***Monday Morning Roll Call***

on 10/23/11 9:47 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Yes folks it's that time of year when we're all getting up at O-DARK-THIRTY and heading out to start our days - it appears that some of us have slept in this morning?? Time to get up and moving!

I'm at work - fun stuff. Yesterday we took it a lot easier - went to Lowe's for a few things - finished laundry then went to dinner with the neighbors. Their brother is very interested in our house and his timing would be perfect, so we're definitely pursuing that.

Not much else going on right now - house inspection on the home in Florida is this morning at 9:00 - my sister and brother are going over for it so I'm expecting a full report later this morning. Then the final thing to get through will be the appraisal and we're keeping our fingers crossed that it appraises at the price we agreed on - if it comes in lower we're hoping the seller will agree to lower her price so we can still get it, but we'll wait and see.

OK people, let's get up and moving!! It's a brand new day!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 10/23/11 10:29 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Wow - it is late and people are not here - wonder if they are too cold to type anything! :)

It is another Monday and I need it to go fast, or at the least, without incident.  It has been a challenge here at school to say the least.  Our new principal is making some major changes and the faculty is miserable.  The lesson plans, which seem to be the biggest issue, have all of our heads spinning.  She is asking for all of us, some veterans of 20+ years, to change the way we write our lesson plans.  Seriously?!?!  We know what we are doing, it is amazing the things she is asking us for.  She seems to want us to go back to lesson plan writing that we did in college.  It is ridiculous. It should NOT take more time to write the plans than it does to actually teach the lesson.  Sigh.....it's going to be a long year.

Anyway, my day should be relatively uneventful.  School, home for homework dance, Molly's therapist and then home again for the evening.  YAY!

Hope I will get to sleep early as that usually does not happen with Larry at work.  Happy Monday all!
IdaMae D.
on 10/24/11 7:04 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hope your school year improves.  My SIL teaches in the Coatesville system, she is going throught the same S)*(^*(^&(  Although I've softened what she really said.  What is going on with the schools that the powers that be are such A$$e$....


Patricia R.
on 10/23/11 10:45 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning PA Peeps,
I am barely up, but have to get moving.  I have to be ready to go in half an hour, because a friend is picking me up to take me to get some blood work done.  I can drive on Thursday, when I get my stitches out.

Had a good time yesterday at my nephew's Special Olympics soccer game.  Perfect Fall weather.  Opted not to go to the memorial dinner for my brother for two reasons.  One, my foot hurt big time, and two, I did not want to be around a lot of heavy drinking, which it would have been.  I am not a snob, just too vulnerable in my AA recovery right now.  

Hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 10/23/11 10:48 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning! It took every fiber of my being to scrape my butt out of bed this morning. I was so warm and comfy!!! Anyway here at work, got some caffeine in me, hoping to snap out of it soon. Still not feeling 100% but better. Working until 3:30 then headed to the chiropractor and to my parent's to hang out with Mom and Amelia for the evening. Our ever exciting life! lol

Happy Monday All - hope it's a great week. It's already started out as chaos here...
on 10/23/11 11:39 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi all

Went to my OA meeting last night. I really hate them but I go anyway. I know that I hate them because of my addiction talking to me, and because if I have that kind of reaction to it then it is probably right where i need to be.

I have had some significant regain this year during my intensive therapy. I have pushed so many hot buttons and lets face it my coping skills suck so I have been emotionally eating more. I know that my eating is compulsive, addictive and a stop gap measure in dealing with my trauma stuff. But It has to be put in check or I will not get better and I will keep gaining. It is so difficult to do all of this work at once.

I had a hard day yesterday, I got an email from my sister saying that after planning this for a whole year she is now not coming home for christmas and that she does not want to discuss it or hear from anyone. I was so mad that I screamed out loud like a maniac. I scared Yum Yum so bad I had to hold him for 10 mins until he stopped shaking. I thought it was a good alternative to eating but i guess not when you have a scared little boy at home.
Anyway, my mom had a hard christmas last year, her brother had just died, her parents had just been put into a home and the annual christmas celebrations that they have at their home have ceased. She spent Christmas alone last year. We have not had our own family christmas at home in over 6 years. She asked if this year we could have christmas at her house one more time and do all the stuff we used to do. We all talked about it and agreed, Jason threatened to quit his job if he could not get christmas off, and I once again saved my PTO for this event.

I am so pissed. What is wrong with someone that they cannot just do something for one year? You agreed to do it? Then to tell us we cannot be upset about it? I told her that she was an adult and could do what she wished and that she would have to deal with the consequences of her choices. But that she could NOT tell us how to feel about it. I also said BTW mom wants to go to NYC for a girls weekend with her daughters sisters and nieces for her 70th BD. I am telling to because I wont be planning it. I am done. I know it seems small to most but there is a bigger picture here.

I am done trying to smooth things over. I cannot make my family want to be together for my mom. I am sorry if she was a better mother perhaps her kids would want to spend Christmas with her. I cannot try and give her a FAMILY HOLIDAY, when she was not helpful and was abusive and neglectful. I need to quit trying to fix things for her. I have resigned my hat as fixer, the one who cares, and freakin cruise director!!!!!!
IdaMae D.
on 10/24/11 7:15 am - Philadelphia, PA
There are times when you have to let go of family.  For your own sanity especially.

sending you hugs....



Laureen S.
on 10/23/11 11:41 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Kathy, PA Friends,

Here's hoping all goes well with the inspection and apprasial process. . .

Had a busy weekend, Tony and I went to the movies and saw Moneyball on Saturday, it wasn't bad, but you've kinda got to like baseball to enjoy it, told Tony, he picked the last 3 movies, next time it's my turn, then we went to Longhorn, where I had a most delicious burger and then it was home to relax for a bit until he left for work, after which I ran errands, made a pot of split pea and smoked turkey soup and then went to an AA meeting. 

Yesterday I got up, did a heavy cleaning of the house in preparation of a friend who has allergies visit next weekend, though I will have to spot clean come Thursday, darn Roxie fur, after cleaning, it was so beautiful outside that I called my neighbor Judy to ask if she wanted me to pick her and Maggie (her dog) up to go to the big dog park and off we went and the dogs played together, along the many other dogs that were there, in the water, out of the water, up the trails, when we left, we had all the exercise we could possibly need and then when we got home, I went to finish my laundry, when dear old Roxie girl jumped up on my stripped bed, she was dry by then, but I she got sand all over my mattress cover, so I had to drag the vacuum out all over again, finished the laundry, remade my bed and then met my friend Owen for coffee before our AA meeting, home figured out what I was bringing to work for breakfast and lunch and then to bed. . .

So today has me here at work, darn wrong the way Monday's just come up on you so quickly, but today I will make a nooner AA meeting and then not sure about the after work thing, as it is my DIL's birthday, but there is a good chance I will be going home and I have some baking I want to do this evening, some overripe bananas that need to be used and some carrots I grated to make either muffins or something with, gotta look for a good healthy type recipes for that last one.

Hope everyone has a good day and for any facing challenges, I wish you peace and strength to get through it.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Lisa H.
on 10/24/11 12:42 am - Whitehall, PA
 morning all.. I've been up and working and reading, but hadn't posted yet.  

Yesterday was very stressful in the kitchen at the synagogue based on the kosher issue, but I know that they were right and I need to work within the boundaries and laws of the religion.  I worked at Dress Barn last night and got a lot of my frustration out in the physical aspect of what we were doing with the floor move.   I also took a nice long nap in between cooking and going to work and that helped, as well.  

Today has me working Aetna.  I was also supposed to work at the store tonight, but one of the girls asked me if I wanted the night off.  I need the money, but right now I think the sanity break is more important.  The night would have been spent finishing up what we didn't get done yesterday and I just don't know if I could muster up the energy to do it.  Plus, she's worked there a lot longer and knows more about HOW they do things when there are changes so she will be a great asset to the night.  

So, instead of going to the store, I am going to run to Walgreen's to pick up the rest of Siehara's meds and go to the gym.  Other than that, I am going to have a nice dinner with Siehara and spend time with her and also working on my speech and Torah portion for her Bat Mitzvah.  

Hope everyone has a great day. 

My tracker


on 10/24/11 1:02 am
Good Morning Kathy and PA!!

This is really the first chance I have gotten all morning to post. It is my lunch time (11am) now, I know it is almost brunch time. I hate eating this early but I have no choice!

Today is working both jobs, then rushing home to pick up the child. Since I bulk cooked yesterday all I have to do is heat and eat!! YIPPEE!!!!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!

Love to all, Beth

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