Wickedly We Wednesday Woll Call

on 11/22/11 8:32 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Whats up?
Last of work this week.  I will be taking the family up to my dad's house tomorrow morning for turkey day festivities and staying to visit until saturday.  Im psyched because my brother will be there with his family and we dont get to visit near enough.  I hope my stepmom and dad can handle all the visitors.  They are getting to the age where they start to stress about taking care of everyone and having to cook and clean.  They need to realize that we are all adults and can do the cooking and cleaning for them, they dont have to entertain, just be entertaining, lol.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.  Love you guys.


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 11/22/11 8:37 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Of course that was supposed to say Wet not we. Whatever.
on 11/22/11 9:01 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Howdy Stranger!! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! We're heading to the beach tonight to my best friends' house - it's her turn to cook. Looking forward to that!! I am taking lots of desserts and breakfast food, and we're staying until Saturday as well - um, appears the roads on Saturday might be worse than waiting til Sunday??

The building I work in is having a 'Loaves and Fishes' food drive and we're ordering lunch in today (on the company) but in order to partake you had to bring in a bag of food - I am so impressed by the generosity of my co-workers!! The cart is loaded down with all kinds of food - awesome!!

Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving - don't over-stuff (you'll pay for it and you know it!!).

Hugs - Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 11/22/11 9:13 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Swede & PA:

Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to all who are traveling this weekend....

Kathy great job you and your co-workers are doing gathering food and supplies for those in need.

Today is my 3rd day of vacation.  It is nice not having to get up at 5am to get ready for work.  Can't believe that half the week is over all ready...

Made chicken pot pie for dinner last night.  What an adventure that was.  Since this construction/renovation has begun all my pots and pans are packed away out in the shed, almost a year now of make shift cooking.  To make a long story short, I had to make the chicken portion of the pot pie in a crock pot, it has never taken me so long to make this di**** was finally done at 9pm last night.  Gene was shocked that although I *****ed that I was going out to buy a new set of pots and pans today, I made my dish and was very happy with it.....

Never got to the sweet potatoe pie yesterday so that will be my adventure for today.  I do not have a mixer so I have to make this with my big wisk the old fashioned way prior to electric mixers....

Tomorrow Gene and I will be up early to head to center city to our church to serve breakfast to the homeless.  This is the 5th year that the Emmanuel Ministry (which is an outreach ministry of our church to the homeless) will be serving breakfast.  We decided that so many outreach places supply dinner on Thanksgiving that we'd cook and serve breakfast instead.  It's wonderful that so many cook and serve dinner, however, these folks need more than one meal on Thanksgiving. 

After we are done that we'll head to Gene's sister's house for the normal Thanksgiving festivities. 

Hope you all have a safe day out there in the rain today...



on 11/22/11 10:10 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Hi Swede and all of PA.  Glad you are going to get to spend time with your brother and family.  Sounds nice.  We are blowing off both families and heading to a friends house - fb hubby and family.  There will be 25 people there and I am looking forward to someone else's family drama and not mine! :)

Today I am at school.  Just found out that an investigation of me, a pissed parent called and said that I cursed out her child and the class, that is closed and was found to not be valid....DUH!!!!!  This parent was pissed that her child receiving ONE infraction, a detention so to speak, and she made up some ridiculous story about how when I came back to find out that I had been stolen from, I cursed at the kids.  She waited three weeks to make this accusation and, surprise, it was the day after her daughter received that infraction.  I am most upset because, 1, SERIOUSLY?!?! Curse?!?!  ME??!!  2. The kids in my homewroom who were the ones questioned we so upset - they came to me asking what was going on. and 3.  Again, ME?!?!  Curse?!?!  UGH!  These parents this year are absolutely nuts!  And now I have to make nice to this child who went home and told the parent an absolute lie.  Sigh, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job!

Anyway - after school I have a few things that I have to do and I am not sure what order I am doing them in.  I need to go to Kohl's - I have $50 Kohl's cash and it expires today, I have a psychiatric appointment tonight, I am dropping Molly off at the movies with a girlfriend, I am taking Emily with me and we are heading to fb hubby's house to help set up for tomorrow.  Beyond that I expect that I will collapse at some point, Larry is working for a change.  He is only off tomorrow night. He worked Monday and Tuesday, is working tonight and is working Friday, Saturday and Sunday....Have I mentioned with dripping sarcasm that I love my life?!?!  It is awful and is a big part of what I am going to be working on with the therapist.  The feeling of pure lonliness I feel when he works so many nights in a row.  Sigh.  I am just a huge ball of hotmessness.....(yes, I made that word up!)

Happy Thanksgiving eve everyone!  Hope your holiday is full of lots of wonderful things to be thankful for! :)
Patricia R.
on 11/22/11 11:12 pm - Perry, MI
I do not miss the insanity of crazy kids and even crazier parents now that I am retired.  Now at least, when I work at the psych hospital I know they are all not quite well to begin with.

Good luck with the students.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

IdaMae D.
on 11/22/11 11:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Oh my Steffi - I had almost this same conversation with my sis in law last Saturday, she is a teacher in the Coatesville school system.  Same things going on there, has a child in her class doing the same things....really sad that  you all don't get to teach and educate our children properly.....my heart goes out to you and all teachers, you guys are amazing and my hat is off to you.  I could not do what you all do every day.....


Patricia R.
on 11/22/11 11:08 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Swede and PA to follow,
I am waiting for FedEx to deliver my iPhone 4.  It is not the newest iPhone, but it has facetime, which I am looking forward to using with my son and his wife.

Tomorrow, I will be going to my sis-in-law's to have a quiet turkey dinner with her kids and her.  Her husband lives and works in Saudi Arabia.  I make the gravy and cranberry sauce.

Right now, my back is killing me, so I have to get my meds.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving day,

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/22/11 11:55 pm
GM Swede and PA!!

I am at school impatiently waiting for the day to be OVER! Right after school I have a parent/teacher conference for Dee. I have had some concerns and want to see what the teacher says. Then it is home to start the baking...I am making SF apple, SF Key Lime and SF cherry pies along with SF cookies. Tomorrow I am making green bean casserole (so not WLS program, but hey it is only one day! It is hubby's favorite!!

Already told hubby that we are doing Chinese take out tonight for dinner cause I am NOT cooking on top of the baking!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you since I probably won't get on here tomorrow!!

Be safe and enjoy your friends and family!!

Love to all, Beth

Lisa H.
on 11/23/11 12:49 am - Whitehall, PA
 Howdy all.. I am sitting here working, well kinda.  For some reason I, and the other girl who does the exact same job, do not have much work.   I was really hoping to have extra so I could get in some OT on Black Friday.  We get paid for the day and then if we work, we get time and a half for the hours worked.  I usually try to get in at least 4 hours so I can get paid for 14.  It's no big deal to work it since I am home.  I DO have to work at Dress Barn on Friday, but that is just regular PT wage pay. It's better than nothing, but I'd prefer to get the OT pay from Aetna.  Anyway, I reached out to some teammates and got a few things from them.  I'm sure I can make them stretch out for a few hours on Friday.

Anyway, after work, I am probably  going to head to the gym for Body Combat class.  I miss that class and I actually have off tonight with no plans.  

Yesterday, I had PT conferences at Siehara's school.  We made it a team meeting, which was nice, so we could all discuss instead of me saying the same thing 5 different times.  They all basically said the same thing.. she's a bright girl who needs organization and focus.  This is the same thing I've been hearing for years.  We also discussed a possible med change, so I am going to call her psych on Monday.  I'm sure I won't be able to get a hold of anyone there before then.  Actually, I'm going to call today and leave a message so at least I'll get the callback on Monday.  

Tomorrow, we have no plans.  Siehara said it is possible that she may be going to her friend's family's house.  I don't want her to go, unless they also invite me.  I don't want to spend the holiday alone.  My plan is to make a nice steak for us to share... lol.  Turkey is ok, but I have this steak in the freezer, so why not make it a special dinner like that for us??? nobody said you HAVE to have turkey on Thanksgiving, did they? 

Hope everyone has a great holiday however you are spending it.  I'm going to enjoy the day off before having to go into the crazy retail world on Friday.  My manager said we don't get hit that hard, but they do have all but 1 of us scheduled to work most of the day, so we are prepared in case we are busy.

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