Black Friday Madness Roll Call

on 11/24/11 6:29 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi all. I hope you had a good Turkey Day. Jason and I spent it alone but my family still managed to cause Drama and hurt both of us very much. As much as I don't agree with the idea of cutting family out of your life except for in extreme cir****tances. I am beginning to realize that mine is more extreme than I thought. I wont go into much of it but the least of the hurtful things said by my sister was, that we just have not been close since my surgery. I have changed too much and she just doesn't feel like we are alike anymore. WTF?  Ok so you liked me better 360lbs? Sick and enabling of everyone;s BS around me, and being a door mat. You liked me better then? Well that makes you more sick then me. This is the sister who said to me great now I am going to be the fat sister. And I in my sick sick mind, said " well I dont want that to happen I will just stop losing now" not only did I stop losing but I started GAINING!!! Our mind is a crazy place.

Anyway not to be a bummer. I just know you all get this, you have had your own experiences with this. I never thought that I would but inevitably the surgery impacts relationships.

It was weird seeing so many people on the road this am all those wacky shoppers. Some of you no doubt are among them. I know our girl Jo Jo was out in this mess. I will probably do some shopping after work if everything is not gone by then. I dont really have any big ticket items I just want some small things on sale.

Have a good day, get back on track if you got off. and enjoy

Patricia R.
on 11/24/11 8:46 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Nicole and PA,
I am so sorry that your family is still so toxic.  I cut my Mom off for about 9 months one time when my kids were little.  She was being her sick self, and I had enough of it and told her I would speak to her after she had seen a psychiatrist.  She has bad bipolar and possibly borderline personality.  I finally saw her when she was in the psych ward.  I did not even see her that Christmas or Thanksgiving.

I had a nice Thanksgiving, it was quiet and sane.  I did not overeat, and brought some leftovers home to enjoy.

Today, I will hit my AA memory, and then head to Joann Fabric with a good coupon.  There is some fabric I want to get with a 30% off coupon.  My daughter went out last night to hit the big sales.

Hope you all have a blessed, sane day of shopping.

Hugs to all,

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

IdaMae D.
on 11/24/11 11:19 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Nicole & Trish...and those who might follow after their shopping expiditions...

Nicole - I could have written your post this morning regarding family.  If not for Gene and my therapist I'd still be their doormat and scapegoat for all that is wrong in their lives....And have cut myself off from my biological birth family and am in a good place by doing this for the first time in my life I feel at peace.

Yesterday was nice seeing family.  Didn't really get to talk to anyone, didn't like that.  One of the guests brought games and as soon as dinner was over she brought them out rather than have talking and catching up time with the family.  Didn't enjoy that at all would have rather had time to talk to our neices and in-laws to catch up.....

Loved the Escerol soup, I get this two times a year.  My brother-in-laws family recipe and it is awesome.  I do not like excerol soup this is the only one that I eat and absolutely love and it's packed with protein because it contains not only meatballs but also eggs....

Gene and I have had two lazy days to do as we want yesterday and today.  I think we needed this time together...

Hope you all have a wonderful day....



on 11/25/11 2:15 am - Boothwyn, PA
Happy holiday weekend everyone. We're at the beach with friends for the weekend and it is beautiful here. We had a fantastic turkey day and are getting ready to head to the beach with the dogs. Not sure what else is on the agenda for the day.

As I read some of your posts I realize how fortunate I am to have a loving and supportive family. Not that we haven't had our issues over the years but we don't stay angry and try to work things thru. Prayers going out to you Nicole - I can't imagine my family treating me that way.

Well we're off to the beach. Enjoy the beautiful day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Sara E.
on 11/25/11 12:15 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Had a super Black Friday.  Started shopping at 8:30 pm on Thanksgiving with my best friend.  We didn't get done shopping until Fiday morning at 8:30 am.  Wow - 12 hours of fun, shopping and more fun. I  I spent, well actually charged, $224 and bought $500 worth of gifts.  That was well worth staying up all night.  I hope you all had a great friday too.



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