Wonderful Wednesday Roll Call

on 9/13/11 7:33 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa.,
Took something to sleep, did not work to well, have been awake since 4am.
Have about 1 1/2 hrs before getting the kids up,dressed,fed,  make lunchesand drive them to school.
Then I am going to hit the beach again today, although my daughter will go today as it was her last 12 hr shift of the week, and she can sleep on the beach.  Veg out today, do all the running and laundry tomorrow, so she can do her packing on Friday.  They will be gone for a week, and I am getting a little help around dinner time, one of the teacher aids is coming in a couple days while they are gone to help me get thru dinner,home work, and baths.  Almost everything seems to be in place.  Will relax and enjoy today and not even think what next week will be like.  Thoughts and prayers going out to those who are facing issues.  Have a good day all.
Hugs, Ena

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




IdaMae D.
on 9/13/11 8:23 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Ena & PA:

Ena, maybe today you can catch a nap and thank you for all your prayers during these rough times for me.  I do feel the strength of all the prayers and positive thoughts!

Yesterday was a good day back to work.  All the hugs and I love you's were overwhelming at times, all in all a good day.

I found out yesterday I've been tapped for a huge project as one of the subject matter experts to begin the implementation process and brainstorming to get this new database product designed as a company wide enterprise.  At first I was not sure I was into it a meeting from 11am to 4:30pm my first day back to work oh my.  It turned out to be more interesting than I had initially anticipated.  Today and tomorrow then next Tues, Wed, and Thurs. the same timeframe for these meetings after that the meetings will be as needed.  I'm pretty excited about this project and spent the better part of the afternoon yesterday as the main speaker. 

Today I'm working again till approx. 4:30 or when the meeting adjourns which ever comes first.  I'm hoping to get out at lunch for a walk, that did not happen yesterday as this meeting and being in the office for the fist time in 2 weeks threw me off a bit.  After work hoping to get a little bit of time with my treadmill as well.  The area is almost cleaned out of boxes so I'm hoping to move the remainder when I get home so I can lower the platform.  Or depending on my level of tiredness I might take  my nap before bedtime.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day...



Patricia R.
on 9/13/11 8:26 pm, edited 9/13/11 8:26 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ena and PA Peeps to follow,
I have been getting up early because of bathroom issues.  First it was constipation, now it is the opposite.   

I have a quiet day today.  Resting the leg a lot ij the morning, and an appointment in the afternoon.  I will also be watching the Phillies game thisafternoon,

 A blah day ahead of me.  


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 9/13/11 8:44 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All!!

Ena I am jealous about the beach! enjoy!!

I am at work this morning, one of my best friends is having a baby this morning so I am super excited waiting for an update :). Also have to run out for a 9:50 appt with the orthopeadic about my back. MRI results weren't great but not terrible either, I'll get him to explain it all this morning and plan a course of action. After work running into wegmans just for some fish for dinner then home to make said dinner, hang with Mia and get us both to bed at a decent hour I hope!
on 9/13/11 10:05 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - Ena, I don't know what beach you're hanging at but if it's up here enjoy the warmth while you can! Supposed to really cool down over the next few days.

I have a lot of my plate today - first thing is to call Xerox and b*tch them out and find out when they're coming to fix our machine (because I'm sick and tired of being b*tched out because it's been down for 2 days) - 2nd thing is to find a copy of our personal excess liability insurance form for the house so I can send it off to the management company - need it for the benefit we're having for my brother and renting the clubhouse. 3rd I have to find a simple agreement form for the following:

My brother & his gf are 'gifting' us the money for the down payment on the house in Florida!! And offering extremely generous pay-back terms, so that was awesome news yesterday. Hence the simple agreement form - the bank will see it as a 'gift' but of course we'll repay them when we sell our house up here. Today we'll be writing the formal offer on the house in Florida, and I will be finalizing the initial mortgage paperwork to go along with it. I am so nervous but excited at the same time.

So that's my day - along with fitting some real work into the picture along the way!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 9/13/11 10:52 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all... sorry you are not sleeping, but hopefully you can catch up on some rest at the beach.  I am totally jealous.  I only got to the beach once this year.  

Today will be spent working only ONE job and recovering from 2-15 hr work days.  After work, Siehara has Bat Mitzvah tutoring.  Invites went out yesterday and I am going to be figuring out what Sunday I can get in the kitchen to do the bulk of the cooking.  I'll let you all know when I figure that out so you all can come and help!!  There really isn't all that much to do, believe it or not, so it won't be too bad.  

I also need to have Siehara sit down and write down songs that HAVE to be played at the party so I can give the list to Beth.   Tonight there is a choir sectional rehearsal that is optional.  I want to go, but I also want to just stay home and spend time with Siehara.  Siehara wins since I have been out of the house working so much.  We will have a nice dinner of tilapia, broccoli and something else and just hang out tonight.   We need some time together at home.  Maybe we can find a movie we can watch together so I'm not stuck watching Disney or Nickelodeon all night.  

Other than that, I'm going to try to go to bed early.  I'm definitely feeling the affects of working 2 jobs and need to rest.  

My tracker


Laureen S.
on 9/13/11 11:00 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ena and PA Friends. . .

I am jealous, would so like to be going to the beach today, hopefully the beginning of October will find me enjoying some good weather there, as Tony and I will be spending 4 days at my son's shore house the first week in October.  Enjoy!

Ida, I am happy to read that you had a good day yesterday and perhaps this project is just what you need to help take your mind off the other things that have certainly weighed you down.  Hope today is a another good day!

Kathy, I am thrilled that a plan is coming together and hopefully it is just what you need to help you get through the way you've been feeling, because now you will have your place in Florida and it is just a matter of everything else coming together for you to be there permanently.  Best of luck to you, we have to do dinner soon. . .

It is a nice day outside, got up made it to the gym and I am sitting here at my desk, tonight I have plans to meet up with my DIL and the kids after their swim lessons for a bite to eat, that should be nice, otherwise, lunch will find me at an AA meeting and that's it from me.

Wishing you all the very best of days and the hope that you find peace and strength to deal with the more challenging aspects of living.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 9/13/11 11:05 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!

Hope everyone enjoys the sunshine--I for one am looking forward to the fall like weather we are supposed to have tomorrow!

Nothing on the agenda today...just more bedrest. Not a whole lot to do.

Tomorrow is my doctor appointment so perhaps we will find out if
they are going to induce labor or let me ride out the last week or so depending on the lab results...

That's it for me!!

Enjoy the day!
Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 9/13/11 11:12 pm
Good Morning Ena and PA!

Ena, I hope you can get some rest today!
Ida, sounds like this new project is just what you need!
Lisa, let me know when you need me!

Today is wor****il 3:30, then I have a dentist appointment @ 5, then have to go pick up Dee and her friend at Hebrew School, dinner, homework and bed!

I got a lead on a second job right near my school, actually at another school in my district. They have an extended day program that goes til 5, so the principal called me yesterday and asked me when I can start! I told her tomorrow!! YEAH ME!! It is amazing how G-D answers prayers!! It will be M-TH 3;30-5, which leaves me enough time to get Dee from school!!! This is gonna be tough but I have to do it!!

Have a great day! I have a busy one ahead!
Love to all, Beth

on 9/14/11 1:08 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Ena - hope that next week is calm for you - watching three grandbabies is going to be fun and chalenging at the same time -  how nice for you to give this gift to your daughter - my mom did the same for us when she was alive - it was never too much trouble for her!  My in-laws however, a whole different story.

I have got to get back in to the routine of posting before the kids get here.  I have been so busy before school that I have not had the chance to post until they go to lunch. 

So today I am at school, had a great morning so far, and then after school I am hopefull going to see the therapist.  If not, I already have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow, then I am headed home to hang with Larry and the girls - Josh will be working.

Oh - and today I too, like Liz, am waiting to hear about Ms. Schnibbe Hunt's newest addition!  YAY!

Enjoy this Wednesday all! :)
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