Tired Tuesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 10/17/11 9:06 pm - Philadelphia, PA

I'm running late as usual.  Can't seem to get my butt out of bed.  Late night last night in class.  Not sure what was going on in class but one group that worked together seemed very tense and combative brought that to the instructor and set the mood for the entire class.  Did not enjoy class last night at all way too much tension.

I'm awake, I'm breathing, the makings of a good day.

I really want to update you all on the house, what is going on with it, the frustrations with it.  The aggrivation it is still causing.  You've been my rock and support system through this and I still really still need you all to vent but have to be very cautious and now have to keep this all bottled up inside.  Gene is wonderful but he can only take so much of me, I can't keep whining to him, he's as upset by this as I am, it really is not fair to him for me to put so much on him for my support.  Just as he pulls back from me at times because it is not fair for me to get all the anger and frustration he's feeling because of this.   As long as we have each other we will get through this.  On a positive note we do not fight and argue about this.  We talk and discuss, and when I get a mean and nasty attitude about it Gene will point that out and I reassess my voice tone and body language.

Working today till 4ish.  No training this week they are deciding if they are going to send us to Blue Bell or Malvern for this last portion of the training.

Hope you all have a great day...



Patricia R.
on 10/17/11 11:04 pm - Perry, MI
 Hi Ida,
I am barely awake.  I had trouble sleeping last night, because I have to pee all the time.  I don't understnad what is going on with that.

I have to get X-rays of my foot that was operated on today.  Then, home to rest the foot.  It has been so sore lately.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Cherish F.
on 10/18/11 12:00 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi PA!!
I've been lurking for awhile now, but I do try to read the posts every day. Although I don't always comment please know that each of you are in my thoughts with both your good (and bad) moments.
As part of my getting back to basics I'm going to try to post more often.

Just back from vacation and trying to get back into the swing of things at work. Fixing my co workers mistakes will take the better part of a week. Joy.

I can't say that I ate particularly healthy on my vacation but I certainly ate well. Lots of yummy food at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival. It was my social duty to taste test the food from different countries. Thankfully they were all small offerings. Poland literally had a plate with one pierogi and 2 small slices of kielbasa. Who eats ONE pierogi? Oh wait, I do now. Lol.
Waiting until Friday to see how the scale is affected.

I can say I am proud of myself for taking my vits every day for the past 30 days. It is something that I struggle with, and actually have to make an effort at. So I'm very happy with myself!

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful productive day! It's beautiful out there.
~ Cherish
Consult Weight/ Surgery Weight/Current Weight/  Goal Weight, Reached 4/7/11!!
     294                     286.5                     165.5                     164

Full abdominoplasty & Breast Reduction/Lift - 4/9/12!

Even miracles take a little time. ~ Cinderella

on 10/18/11 12:49 am
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida, know that I am here if you ever want to talk!!
Trish, hope you get some rest today....
Cherish, glad that you are posting again! Miss you chickie!!!

I am feeling very overwhelmed right now. There are things going on at home that I am having difficulty dealing with, along with my health issues just makes the other stuff more difficult to deal with. Here is the story....Hubby has been at his job for a little over 4 years now. HE HATES his job, but recently he has been MUCH worse with how it is affecting him and his over all personality. Now, for those of you who have met him know that he is no "ray of sunshine", but I have NEVER seen him this bad! He is depressed, has no motivation, and it is affecting his health as well. He was recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which being under the stress that he is is not helping that either! I feel like everything is falling on me! I wish I could tell him to quit, but that is not an option until another job opportunity comes up. I even started looking for a job for him online!! I am desperate!! If something doesn't change soon I am going to be a young widow!!!

I am already working two jobs to try and make ends meet.

I know that I am rambling but I also know that you are here to support me. If ANYONE knows of ANY job openings please let me know. Hubby does not have a college degree, but he is VERY smart. Has alot of experience with computers. He has been working in customer service too long and needs a change and quick!! He said he would be willing to work as a custodian sweeping floors! Now, that sounds desperate to me?!?! The job doesn't need to have health benefits because he is under my health insurance. If it could be local that would be great! If he needs to work weekends that is not a big deal since he has been working Saturdays for over a year now and worked all weekend for about three years previously....I am used to being a single parent on the weekends. Although a M-F job would be nice!

Sorry this is so long but I needed to get the word out there!!
Thanks for reading and supporting me!!
Love to all, Beth

IdaMae D.
on 10/18/11 7:39 am - Philadelphia, PA

Sending you hugs and love!

One of these nights some of us are going to have to plan to go out to dinner so we can all talk, vent,  and hang out.  I don't do bars though. 




on 10/18/11 10:41 am

on 10/18/11 3:32 am - Boothwyn, PA
Good afternoon everyone - Ida, I can't imagine the frustration and aggrevation you're dealing with right now, and not being able to discuss it outside of your own home sounds like it is taking it's toll. I know you're busy with school and everything else but sometimes just journaling my feelings helps a lot - it gives me a place to let it all out and vent and nobody has to see it but me - or you, in this case.

Trish, are you on different meds from your surgery? That could be causing those late night potty breaks.

Cherish - two of my friends went to Disney for the wine & food fest a few years ago and loved it - glad you had such a good time!!

Beth, so sorry to hear about your husband - sadly I don't know of any job opportunities right now - but hopefully he can find something soon. My husband doesn't complain about work too often but I can see how tired he is so I told him this morning to take the whole week of Thanksgiving off - he hasn't had real time off since February and he needs a good break.

As for me it's been a very busy morning trying to get everything together for the new house - this is all falling on my shoulders so I'm trying to break it down into stages and get organized on what I need, when I need it, etc. My regular work is suffering today but hopefully I'll get the basic things settled and taken care of and then can concentrate on real work again. I'm sure my employer would appreciate that!

OK - back to work - have to call the home inspector and get that set up. Waiting for calls from insurance companies in the area down in Florida for quotes,and need to shop around a little more for possibly a better deal on a mortgage. CLOSING COSTS SUCK. LOL!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 10/18/11 7:41 am - Philadelphia, PA

Journeling is a great idea.  I just don't have time to write more  :-)

Maybe after this is all done and I'm out of school I'll be able to write a book about this last year...



Twizzled D.
on 10/18/11 10:19 am
 Good evening fellow Pennsylvanians - nice to meet you all. 

Definitely was a sleepy day in-state today! No problems sleeping last night, but waking up at 5AM to get to the hospital for 6:30 for my pre-gastroscopy stuff (gallbladder ultrasound, chest x-ray, and bloodwork) had me dragging the rest of the day. Coffee only made it so far through work - then a haircut after work. I think I dozed off for a second when she was shampooing my hair....whoops. Looking forward to bed in a bit. Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
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