Tired Tuesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 9/12/11 7:42 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

Yesterday my first attempt to get to work failed.  I got half way to work, realized I did not have my badge or my keys, tried to call Gene no answer, I decided to go home to get them.  I'd been on the road for 45 min, and knew that where I was I could make it home in 10 min.  Heading south in the mornings is crazy, turning around to head north would be very quick.  So I went home grabbed my keys and badge, got back in the car and just did not want to deal with all that traffic heading south again, too stressful.  I called my boss told her I just could not attempt it again, she suggested that I sign onto my work laptop and work from home.  My first baby step ended up working from home rather than the office.

I also had to work on my power point for class last night as well as the outline so I really didn't get much "work" done but did get the presentation and outline completed.

Last night headed to class, got stuck in all that traffic trying to get to the turnpike in Bensalem what a mess, took me 45 min to get from my house back to my house to head to 95 south to get to class by going down past where I work to catch the blue route.  2 hours to get to class last night.  My first outing around people was tough, all the condolences and kind words were nice and appreciated.  It amazes me that others can care so much about me a stranger up until a year ago, yet my own biological famiily could care less about me. 

I've now taken 6 classes and have 5 left to go for my MBA - I'm over half way there!!!! 

Today, is baby step number 2, thank you so much for that reminder Steffi, I'm able to deal with this as long as I keep reminding myself of that wonderful little phrase.   I'm working till 4 - gonna try this again, leaving early this morning to avoid all that traffic I hit yesterday.  I'm taking a tee shirt to change into at lunch so I can get outside for a walk.  I need to start taking some time for me during the day and getting away from work and computer.  I know today is going to be a little bit tougher than last night, I'm heading back to my work family who have mostly all been in my life since 2003 and know there are many that truely care about me there, so I know this is going to be harder than last night.

I hope everyone has a great day and gets outside to enjoy the sunshine for a little bit.



Liz R.
on 9/12/11 8:39 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Ida - Keep taking those baby steps!

I know it doesn't compare but when I had my miscarriage  I was only out of work a few days and it took everything that I had to get me to come back. I spent the entire first day or 2 back crying - literally. The outpouring of love from my co-workers and more "i've been there done that" stories then I ever could have imagined. Sending hugs and strength your way.

Today has me at wor****il 3:30 then running into Target for a few quick items, a stop at the chiropractor and to my Parents to get Mia. Then we'll head home made dinner, get my food ready for tomorrow and head to bed early!

AS a little side bar Miss Mia went for her 15 month check up yesterday, she is 33 1/4" tall and weighs 30 pounds - she is in the 95th percentile for both! My big girl :) She had 3 shots and cried for about 30 seconds. She is such a trooper! Love that baby! Oh and Mommy had her flu shot too - OUCH! lol My arm is all sore today. Fun times!
Patricia R.
on 9/12/11 9:05 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
Hugs and prayers, Ida, for you as you take those baby steps.  Remember that it is one day at a time, and if that is too much, take it one hour at a time.

Liz, it does sound like Mia is a trooper.  Good for her for taking all three shots and not getting too upset.  I also got my flu shot yesterday.  I also got my B12 shot.  

I am up early because I have an appointment for an IV iron infusion, followed by an appointment with my hematologist, all at the same office.  
I have to confess I have been sinking into a depression about the latest health issue.  I have boxes to unpack, and I have to rest the leg and keep it elevated.  I saw my doctor yesterday, and he said the infection looks like it is shrinking, and to call for a follow up if it does not continue to shrink.

One of the reasons I am anxious about having the boxes is because when I moved in upstairs, I ended up in the psych ward and rehab with my apartment full of boxes, and I don't want to end up there again.  I am not at risk for drinking again.  I have been making meetings and talking to my sponsor, and praying a lot.  It is like a nightmare flashback.

I would appreciate your prayers.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/12/11 9:58 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - prayers to Ida and Trish today as they face some rather daunting challenges - hugs to you both - praying life settles down and becomes somewhat normal for you both.

Liz - Target? Again? LOL!! I saw your FB post on Mia - she's doing great!! What a cutie.

I'm at work - sort of in a pissy mood this morning but lately that doesn't seem to take much! Felt rushed by hubby this morning as I'm feeding the dog and trying to get a crockpot of chili going for dinner. He could have helped by unloading the dishwasher - instead he waits in the car making me feel more rushed. GRRRR.

I get to work - my cream cheese has morphed into someone's science project so it's peanut butter on a bagel. I'm limiting myself to 2 treats a week at Micky D's for my special coffee - trying to budget things. When I left work yesterday I had boxed over 2 whole pizzas for our lunch today - came in this morning and if there are six slices left that's a lot, and in bags. One of my co-workers seems to think that leftover pizza is here to feed his family, and I know damn well it was him that took it home to his kids. If the man was destitute it would be one thing, but he's not - he's just lazy and didn't want to have to make dinner. I don't care if he does it on a Friday, but hey, he'll have to answer to the others in here when they go for leftovers for lunch.

And I'm sure everyone is going to be moaning and groaning because the xerox died yesterday - I operated on it a while but it's beyond my expertise at this point - service has been called, but I have no idea when they'll get here. That's another whole issue I'm having this morning, but after boring you with my pizza story I'll spare you my xerox story!!

In the big scheme of things those two things are so trivial it's not even funny - the bigger issues going on are I'm a little stressed because I asked my brother and his girlfriend for a loan to use as a down payment on a house in Florida - it's hard asking for that kind of money, but we'll see what happens. And then my daughter posted a new picture on FB yesterday - she looks awful - she looks old and drawn - way too thin - eyes sunken in with dark circles. I called her to see what's going on but it was like pulling teeth trying to get her to talk. I think she's over-medicating herself with her 'little white pills' - her husband is practically keeping her prisoner in their house with no money, no car - the girls aren't getting involved in activities at school - they go to school and go home and sit in the house - very concerned about all of them, and  have no idea what I can do for them.

OK - sorry about the morning whine...more coffee and I'll be fine - my problems compared to others are trite.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/12/11 10:37 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!

Ida--(((HUGS!!)) Keep taking those baby steps! Each day will get a little better!

Liz--Aww that Mia --what a cutie!! :-)

Kathy-- (((BIG HUGS))) and prayers being sent your way. I hope all works out with Florida and that your daughter is alright that sounds like a scary situation! Hopefully you can get her to open up and let you know how she really is...thinking of you!

As for me...more bedrest. We went to the Dr yesterday and while my blood pressure was down they want to wait for the results ofthe 24 hour urine test and then decide if we are going to induce labor or just wait for it to happen naturally. At this point...I am really leaning towards being induced. I am tired and stressed.

Hubby just quit his job and took a new one that he is very happy about...that is great. The place he has worked for the last four years brought in new management and they are just awful sooo I am really happy for him...problem is that when we decided I was going to take my one year sabbatical my insurance only lasts until the end of my paid leave...then I was supposed to go on his with the baby...this new job--no benefits for the first year as it is a contracted job. So now I am basically freaking out and trying not to show it too much. I don't know what to do just yet...I am pretty sure the baby can be covered under CHIP but for me I haven't a clue...and I have to have that procedure on my cervix after the baby is born...sigh. Gotta think of something...very very stressed....

Oh well enough about me....today is bedrest bedrest bedrest...perhaps the Lil Sweet Pea will decide to make their appearance early?? I hope so!!

Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 9/12/11 11:07 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida, sounds like you are still having difficulties, but taking those baby steps will help!! ((HUGS))

Liz, so glad Mia is doing so well! She is one tough cookie just like her Momma!

Today is wor****il 3:30, then a few errands, then home for a bit, pick up the child, homework,bath, relax and bed! I KNOW, SOOOO exciting!!!! LOL!

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth

on 9/12/11 11:13 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa.,
Ida, hang in there, take your baby steps and God will see you through.  Prayers for strength, and peace for you for today.
Trish, the boxes will wait, take care of yourself first, sending prayers your way.
Little Mia, what a doll, taking it all in stride.
Laura take the rest while you can, when that little one arrives you will have lots of cuddle time.
Kathy, prayers for you and the situation with your daughter, it does sound scary, I hope your she is able to open up to you soon.  I have no suggestions for you, but will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
My friend and I used to joke that it was a good thing that when one of us was down it was a good thing the other one was up so we could support one another, seems that is what we are going through on here.  I feel a little guilty, as my "stuff" for the present is of no concern compared to others that I am able to function today unhindered.  I sure there will come a time in the near future when my junk come to a head, and I need someone to lean on.  In the mean time you are all in my thoughts and prayers, hoping you can function and make it through the day without to much trouble.
As for me I think another day at the beach is the ticket for me.  I went yesterday, but did not spend much time as I have been taking additional supplements, and my system is not quite used to them so I only stayed about 1 1/2 hours, not to mention the fact that is was Grandparents Day at my youngest granddaughters school.  I guess cause I was a new fact, all the little ones (this is a 2 yo group) whose grandparents did not show decided I was a good substitute, one little on who was stressed over the fact that his grandmother could not take him home with her, even came over and put his arms around me crying.  I guess because I sat on the floor to play with them, and the other grands came and went I was the go to one.  I had to wait for the older two to be brought back in by van from the other school so I was there for 1 1/2 hours.  They probably thought that I was staff by the time I left.  It was fun though.  I don't know how those teachers do it all day, I was tired when I left.
So it's off to the beach, as my daughter and her husband leave for their cruise on Sat. leaving me with the 3 kids till the following Sat.  (I will more than likely need to be medicated by the time they come home)
Hope you all have a good day.

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




Lisa H.
on 9/13/11 12:38 am - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all... extremely tired and my pouchy is upset.  I think the pomegranate greek yogurt I had for breakfast is not working for me.  

Trying to get through my work day with little success.  I am just sooooo tired and want to just lie around and do nothing.  BUT, that does not pay the bills.  So I am at my desk struggling to stay awake.   A lunch time power nap is definitely on the agenda since I have to work at Dress Barn tonight.

Guess that's about it for the day.. work both jobs.. I have a beef stew in the crock pot for dinner.  

Home tonight and right to bed.. YAAAAWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNN

My tracker


on 9/13/11 12:52 am - Boothwyn, PA
Lisa - what is your first job that you work from home? When we finally do move I'm definitely looking at changing 'careers' (not that mine is much of a career) - but working from home sounds appealing. I sort of recall you say you work for Aetna? Appreciate any insight on what you do - how you got into it, etc. Thanks!! Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 9/13/11 2:38 am - Whitehall, PA
You recall correctly.  I work for Aetna as an implementation consultant.  I set up group benefits in the system.  

Aetna DOES offer a lot of positions from home, but you typically need to be in the office for at least a year before they will let you go home.  I have worked for the company in various positions for 13 1/2 years.  I've been home for about 5, now.  

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