Work-it Wednesday Roll Call

on 12/20/11 8:10 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - where is everybody?? I'm up and have started gathering more stuff to pack to take to Florida. Figured I'd take a short break and have some coffee to get me going this morning.

My brother arrived on time last night from Florida - some friends came over to see him - well, and us, of course - LOL - we had a nice evening - lots of laughs and good times. My brother looks good - I'm upset because he is smoking again - but like my mother he will have to suffer the consequences. I love him - wish he would stop so we'd have him around for a long time.

This morning I'll be dropping him off to pick up the rental truck and my nephew and a friend are loading it today. Gotta hand it to my nephew - he worked his butt off yesterday bringing everything up into the garage, and then had cheese & pepperoni and crackers and cheese spread laid out last night for our company!

Now I have to get ready for work - or get something in my tummy - yes, have to do that first, then shower and get ready for work. Today is our holiday luncheon and Yankee gift exchange. It's always a good time.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 12/20/11 10:09 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Kathy & PA:

Sounds like you are on target to get underway for Florida - have an awesome trip.   Are you coming back or is this the official move?

Today I'm going to bake cookies.  Yesterday after lunch at Chickie and Pete's with some of my co-wokers I'd planned to bake cookies.  Instead I came home to Gene having the electric off to that part of the house so I could not bake the cookies and had to put it off to today.  I'm also planning an apple and pumpkin pie to take to Gene's sisters Christmas Eve. 

So far this week I've gotten to sleep till 8 every day - WOO HOO!!!!!  I have not looked at my assignments that are due Jan 2nd although that is in the back of my mind.  My books came for my next class, I put them back in the box and decided I'm not stressing about it just yet.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today....



on 12/21/11 12:19 am - Boothwyn, PA
 We have to come back - this time. But we'll have a few good days with family before heading north and meeting up with friends then spending NYE with them. Hopefully after the holidays we'll hear from the people who looked at our house and see where we stand with them. Keeping everything crossed that they want it and we can reach an agreement on price.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 12/21/11 12:23 am - Philadelphia, PA
 we will definately keep you in our prayers that all works out as you want it to...


on 12/20/11 10:14 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 OH OH OH!!!! I want in on the Yankee gift exchange please! :)

Anyway - good morning Kathy and all of PA!!!!!  I am up and at school.  Overslept again...Not sure what the issue is.  I actually went to sleep by 11 last night and STILL did not hear my alarm....I am seriously in need of that alarm that smacks you around until you get up!  Sigh!

Today is hoping to be a low key day.  I am teaching my students the dreidel game.  I love to watch them learn it and play and ask all kinds of questions about the holiday.  They are often completely surprised to find out it is a minor holiday and it is why I am not taking time off.  (I think secretly, they want me to take a day off...or...maybe NOT so secretly!)  :)

After school I am heading home for the evening.  We are doing the homework dance, having dinner with I hope, LOTS of latkes!!!! (Larry is home, no worries, I will NOT be near the fire)  And then gifts for the kids.  Then Larry and I have a date on the couch for the evening.  I feel kind of bad though, it is fb hubby's birthday - (And btw, go over to my wall and wish him a happy birthday drives him crazy - and all part of my master plan of torture....MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!)  Anyway - we were just invited over this morning to dinner to celebrate - but Larry has worked 7 straight nights and wants to just NEVER leave the bed, let alone the house! :)  So, I told them we will celebrate over break.

I am hopeful that this Hanukkah season is just as fun, if not more so, than in the past!  To those that celebrate, I hope you are finding some things to redidicate yourself to.  I am choosing a healthy life-style.  That is my wish for this Hanukkah season!

Happy Wednesday all! :)
on 12/21/11 12:20 am - Boothwyn, PA
It appears we've all gotten a tad lazy in the gift department - either that or we're all becoming alcoholics, because there are a whole lot of booze bottles on that gift table this year!!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 12/20/11 10:59 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Kathy, PA Friends. . .

Kathy sounds like you are rolling along on that Florida destination. . .  did I miss it, have you sold the house or found a prospective buyer yet?  I'm excited for you.  As for your brother, smoking is an awful addiction, I've seen many of my dear friends watch as family members suffered through cancer and yet they continued on.  I was a smoker from the age of 13 until 48, though there were several years of not smoking and countless attempts at quitting smoking, I actually earned the nick name "Laureen Quits Smoking A Lot" back when Dances with Wolves movie was out, but finally I made up my mind to quit and this coming March will mark 9 years since I last had a cigarette, not a habit I miss anymore, I pray your brother comes to his senses, but I also know it is tougher than herion to quit and that's a fact.  BTW, what is a Yankee gift exchange?

Today we are having our gift exchange, as well as a Pizza luncheon, I brought my lunch with me to avoid the pizza, it just is not worth it to me, though I did order a Chicken Ceasar salad for those who don't do pizza, but I roasted an oven stuffer last night in my Ron Popeil rotessiere and so I packed it up a piece and brought it with me, along with a sweet potato.  After work, I will head to Barix to support group for any who find their way there.  Many are busy, so I'm not expecting a big turnout, but who comes, comes and we will make it a good support group.

That's it for me, wishing you all the best possible of days and Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/21/11 12:25 am - Boothwyn, PA
Hi Laureen - no, we haven't sold the house yet - we'll be back Jan 1st or 2nd. We just figured since we were going to head south for the holidays we might as well make it worth our while and take a load of stuff along. Most of it will just go into the garage for now, because we know we need new carpet in the house, and the less furniture and stuff to move the better. We do have a prospective buyer - keeping our fingers crossed that they come back after the holidays with an offer.

I smoked for 20 years myself and quit cold turkey - almost 22 years now - and no, it is not easy - but after watching what my mother went through, and his cancer is soooo similar, you think that would be incentive enough to quit. Sadly she would quit for a while but always went back to them - it's a crutch for both of them. I just pray that he stays relatively healthy.

Enjoy your party! We're having meatball and roast beef sandwiches - I just grab a couple of meatballs bcause the rolls are just way too much bread; salads, etc. Should be fun - and should be here any minute! I better get moving...

After the holidays have settled down I'd still love to meet for dinner - don't give up on me!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 12/20/11 11:15 pm - Bristol, PA
Good morning all!

Today is pretty low key.  Got my drain out yesterday, which is WONDERFUL!  Can't say I will miss it. As for today it's sipping and walking and off to Barix tonight for the support meeting. 

Hope to see you there!
on 12/21/11 12:35 am - PA
Morning all. Its pretty quiet and dreary up near Princeton this morning. Can't wait to get out of work and go to Barix tonight. I need the support tonight.
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