Ugh, It's Monday Roll Call
Well at work today where there are lights and heat! lol After work stopping at Target - Just for you Kathy!! for a few essentials to get us through the next few days then picking up something for dinner and home to hang out with Mom, Dad and Amelia until bedtime. It's like camping lol Also have to find a place to shower tonight, I know, just what you wanted to know lol
65 pages and six weeks of research and writing, one more look over when I get to work this morning and then will submit my final paper for Health Care Law. 4 classes to go, 7 months to graduation!!!!!
No class tonight Woo-HOO
Working today till 4pm, then home to sleep/nap since this weekend was an early rise and late to bed kind of weekend.
No candy in the house - we've lived here since 2003 and have never once had a trick-or-treater knock on the door. I will get to see the little one's in their customes on my way home from work.
Busy day planned for work. That's pretty normal these days.
Hope you all have a wonderful day, stay warm....
Today I am at work. in a bad mood. I try so hard to make myself positive before I get here and as soon as I walk in the door I get pissed off. I hate that. I am not a hateful person. They are dressed up for Halloween so hopefull I will find my way back to a good mood. Jason and I do not do trick or treat either. But maybe tonight we will since we will be home. Who knows.
The weekend was hard. We argued on Sunday about stuff, things we needed to argue about. But still very painful. I feel bad for my husband.
My grandfather is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Turns out it is his gallbladeer very diseased and infected. If they dont remove it he could die from infection. If they do remove it he could not make it through the surgery because he is so weak. I dont know what to do with myself.
My friend is texting me upset she does not want to be there for the moment her dad passes. everyone else is there but she says she cannot do it but feels selfish. I suggested that maybe she could go to the hospital but stay in a waiting room nearby. So she is there but not witnessing his actual passing. I dont know. What do you say to that?? I am a suck it up and go kind of person but she is not that way.
Sorry to rant.
Liz i am so sorry that you are without power ugh. Ida good luck with the paper you are in the home stretch so proud of yopu.
Better late than never, huh? I'm wearing my new clothes to work and that feels good. I hear you, though, Nicole, about being hateful at work. My attitude took a nosedive the minute I got to my desk and saw the pile of crap my attorneys decided to leave for me over the weekend. Then, my worst boss, who is on vacation, keeps e-mailing me from the freakin' cruise ship to give me more work! Really?????
I don't think your friend is being selfish at all -- more like self-protective, if you ask me. And self-care is not selfishness. (my new mantra for the week.)
Hope you and Jason were able to resolve your differences through discussion.
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
That really sucks you're without power now and have been for so long, and ditto your sentiments to Miss Steffi on her love of this stinking white stuff! Way too early and way too much.

I'm back at work after a very relaxing weekend at the beach with my friends. The rain came down in sheets on Saturday, but at least it wasn't SNOW - we stayed in and had an NCIS marathon day. Ordered dinner out and really didn't do much at all. Yesterday I at least got out for a nice, long DRY walk with the dog and we headed home late afternoon.
16 days til we settle on the Florida house - today is a wind mitigation inspection on the roof and hopefully the appraisal. I'm telling you all right now - once this house is ours it's going to be really, really hard to keep my head in the game up here!!
No trick-or-treaters for us tonight, either - we're in a 55+ and our houses are not set up for little ones to easily get around.
Liz, hope your power is back on soon...Kathy
Anyway - here at work, VERY anxious. The kids stole from me last week and I have to confront them. I am hurt and devastated at the same time. I hae never had anyong steal from me in the past 12 years. So, I am struggling how to deal with it. I have always respected and trusted my students, and this has me VERY shaken up. And to make matters worse, Larry and I had world war three in my house last night. He lost his mind and I walked out. My girls were very scared and he has nothing to say to that. I am just not in a good place today.
Today is school, then home for Molly's therapist appointment then dinner and trick or treating with Emily and her friends. Pretty sure Molly is going to go with her friends, which I am not thrilled about being as her behavior as of late has been horrific. Josh is not working tonight and is hanging out with friends. Funny, but on any other school night, I would not let him do this....strange what Halloween does!
Have a decent day all.
You are right about Mother Nature and it was driving me crazy everyone whining about the weather all weekend, People complain when it is cold and complain when it is hot. UGH! Mother Nature gives us what we need 365 days a year.
I am so very sorry you are going through this at work and at home. You know I am here for you always. Love you