Tired Thursday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 11/30/11 7:16 pm - Philadelphia, PA

After today one more day of work - Yeah!!!!

Today not much planned other than working on my reading and writing during my lunch for school.  Work till 4ish then home to take care of some more school stuff.

Tonight have a conference call scheduled with my group for school to go over points for our PP presentation that is due Monday.  

Hope you all have a wonderful day...



on 11/30/11 9:09 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning Ida and PA Peeps - chilly one out there this morning - now it feels like winter is really coming. Guess it was bound to happen, right?

Ida, any breaks from school coming up? Do you get the holidays off? And I know it's not the ideal situation not being able to decorate, but maybe just take this season to relax, unwind, and let the rest of the world decorate and bake - you and Gene have had an awful year with the house - praying next year is much better, and the house will be back together then you can go crazy with the holiday decorating and baking!

I didn't decorate nearly as much this year as I normally do - we're going to be gone from Dec 23 through NY's, and we're not doing much entertaining at home, so I didn't see the need to get it all done. Plus what I didn't put out is going right into the truck headed to Florida. My nephew asked if he and his girlfriend could get a real tree - they'd decorate it - hey, works for me - so the spot is ready when they are. I'll sit back and enjoy it.

I'm also enjoying having a year off from cooking and baking huge holiday meals!! We spent Thanksgiving at my BFFs and she cooked - Christmas my sisters will be cooking, and back to my BFFs for New Years - I see that as a stroke of good fortune!! I'll make it up to them next year, but this year I'm going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the hospitality of others!!

As for today I'm at work - crappy commute in this morning - is it full moon? Don't people STOP at STOP signs anymore? And why do they think by just flipping on their turn signal it gives them the right to cut you off? Yeah,I'm over it...but hopefully only have a few more months of it.

Take care - one more work day after today - don't want to wish my life away but can't wait!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/30/11 9:12 pm - Bristol, PA
Happy December, Ida & PA!

Not a thing on the agenda today except hanging out with my best 12 pound little man and getting on the treadmill.  Abington called on Tuesday.  I need to be at the hospital at 8:30 on the 13th and my surgery is scheduled for 10:30.  So exciting! 

Have a great day everyone!

on 11/30/11 9:21 pm - Phoenixville, PA
Thank you everyone. I am so uncomfortable today. I am hoping it gets better. I am glad I am still on clears today and happy about it!
on 11/30/11 9:48 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning all of PA - I was DAMNED determined to get on here today.  This week has been so chaotic.  It is parent/teacher conferences here in Philly, so between my students and my own kids, getting in has been a challenge - and then to actually get on the computer....oy!

So, on Monday I had a HUGE scare. As most of you know I was diagnosed in July as Bi-polar.  Not a huge surprise.  However, since the day I ws diagnosed, I NEVER missed a dose of my prescribed medication, Seraquel.  Sunday night I totally fell asleep in my bed, computer on my lap, television on.  At some time Molly came in and turned everything off.  I woke up sometime in the middle of the night.  Thought about getting up to take my meds and evening vitamins and then rolled over and went back to sleep.  I woke up at 6 as I normally do.  At that point, I decided that I didn't want to skip a dose so I took my Seraquel.  I showered, put on my make-up and started to get light=headed - not too uncommon for me.  I started to get dressed and really started to feel like I might not make it to school.  I went downstairs, VERY slowly on the steps, made Emily breakfast and then myself - still talking myself in to making it in to school.  I finally realized that getting behind a wheel was not the best idea, called Larry and mumbled through how I was feeling.  He was on his way home and I decided that I would lay down until he got there - he came in, came over to me and I again mumbled something about not making it to work and he had to call me out, I couldn't even form the sentences I needed to call myself.  I fell asleep from about 7:45 and finally woke up enough to look at the clock at 12:34.  Five more hours I slept.  It was really scary.  It too****il 11AM on Tuesday to really feel like I had my full balance back.  Lesson learned - if I accidentally miss a does of my meds, I will just skip it til the next evening.  I felt awful!

Anyway - enough of that, today is half day for the students, more parent/teacher conferences, then getting my brows and lips waxed this afternoon and back to school for more conferences.  Can you feel the excitement?!?!

Hope you are all doing well.  I have missed you this week!  Happy December! :)
Lisa H.
on 11/30/11 11:11 pm - Whitehall, PA
 I'm not sure I understand how NOT taking the dose and then taking it a bit later did that to you.. unless it makes you drowsy and that is why you take it at night.  

Regardless of that, please be careful.  I hope you are feeling better now. 

My tracker


on 11/30/11 11:31 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Hi there - I normally take it before I go to bed between 10 and 11 most nights.  Within about a half hour I do start to feel slightly light-headed - but I never thought about it as I then just go to sleep and am fine in the morning.  This time I took it about 6:30 ish in the morning and my 7 am was a mess.  I am feeling fine now and will NEVER take those meds in the morning ever again!
Lisa H.
on 11/30/11 11:06 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all... I'm dragging a bit this morning because I went out last night.  I found an old friend on FB and we met up for karaoke.  We had a good time! 

Working both jobs today, so it will be quite interesting if I don't get a lunch time nap.

We were not able to find the right battery for Siehara's phone yesterday, but in our journey we managed to stop at the Sprint store.  I have a friend who works there and while he was searching for a battery for us, he also used his powers to tell me about Sprint's plans and how I can save about $40/month by switching from AT&T.  Aetna has a discount that is 18% (compared to 8% with AT&T).  That alone is worth it!  Plus, we'll both get new phones.  I am not sure if I am going to get the Iphone 4 or switch off the iphones all together.  We are going to go back to the store on Friday when he works again so he can walk us through everything and get us the right phones. 

Other than that, nothing going on here.. just working and laundry and trying to stay sane.. lol

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 11/30/11 11:32 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA Peeps to Follow,
I admire you for attempting to complete school with all that is happening.  

I overslept and missed my 9 a.m. meeting, so the noon one it is for me.  Not as good, because it is crowded with a lot of people who do not share.

In addition to my meeting, I am doing laundry and straightening up to decorate for Christmas.  I have a ton of tidying, because after my toe surgery, I did none, and then I was away for over a week, and came back weaker than a newborn kitten because of my iron and b12 deficiency.  Got my B12 shot two days ago, and my first iron infusion yesterday, so I feel fairly human again.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/30/11 11:36 pm - PA
Good morning fellow PA people! Kind of new here, I have been mia for awhile I need to get myself back in check and start controlling what I eat instead of it controlling me. 
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