks in their life and am an afterthought for just about everything.

I mentioned that to my daughter, then I get a text from the other daughter asking why I'm fighting with and mad at the other daughter.  Yesterday my son-in-law speaks to Gene and tells him I'm mad at my daughter.  All I said was I'm hurt that they don't go out of their way to see me. 

Gene and I talked about it and he helped me to see that I broke out of the old family system from when I was married to my ex-husband.  I never said anything took all the abuse and was quiet.  I'm not supposed to speak or say when I'm hurt and the only way they can process it is to defend start a fight and say I'm fighting with them.  It makes me sad to see that my daughters cannot break from that unhealthy family system.  LIke I said to Gene yesterday I broke from that system and unfortunately have to live with those consequences.  My girls cannot see how unhealthy it is and are comfortable in that system. 

As 2011 comes to a close I'm thinking of all I am sad for, yet realizing all I have to be thankful for.

I have a wonderful husband, I have wonderful friends whom I look upon as family.  I have an awesome support sytem when I need to lean on it.  I've met so many wonderful, supportive, inspiring folks through my WL journey and I am thankful for so much.

HOpe you all have a safe, healthy, happy new year....



on 12/30/11 10:47 pm
GM Trish and PA!

Trish, so sorry to hear about your fall! Take care of yourself!!

Ida, my heart aches for you that your daughters are so hurtful to you! You don't deserve that!!!

Yesterday was a CRAZY day for me! Woke up early,too early for being on vacation. Got dressed, then did a couple of errands, came home then went right back out again to meet up with a friend for brunch. Had a nice time there until Dee told me her ear hurt! This started about noon. I had planned to see my folks who I haven't seen in awhile. I asked her if she would be ok to go and she said yes. So we went to the nursing home. As we were there Dee was getting worse and worse, practically in tears! So we cut our visit short and left. On the way home I stopped at CVS to get some tylenol for her. She took it but was not getting any better. I decided to listen to my instincts and call the pediatrician. Luckily they had an appointment open. I took her and yes it was an ear infection!! We have been dealing with ear infections with her since she was a baby. Which lead to two tubal surgeries and her adenoids removed before she was two. After many trips to ENT, I thought we were over the ear issues....apparently not! After the doctor I stopped off at the pharmacy to get her antibiotics then came home and gave her the meds right away. She was not getting any better, crying terribly. By this time, hubby was home from work and I had to go to the store to pick up some stuff. While I was gone, hubby was dealing with her crying in pain. Then I think her ear drum popped, because her ear was bleeding and fluid was coming out. There was not a lot of blood, but the pain finally subsided. Both Dee and hubby went to bed around 9, I stayed up and enjoyed the quiet for a bit.

She slept through the night and is feeling much better today, THANK G-D!! I got a decent nights sleep as well. I plan to stay at home today, do some baking, and just relaxing! I may take a nap since I would like to stay up to see the ball drop.

I would like to take the time to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!! I hope that we all have a GREAT year!

Love to all, Beth">">>

on 12/31/11 1:44 am - Boothwyn, PA
Happy New Years Eve all - Trish, so sorry to hear about your fall! I hope you're feeling better soon. Ida, nobody can hurt you like family and I'm sorry to hear your daughters are so insensitive to your wants and needs. Prayers going out to you and Trish.

I'm in Fenwick now at my BFF's house for NYE. We met up with her and her husband yesterday in Smithfield, NC - they were traveling from Wilmington, NC where they had been visiting their daughter. We went to the Ava Gardner museum and had a ball. The woman working at the museum even let me take my dog in because she saw him sitting in the car! After that we stopped for lunch then headed to the beach.

Loved spending Christmas with my siblings - miss them already and am hoping we're back down there soon permanently. Not looking forward to the cold weather.

And speaking of cold weather my daughter and oldest granddaughter made it safely to Montana. Yes they're on the move again - I hope they find happiness there because they haven't been happy anywhere else.

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Years Eve - relax and enjoy!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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