Wednesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 10/18/11 1:51 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Tomorrow I am going to be dragging.  It is now a few minutes after midnight and I am not in bed yet.  I figured I start roll call otherwise there is probably no way I'd have time later in the AM to get on the computer.

I was napping comfortably when Gene woke me up to read and take care of some stuff just after 11pm.  I am so not a night person, I'm not a happy camper right now.  However, this had to be taken care of now so I am awake enough to listen and take care of what needs to be taken care of. 

I'll be working till 4, then home.  I'm still procastinating with homework, Health Care Law ends on Monday and I am so far behind.  I also think I agreed to be the worship leader for church on Sunday so in addition to class stuff need to write my prayers and stuff for Sunday.  Oy Vei!!!!

Hope everyone has an awesome day even though it's supposed to be raining. 

Hugs and love to all...



Laureen S.
on 10/18/11 8:02 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Ida, PA Friends,

I'm up early, guess my months of early wake up to go to the gym are already a part of my body memory, but I was in bed shortly after 10, so I'm rested and ready for whatever this day holds, which promises to be busy, I actually have to be in work at 7:30 because we have two clients coming in for court hearings, which could have predicted the rain we are having because in the 2+ years I am working where I am, it rains every time they are in town for a hearing.  I have get in to make sure the two separate breakfast orders are right and to greet everyone with my beauteous smile (lol) and attend to whatever needs they have, first group heads out about 9:30 the other not until 1:30 and they will probably need transportation because of the rain.  I will go to the noon AA meeting that I attend several times a week and after work I'll be heading up to Barix to see all my wonderful WLS people for our support group, I do look forward to that, but it will be a long day, so I'm glad that I managed to get a good night's rest and my back, while achey is not bad yet and hoping that it is slowly getting better, cause I got to tell you, when your back hurts, it can make you miserable and I've been dealing with this for over a month now.  I just want to get better so I can go back to the gym, though I am looking into a gym I can join month to month that has a pool, just not wanting to regain any of the weight I worked so hard to lose the past 3 or so months.

Ida, I hope you manage to get through your day without it being too dragged out, heaven knows I have dragged through many a day with lack of good sleep, also hope that the rain is not a terrible contribution to your situation, which I know you cannot speak about it, but I'm sure you will have plenty to say when you can, hoping that one day soon, all that stuff is behind you. 

Hope that each and everyone of you can find some sunshine in your day, even if it isn't the kind we can see and feel. . . wishing peace and strength to get through the challenges you face.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Patricia R.
on 10/18/11 9:42 pm - Perry, MI
 Hey Laureen,
I hear you with the back issues.  My herniated discs have been plaguing me for years.  I get temporary relief with occassionaly procedures, but then it returns.  Water exercise is all I can do, and as soon as my toes heal, I will be back in the pool.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 10/18/11 8:59 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Ida - I am right there with you, SO not a night person! These days I am not an early morning person either lol. I'll gladly start my day at 7 and be in bed at 9. I am one of those people that requires lots of sleep.

Laureen - I so hear you with the back issues. I've been dealing with it for years and this latest flare up has been about 3 months now! I saw the orthopeadic on monday and actually told him off and walked out. he was rude, un-professional and totally unwilling to work with me. Dr Goldberg in Abington/Willow Grove/Chalfont/Doylestown (They have a bunch of offices) should be avoided... Just a friendly FYI. He is also very condescending about weight issues.

Anyway onto today. I am at work. Still battling some sort of cold / allergies and the perpetual back issues. After work headed straight home to hang with Amelia, make dinner and the usual evening routine!
Laureen S.
on 10/18/11 10:32 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

I hate condecesion from a doctor and which was one of the reasons I so loved the doctors at Barix, because surgeons are notoriously known for their "god" attitudes and the surgeons at Barix have always been very kind and caring and very down to earth and I will not tolerate anything less from a doctor that is my provider, so good for you and thanks for the heads up.  I'm going to look into Rothman, as I hear they are the "best", but I am also considering going the route of chiropractor first to see if that helps any.  Hope you get relief soon, I now know only too well that when the back is not good, it seems that nothing else is either :(  but I am really trying hard not to let it take over.

Have a good day!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Lisa H.
on 10/18/11 9:39 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Ida and Pa..

Hope things start to come together for everyone.  

I have been so busy lately.  Yesterday, I worked a bit in the morning.  Then, I had to bring my work PC into the office because my lease was up.  I asked my boss how he wanted me to handle my work day, thinking he was going to tell me to find a desk to work from in the office.   Lucky for me, he told me to just put my out of office on and handle anything urgent when I came back home.  

Went to the office, donated blood through our office blood drive.  This was the first time I had done it since college.  I'm so glad I decided to do it.  My mom received a lot of transfusions when she was alive and it was time I finally gave back.  I also got my flu shot (FREE) while I was there.  While they were replacing my PC, I went over to Target and got a bunch of stuff for the house and the Bat Mitzvah.    By the time they were finished with my PC, my work day was pretty much done.   I got paid for doing lots of non-work related stuff.. NICE!

Last night I went to BJ's to pick up the last of what I could get now for the Bat Mitzvah and brought it to the synagogue to store in their fridge/freezer/shelves.  This is REAL!  YIKES!!!!!  EXCITED! NERVOUS! READY!!!!  

WOW! Did I go off on a major tangent or what?  Today I am working one job.. thankfully.. after work, Siehara has tutoring for said Bat Mitzvah.  Tonight I am going to the gym.  I don't know which gym, yet.  I have to figure out if I want to take Body Combat, zumba, or yoga, and then I'll know which gym to go to.. lol.  I'm thinking Combat since it is at the Gold's closest to my house and I really like that class.  BUT, I've heard that the Yoga instructor is amazing.. so we'll see.  

Then, my plan is to come home and do some cleaning around the apartment.  My sister and Neil are staying here for the Bat Mitzvah and I'm sure there will be others here at some point, as well.  SO, I really need to get off my ass and get this place looking half decent while I still have time and a little bit of sanity left inside me.  

Other than that, I am feeling some GOOD soreness in my abs from some work I did at the gym on MONDAY.. I miss this feeling.  Another reason I'm thinking Yoga might be good.. good stretch after Monday.  But, I know we will do even more ab work at Combat, so um.. I'll figure it out.. lol

Have a great day everyone and stay safe and dry. 

My tracker


Liz R.
on 10/18/11 10:18 pm - Easton, PA
The Bat Mitzvah has to be getting close now right? Good luck!!
Laureen S.
on 10/18/11 10:35 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Lisa, so excited for you and Siehara, it will all be wonderful and it's nice that someone is doing something to help you, their good karma is sure to be increased.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 10/18/11 9:48 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Good morning Ida and all you other beautiful people of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 
So Liz, if you arent a night or morning person, whats that make you?  Lol.

So today has me working as usual.  I have meetings out the ying yang today so I should be truly bored by the end of it all.  This is my last week as a mdget football coach and we only have two practices and one game left for the season.  Im excited to get this all over with so I can focus on exercising again.  I am going to do my P90x again, starting Monday.  Im pretty psyched.  I am also going to mix in my volleyball on either Monday or Wednesday nights.  Ive been missing that as well.  Time to get back to focusing on me.  Yay me!
How is everyone else doing today.


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

Liz R.
on 10/18/11 10:18 pm - Easton, PA
I am a morning person but not this 5 am crap! lol
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