Thursday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 12/14/11 7:18 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Today I'm working till 1 then heading over to Jersey to take my daughter to the cardiologist.

Ohter than that nothing really happening other than finding more issues with the house that need to be reversed/repaired/fixed = additional cost to us....

Hope you all have a wonderful day..



on 12/14/11 9:42 pm - PA
morning all!

I am a serious lurker and I read all the posts everyday. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't.  Just wanted to let you know how motivated I am by all of you, I hurt when you hurt and am glad when you have "wow" moments.

That being said, I am not in a good place today and I am not really sure what to do about it. I am not quite sure what is wrong with me today. I am feeling so very blue today. My scale isn't moving I am trying to change things up hopefully that will work. It just isn't the scale that has me blue, it is a combination of sooooo many things. Ugh, this too shall pass I guess....

Anyway, thanks for hearing me. Sometimes it is just better to let it out....

on 12/14/11 10:22 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Hi Joanne - lurking is okay - if it helps you through rough spots then all the better. We've all been in your spot where the blue**** when the scale stalls for a while - for me it brought back all those nights of terror knowing I had to step on a Weigh****cher or Jenny Craig scale knowing it wasn't going to move, or if it did it would be in the wrong direction! Old memories can haunt us for a very long time.

If you're working to change things up I'm sure that scale will start moving again, and very soon. Have you taken your measurements? Sometimes our bodies just need to catch up to all of the sudden weight loss, but even though the scale may not be moving the inches are probably melting away, and if you track that it will help you through some of the scale-stalls.

Hope you're feeling better soon...Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 12/15/11 12:10 am - Whitehall, PA
 Hi Joanne, sorry you are having a rough day.  You are still newly post op and your hormones are going crazy.  It is totally normal to feel like this AND to stall at this point in your journey.  Your body needs to catch up to itself and realize that it is not starving and then your weight loss will pick up again.  

Like Kathy said, as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, the scale will move again. 

As far as the other things that ail you, if you want to share it with us and get opinions or just to vent, feel free.  OR, if you don't want to put it out there publicly, feel free to PM me (or I'm sure anyone else here). 

Hang in there!! 

My tracker


Laureen S.
on 12/15/11 4:25 am - Maple Shade, NJ

It's ok to feel blue sometimes, that is part of life and I think everyone experiences that at some points along the way, you are going through so many changes, physically and emotionally.  So don't fret, the scale will move again, changing things up is sometimes a requirement, our bodies need to be tricked sometimes, but the other thing is, don't be dictated to by the scale.  Also, hormones play a factor in all this, as fat stores them, and as we lose weight they are released and therefore sometimes that results in a dip in our emotions as well. . .  lastly we are here to share in your journey, so if you feel blah, feel free to express yourself as you need to.

Hugs and wishing for this to pass quickly.  Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/14/11 10:29 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning Ida and everyone - getting a slow start posting this morning - got to work early with the intent of continuing a project I'm working on for my manager but she was already here and chatty, so I didn't dive into it as soon as I wanted. Been working on it all morning - time to take a little break.

My brother e-mailed last night with a wonderful offer - he's going to fly up next week and drive the rental truck down to Florida for us. He said he was concerned about my husband driving our SUV the whole way by himself, and I'm sure he was a little concerned about me driving the truck, but it's a wonderful offer so we're buying his plane ticket - one way is cheap enough - and paying for his overnight room. It'll make it so much easier on us. My family can be tough at times but we all pull together and help each other - I'm very blessed.

Tonight I'll be tackling more packing - probably pack a big duffle bag with sheets, towels and toiletries to use in the new house while we stay there. We have enough furniture in it to get us by - most of our meals will be at one of my sisters' houses. But we really want to spend time in our house, too - get a feel for it - start thinking about what we want to do in it, etc.

That's about it for me today - my eyes are driving me crazy and my nose is itchy - I think I'm allergic to the real Xmas tree we have this year - we haven't had a real tree in over 10 years, and since this one has been in the house my allergies are going bonkers.

Counting down til we head south for the holidays!!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 12/14/11 10:41 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Hi Ida - my heart and strength are with you as you continue with this mess!

I am sitting in school with my hand bandaged due to a serious burn last night.  I was frustrated and did not carefully see where I put a spatula last night, it had fallen in to the fire under the pan I was using to make Emily eggs.  When I went to pick it up I burned my hand so badly that the plastic of the spatula would not come off my hand.  UGH!  It had been such a good day at school.  My observation was AWESOME!  And then there was this!  

Anyway - I am at school.  My hand is bandaged and it is sore now that I am using it - and of course, it was my right hand.  I have to do a beginning of a lesson as my principal messed up and came a half hour late to my room and wanted to come back today.  No worries.  The kids are excited to show her what they know.  I tell the kids that she is coming in to see how we work together.  This way they are not surprised when she comes in and they think that it is them she is looking at.  And, again, I love what I am teaching, so it is not a concern that she is coming back.  After school, I will go home for the homework dance, hopefully clear some things up with Larry and then tonight is Emily's winter concert.  She is in the choir and the band playing her trumpet.  She has been practicing.  And for those who know her - it is amazing how such a beautiful and big sound comes out of the trumpet from such a little petite person.  Looking forward to that.  Larry is there now because he has to work tonight, for a change.  He is not off until Monday night of next week,  shoot me now please! 

Have a great Thursday all!

Lisa H.
on 12/15/11 12:33 am - Whitehall, PA
 Oye Ida.. I really hope you get all this straightened out soon and you can enjoy your home again. 

Kathy.. it's really real, huh?   I think it's great that your brother is going to drive the truck for you.  I would NOT want to drive that truck across town, let alone all the way to FL.  

Steffi.. um, yeah.. no words re: your burn.. well, ok I feel bad that you hurt yourself, but how the hell did you end up in the kitchen anyway?  Have Larry teach Emily.. it's probably safer.  

Today has me working.. still training with Aetna.  I am supposed to be done today, but we have had some hold ups with meetings and such that the trainer has had to attend.  We'll see.  It doesn't seem to be too difficult and I'm sure I can figure it all out.  I just may need to ask a few questions here and there.  If we cannot get it done today, then we will meet one day next week to finish up.  I have off tomorrow so I can do what I need to do to get ready for Neil's parents' party.  I'm mostly ready, but I need to leave here by noon to get to his house with plenty of time to get dressed and ready.  I was going to have someone do my hair and makeup, but I think I can handle it myself.  Maybe there's a mall near him that has a Sephora and a hair place, just in case.  I think I'll look into that.  

Tonight, I'm working Dress Barn for a change.. I'm definitely liking the fact that they are giving me all these hours.  It sure helps the pocket.  

Home from work and relaxing before bed.  I DO still have to get up in the morning to get Siehara off to school.  I THINK she is spending tomorrow night with her half brother.  I'm going to get confirmation of that today.  If not, then she will stay here.  Our neighbor will be around in case of emergency and Neil and I are sleeping here, so she'll be fine.  

Hope everyone has a great day.. 

My tracker


Laureen S.
on 12/15/11 4:27 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Hope your daughter is doing better and I look forward to the day when you can at last sigh with relief over the house.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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