* * Soggy Wednesday Roll Call * * *

on 9/27/11 10:06 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning PA peeps - doesn't appear anyone has started roll call - everybody sleeping in on this rainy Wednesday? I wish I was!!

I'm at work - should be a quiet day. Got my plane ticket to fly back from Florida, so I'll be heading south with my sister on the 9th and coming back the 11th. Yes, quick trip - but hopefully I can find a house that suits our needs and get that moving. Still a bit heartbroken over not getting the house I loved, but I need to grow up and get over that.

Not much else going on for me right now - enjoying the visit with my family - getting ready for my brother's benefit Friday night.

Stay dry everyone.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/27/11 10:32 pm - Lancaster, PA
Good moring Kathy good luck on finding the right house for you. Things work out as they are supposed to.

I am struggling today with many things but a headache is the main one. I am not really a headache person but this one is a doozie.

The tests that I had last week showed that I have white matter lesions on my brain. They have indicated that this could be a early diagnosis of MS, or brain damage due to migraines. I never really thought I had migraines but the symptoms that I have been having could be due to silent atypical migraines.  With that said I have a referral for a neurologist.

This headache today is big and I just want to go to bed but I have clients this evening.

My doctor suggested that I stop using Splenda. For some reason this makes me want to cry. I feel like I have given up a lot and that splenda at least helps me get to have a SF dessert every once in awhile or have my coffee as I like it sweet and creamy. When I think about not having that it is upsetting. I am such a baby.

I guess this journey does have its challenges huh
on 9/27/11 10:37 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good luck with the neurologist - I hope things aren't as bad as the early diagnosis indicates - saying prayers for you that everything comes out okay.

You're not being a baby about giving up Splenda - for me it's the only sugar substitute I can tolerate the taste of, and when it's put in things like desserts my tastebuds can't tell the difference between that and regular sugar. So go ahead and pout for a while.

Keep us posted on your prognosis - will keep you in my prayers.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/27/11 11:07 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Hi beautiful!  You are so NOT a baby!!!!!!  The information that you received is very scary and then benig told to stop something you thought was not a big deal....well, NOW it is a big deal....You have every right to be upset.  I hope you can get through this day with as little pain as possible.  Drink TONS of water, hopefully with that and some pain meds, the headache might lessen and possibly become even tolerable.

Miss you baby! :)
on 9/27/11 11:12 pm

I am so sorry that you are suffering with these headaches. I hope that it is not MS, one of my good college friends has it and it is not pretty. Hopefully it is just cronic migranes!! Praying for you and sending you healing thoughts.

I would SO NOT be happy if I had to give up Splenda!! Pout if you want to...

Love, Beth

Lisa H.
on 9/27/11 11:31 pm - Whitehall, PA
 WOW Nic.. hope they figure out what is going on and it is nothing too major.  RE: Splenda, what about the more natural sweeteners like Truvia or Stevia? Ask about those.  I know they don't bake as well, but at least you can use it in your coffee.  

My tracker


Laureen S.
on 9/27/11 11:46 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Try raw stevia, it's a natural sugar substitute and you should be able to use it for what you want it for.  I stopped using splenda, for the most part a while ago, not totally because it is in some things I use, but in things like coffee and such I no longer use it and try to limit it as much as possible, heard some time ago, it's not really all that good for us, but then again, what is.   Hope you feel better.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

IdaMae D.
on 9/28/11 7:21 am - Philadelphia, PA
Sending hugs, prayers, and positive thoughts to you.  I can understand giving up so much that it's emotional to give up one more thing.  Can you use stevia?




Patricia R.
on 9/27/11 10:41 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning PA,
I have a busy day ahead.  I am heading to preadmission testing for my upcoming toe surgery at Barix.  They now do other outpatient procedures.  My podiatrist uses Barix and Aria Bucks.  I had my other toe surgery at Aria, but was hoping to go to Barix this time.

This evening I have a psychiatrist appointment and group therapy.  In between cleaning and crocheting.  I am finished the baby blanket, which I forgot to take a picture of, and now I am working on my granddaugher's Christmas present.  It's a bedspread made with red, hot pink, pink and white yarn.  She picked out the colors.  Her bad is a full size, which means I must work diligently on this.

When I finish the bedspread, I will be working on scarves for Pennsylvania Special Olympics.  They have their state games in Johnstown in February or March, and they give every athlete a scarf handmade by donors from throughout the state.  If you are interested in making one, the details are at this link.  


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/27/11 11:13 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Kathy and everyone!

I am here at school.  Kids are all here and we are all so sick of the rain.  It is sooooo stinking hot in our building and I DO open all the windows, but it is dreary.  I try my damndest to make the room sun-shiny, but the weather is so not helping!  (And remember, I am the one who LOVES Mother Nature.....she is really starting to tick me off these days!)

After school I will head right home and no doubt, need a shower, then get redressed and have to leave the house at 4:45 for the hopefully NOT 1.25 hour drive to my Bro and Sis-In-Laws house.  It is normally a 45 minute drive, however, with the weather, the four day weekend and rush hour, one never knows.  I am giving us an extra 30 minute cushion.  I am very much looking forward to seeing my SIL.  Haven't caught up with her since mid-summer.  Crazy!!!!

Then tomorrow I doubt that I will be posting as I have services in the morning, going to see if I can get to my therapist in the early afternoon, then more services in the afternoon.  Then off to my Aunt and Uncle's house for another dinner.  I am trying VERY hard to wrap my brain around a new year, but I am still fighting major anxiety.  I go back to the Psychiatrist in October, hopefully she will be able to help me with some other type of med to get that under control. We shall see!  (Three days and no incidents with the 13 year old!)  OF course, Emily wasn't in the house in the morning to set her off, sigh....next week will be a joy!

Happy Wednesday all!
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