Terrific Tuesday Roll Call

on 11/7/11 4:40 pm - PA
Good Morning PA - 
Just finished Katelyn's 3 am bottle, making sure she doesn't need anymore before I go back to sleep. Yesterday turned out to be quite an emotional evening for me. Derek has been working 2 jobs to be able to support us while I am home, which means I am primarily taking care of Katelyn and things around the house. Anyway, I had only slept 4 hours total in 2 nights and I lost it. Cried for about 2 hours, was able to talk through a lot of it with Derek and I feel better now. Plus I slept some lat ight and will hopefully ge more shortly.

Gonna lay pretty low today, last night when I showered I noticed a good size lump under my incision, gonna try to be see at the Ob today. Also would like to go see Jackie atBarix, but I have ti see what doc says first.

Thinking of you all today.
Laureen S.
on 11/7/11 7:09 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Katie, PA Friends,

Being a new Mom is not easy, sounds like sleep deprivation, along with hormones kicked your butt and that is another aspect of post-pregnancy issues, remember, your body has been through a tremendous assault recently, childbearing, then surgery and now bottle feedings and while all this is a wonderful thing on so many levels, it is very challenging, so give yourself a break, nap when and if you can when Katelyn goes down for hers and take care of yourself as best you can, because Katelyn needs Mommie to stay healthy.  P.S.  the color of your text is hard to read, can you perhaps bold it, I know you're thinking in pinks these days, but hard on my old eyes and it's all about me (lol)

Well yesterday was a bit of a challenging day at work, my noontime AA meeting helped me some and when the day was over, on my way home I got the message that I had won in our office bake-off for my pumpkin cheesecake, recipe will be posted later as I have it on my office computer with the substitutes I used.  Today has me going to work, noontime AA meeting, meeting with a sponsee to go over some step stuff and then I am going to try to get up to Barix to see Jackie, though I'm not sure, since her surgery was converted to open how she will be feeling, after all that it will be home to bed.  I am blessed with a full life.

Anyway, I wish you all the best of days and sending thoughts of peace and strength for whatever life challenges come your way.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/7/11 7:37 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa. and Katie,
Try and get some rest during the day if you can, it will help.  Everything Laureen said is true, all you have been t\through takes a toll.  Hope you are able to get more rest.
I have found a contact from an unlikely source that I hope will help me with the legal drama, will follow up with that today and see what happens.  Getting last minute stuff together for Disney trip that I am taking my granddaughter on in a little more than a week.  We haven't told her yet, and will not until the  nite before we leave, as I have made reservations for a hotel near the airport for the nite before.  She earned this trip, when I had all three kids by myself for 8 days while my daughter and her husband went on a cruise, she was a big help with the other two.  As a matter of fact we call her the cruise director, as she is always trying to plan things for us to do.  My daughter said she can already see her on the plane, wanting to know what parks we are going to on what days, and what we will ride. (she just turned nine two weeks ago, but she is good at keeping everyone busy)  This trip will be somewhat of a stress relief for me also.  (I am about to bust a gut keeping this secret.)  Hope everyone has a good day.
Hugs, Ena

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




IdaMae D.
on 11/7/11 8:09 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Katie and PA:

New motherhood is a challenge as well as a reward.  If you can get in naps when the little one naps that is usually helpful.

Today is election day so waiting on Gene so we can go vote then I'm on my way to work.

Work till 4ish, home, nothing planned once home.  Late night last night, this professor keeps us till 10 on the dot.  What a long, long, long day...

Hope you all have a wonderful day...



on 11/7/11 9:23 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - feel better, Katie - and thank god Laureen commented on your pink text - thought I was going blind when I first saw it!! LOL!! Yes, please either bold it or make it larger for those of with 'old eyes'.

I'm at work this morning battling a nasty headache, which is really unusual for me since I rarely get headaches. But my boss is coughing and seems to think it's allergies, so there might be mold or something in the air causing my headache. I did get out and walk the dog this morning and didn't have the headache before that.

Last nights commute home was a total nightmare - tractor trailer accident on Route 202 at 926 at 2:00 yesterday and they still didn't have the roads open by 5:00 last night, so everybody had to get off 202 and it took us 2 hours to get home. I had put a roast with potatoes and carrots in the crockpot for dinner thankfully, but I was so stressed and tense by the time we got home that I ate 3 bites and couldn't get any more down.

That's about it for me today - hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the beautiful fall foilage.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/7/11 9:35 pm
Good Morning Katie and PA!

Katie, being a new mom is VERY difficult emotionally and physically. I had a C-Section with Dee since she was born six weeks early. I also had post partum depression while she was a baby which made things even more difficult. Not saying that you do, but just have Derek keep an eye on you because you may not notice. I am sure it is just hormonal and sleep deprivation...

Today I am off from work but I am home with Dee and one of her friends for the day. In a little bit I will go out and vote. The rest of the day is up in the air....

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth

on 11/7/11 10:25 pm - Croydon, PA

{{{Hugs, Katie}}}}}  Even though my baby is 18 now, I have not forgotten those early months after having babies.  I survived, and so will you!  Do watch for post-partum depression.  It is real and can be debilitating.  Talk to your doctor and/or a psychologist if you find yourself falling into serious depression.  In the meantime, take care of yourself as best you can, napping whenever possible!  And great job on sharing your feelings with your husband.  Good stuff!

I'm at work, and then have a doctor's appointment at 6 pm.  BP check and I want her to look at this nasty wound-looking thing.  Again, documenting in case it helps gets reconstructive surgery covered one of these days! 

I had a good laugh this morning.  I woke my daughter up for our morning prayer time, and with one eye open she says, "Your butt looks really good."  Gotta love her.


Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

Patricia R.
on 11/8/11 12:08 am - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Katie,
I remember those early days of sleeplessness and hormones.  I think every Mom does.  My daughter had major meltdowns right after my Munchkins were born, and it was mostly sleep deprivation.  Try to sleep when Katelyn does.  It's hard, I know.  

I made it to my AA meeting yesterday, and am about to head out to a noon meeting in a few minutes.  I need all the help I can get these days.  I don't want to drink, I just need social support when it is available.

I also need to stop by a friend's house and drop off some Avon, and then hit the bank for a deposit, and to cash in a can of coins.  I think I might have $100 in that can, or close to it.  I plan to use it to take the Munchkins and their parents out to dinner when I go to Michigan next week, or at least my daughter and the kids.  Her hubby will probably be working long hours while I am out there.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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