Soggy Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning PA;
Been up since about 5am, horrible headache doesn't seem to want to go away. Took Tylenol that usually works quickly, however, 2 hours later the headache has not subsided.
Still dealing with house and family crap. I believe the family crap is finally over. Received certified mail from that person that was supposed to be my brother. He sent a copy of my biological father's will. Gene didn't give it to me, told me about it coming last night. I am thankful that he did not. He said he did not tell me when it came because I was not in a place to deal with it. I told him I never want to see it, as long as he read it I'm satisfied never to look at it. I know this might sound harsh to some, as far as I'm concerned I have no "birth family". I never have to see, talk to, deal with anything regarding that for the rest of my life. My mom passed away 15 yrs ago this coming October 15th she was my only "birth family".
The house stuff is crazy. I can't update on public forums at the moment which makes it tough for me to vent, but have to be careful now.
I do want to thank you all for all the love and support you send out to me, it is much appreciated especially now!!!!
Today I'm going to try to get all my reading done so I can start all the writing that is due tomorrow evening.
Hope everyone has a great day.....
Been up since about 5am, horrible headache doesn't seem to want to go away. Took Tylenol that usually works quickly, however, 2 hours later the headache has not subsided.
Still dealing with house and family crap. I believe the family crap is finally over. Received certified mail from that person that was supposed to be my brother. He sent a copy of my biological father's will. Gene didn't give it to me, told me about it coming last night. I am thankful that he did not. He said he did not tell me when it came because I was not in a place to deal with it. I told him I never want to see it, as long as he read it I'm satisfied never to look at it. I know this might sound harsh to some, as far as I'm concerned I have no "birth family". I never have to see, talk to, deal with anything regarding that for the rest of my life. My mom passed away 15 yrs ago this coming October 15th she was my only "birth family".
The house stuff is crazy. I can't update on public forums at the moment which makes it tough for me to vent, but have to be careful now.
I do want to thank you all for all the love and support you send out to me, it is much appreciated especially now!!!!
Today I'm going to try to get all my reading done so I can start all the writing that is due tomorrow evening.
Hope everyone has a great day.....
Good Morning Ida and PA to follow,
I am so sorry you are dealing with continued stuff with your brother and all that goes with your father's will. Now and then, my Mom has threatened to write me out of her will. I told her to go ahead if she felt that way. Mom can be a spiteful b**ch.
Today, I am heading to my therapist's office and then to New York for tonight's Phillies/Mets game. It was supposed to be last night, but got rained out. Hopefully, it will be drier than last night.
I have been making more AA meetings this week, and it has helped me tremendously. I also started attending a great Bible study at my church. It's good to get involved in life and get involved with other people.
I also love my apartment. It is wonderful. I still have a few stray boxes to unpack.
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
I am so sorry you are dealing with continued stuff with your brother and all that goes with your father's will. Now and then, my Mom has threatened to write me out of her will. I told her to go ahead if she felt that way. Mom can be a spiteful b**ch.
Today, I am heading to my therapist's office and then to New York for tonight's Phillies/Mets game. It was supposed to be last night, but got rained out. Hopefully, it will be drier than last night.
I have been making more AA meetings this week, and it has helped me tremendously. I also started attending a great Bible study at my church. It's good to get involved in life and get involved with other people.
I also love my apartment. It is wonderful. I still have a few stray boxes to unpack.
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Good Morning Pa.,
Ida I hope you are able to lose that headache soon so you are able to concentrate on your reading and school work. Sometimes you just have to give up things in life that cause you pain and drag you down. Just think after all the "crap" with house is done you will have so much free time you won't know what to do. It will happen, continued thoughts and prayer coming your way for healing and peace.
We have made it better than a week since my grandchildren's parents left for their cruise, no major problems with the kids. I don't know who will be happier that they are home, Mom and Dad, the kids or me. A trip to Chuckie Cheese will be in the offering this morning so they can run around and let out some steam. Hope that this rain let's up soon as it is starting to get to me. I haven't been able to sleep more than about 2 1/2 hours each nite, there is something bothering me, and I can't figure out what it is, I guess it will surface soon. Hope everyone is able to relax and enjoy themselves today.
Hugs to All, Ena
Ida I hope you are able to lose that headache soon so you are able to concentrate on your reading and school work. Sometimes you just have to give up things in life that cause you pain and drag you down. Just think after all the "crap" with house is done you will have so much free time you won't know what to do. It will happen, continued thoughts and prayer coming your way for healing and peace.
We have made it better than a week since my grandchildren's parents left for their cruise, no major problems with the kids. I don't know who will be happier that they are home, Mom and Dad, the kids or me. A trip to Chuckie Cheese will be in the offering this morning so they can run around and let out some steam. Hope that this rain let's up soon as it is starting to get to me. I haven't been able to sleep more than about 2 1/2 hours each nite, there is something bothering me, and I can't figure out what it is, I guess it will surface soon. Hope everyone is able to relax and enjoy themselves today.
Hugs to All, Ena
Good morning Ida and PA - Ida, I am so sorry your family saga continues. Hugs to you and thank God you found Gene and he is the wonderful support system that you need to help you through all this. We're always here for you as well. Also sending prayers that the house situation gets resolved sooner than later, but these things take time - sometimes way too much time, especially with all the rain again. Hang in there.
I've got laundry going, made stuff for breakfast (or brunch for the boys since they're all still in bed), and need to put the guest bedroom back together. Have a nail appointment at 11 and then some more cleaning to do today.
Another house went on the market in my sister's development in Florida and she and my brother's gf went to see it yesterday - she sent tons of pictures. This house is bigger than the last one - no pool
but my sister has a pool and lives around the corner. We've never had a pool so taking care of one could be a challenge. This house is very nice, but very dated - it was probably decorated when it was new (1996) and hasn't been updated since. Roof and A/C are new, as well as the sprinkler system, and those are major items, so that's good. The rest of it is stuff I could do a little at a time to make it my own. It's in great condition, just very dated, and I can deal with that. My sister has offered me a frequent flyer ticket to fly down to see it in person and I may take her up on it, and look at 2 other properties in her development while I'm there.
I can honestly say that I'm not quite over the other house - it was perfect for us and I think something sneaky or weird is going on there. The reason the deal fell through was because the owners are under-water in their mortage - owing more than the asking price. So the deal was that they had to obtain financing to pay off the balance of the mortgage over the offer they accepted from us. Well they only went to the owners brother-in-law and he turned them down, so the deal was off. Well, the house is STILL on the market? OK, if they couldn't get the money to sell to us, how can they leave it on the market? If it's still listed next week my sister's friends are going to make an appointment to see it - if they can then I am contacting the realtor's board in Florida and reporting them - it makes NO sense. We had a SIGNED contract - they only went to a family member for the money - no lending institution or bank. I need some kind of closure on that deal before I can move forward because that truly was the house of my dreams - I could us living there. I know I'll have to let go but for now I need some answers.
My siser and b-i-l arrive tomorrow and can't wait to see them. Have to get the house ready.
have a great day everyone.
I've got laundry going, made stuff for breakfast (or brunch for the boys since they're all still in bed), and need to put the guest bedroom back together. Have a nail appointment at 11 and then some more cleaning to do today.
Another house went on the market in my sister's development in Florida and she and my brother's gf went to see it yesterday - she sent tons of pictures. This house is bigger than the last one - no pool

I can honestly say that I'm not quite over the other house - it was perfect for us and I think something sneaky or weird is going on there. The reason the deal fell through was because the owners are under-water in their mortage - owing more than the asking price. So the deal was that they had to obtain financing to pay off the balance of the mortgage over the offer they accepted from us. Well they only went to the owners brother-in-law and he turned them down, so the deal was off. Well, the house is STILL on the market? OK, if they couldn't get the money to sell to us, how can they leave it on the market? If it's still listed next week my sister's friends are going to make an appointment to see it - if they can then I am contacting the realtor's board in Florida and reporting them - it makes NO sense. We had a SIGNED contract - they only went to a family member for the money - no lending institution or bank. I need some kind of closure on that deal before I can move forward because that truly was the house of my dreams - I could us living there. I know I'll have to let go but for now I need some answers.
My siser and b-i-l arrive tomorrow and can't wait to see them. Have to get the house ready.
have a great day everyone.
Good Morning Ida and PA!
With all the S*** that is going on in your life I am surprised a headache is all you have!! I hope you find peace and calm soon! You know that we are here for you, we may not be blood, but we are family. Ehhh, blood relatives are HIGHLY overrated?!?!
Yesterday was the first day in about two weeks that I woke up feeling pretty good until late morning when my throat was getting scratchy. There is alot going around now at school so I was bound to get something...with my WBC issues I should just have a antibiotics in the house just to take immediately. I am obsessive about washing my hands and using hand sanitizer, but these damn germy kids do it to me everytime! Plus with my busy schedule, I am sure I am run down...
I have to do food shopping today, but I might wait until Steven gets home from work. I really don't feel up to unloading it all by myself.
I got some upsetting news yesterday. I finally got to talk to the hemotologist again from HUP and he wants me to go for ANOTHER bone marrow biopsy!! SOOO NOT HAPPY!!! He is talking about the possibility of bone marrow failure, which doesn't sound good! I am going to have it done by my local doctor and I am going to ask that I be put out or heavily medicated. I will make sure that hubby goes with me. I am really scared and worried....I HATE when doctors talk about possibilities before you have the test.
Anyway, last night we went out for dinner to celebrate our birthdays. It was really a nice dinner from start to finish. A nice distraction from my health issues....
Today, the exterminator is coming for a three month spraying. No issues just the usual. I am going to make sure I take it easy today and take a nap.
Have a great day!
Love, Beth
With all the S*** that is going on in your life I am surprised a headache is all you have!! I hope you find peace and calm soon! You know that we are here for you, we may not be blood, but we are family. Ehhh, blood relatives are HIGHLY overrated?!?!
Yesterday was the first day in about two weeks that I woke up feeling pretty good until late morning when my throat was getting scratchy. There is alot going around now at school so I was bound to get something...with my WBC issues I should just have a antibiotics in the house just to take immediately. I am obsessive about washing my hands and using hand sanitizer, but these damn germy kids do it to me everytime! Plus with my busy schedule, I am sure I am run down...
I have to do food shopping today, but I might wait until Steven gets home from work. I really don't feel up to unloading it all by myself.
I got some upsetting news yesterday. I finally got to talk to the hemotologist again from HUP and he wants me to go for ANOTHER bone marrow biopsy!! SOOO NOT HAPPY!!! He is talking about the possibility of bone marrow failure, which doesn't sound good! I am going to have it done by my local doctor and I am going to ask that I be put out or heavily medicated. I will make sure that hubby goes with me. I am really scared and worried....I HATE when doctors talk about possibilities before you have the test.
Anyway, last night we went out for dinner to celebrate our birthdays. It was really a nice dinner from start to finish. A nice distraction from my health issues....
Today, the exterminator is coming for a three month spraying. No issues just the usual. I am going to make sure I take it easy today and take a nap.
Have a great day!
Love, Beth">">>