Sullen Sunday Roll Call

on 9/10/11 10:13 pm
Good Morning PA Forum!!

Today my heart is remembering the horrible events that happened ten years ago...One of my HS classmates perished that day in the World Trade Center in NY. I was at school during my prep when I heard about the attacks on the WTC. At first I thought, another car bomb? Then, the flood of parents came in to take their kids home and I knew it was something significant! Back in 2001 we were not as connected as we are now. I didn't have access to a computer, or a smartphone or even a TV. I did have a small radio on my desk, but the reception was not that good. I went through my morning classes trying to put on a brave face and answer the students questions, but with little information I couldn't say much. At lunch, there was a rumor that all bridges were going to close, so I asked my principal if I could leave early. She said yes, but then I had to take it as half a sick day...on the way home I called Steven and he was watching live feed from his desk at work. He was giving me details and I was in shock, couldn't process it! I heard about the attack on the pentagon and tried to call my friend in DC, but couldn't get in touch with her. I did later and she got a front row seat to seeing the plane crash into the pentagon. At the time she worked in DC and was on her way to work. I got home and turned on the TV and I just could not believe what had happened. I watched for hours, days and I still could not fathom that this could happen on US soil!!! To this day it still feels like a nightmare, but I know it REALLY happened! Alot has changed in the last ten years, but the memories of that day will forever be engraved in my head as I am sure it will be for all of us!

I am up early to take Dee to Hebrew School and we have a parent orientation also. Our township is doing a 9/11 memorial later today. I would like to try to go...

Sorry for such a depressing post, but my heart is heavy today!! I know that this forum is a place where we can be free to express whatever feelings we are feeling.

Try and make it a good day however you are going to spend it!
Love to all, Beth">">>

Patricia R.
on 9/10/11 11:08 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Beth and PA,
I understand your sullen feelings, as I am very contemplative myself.  I was teaching my fifth graders at a school in Philadelphia when a grade partner burst into my room and blurted out, "They blew up the World Trade Center and they are evacuating the White House."  Then, my cell phone rang, and it was my ex-husband calling to ask me if I could call all of my kids and let them know he was safe and on his way home from D.C. in a colleague's car, as his business trip with the federal government was cut short, and he was using a friend's cell phone because he could not get a signal on his.  I called my kids and then parents started showing up to pick up their kids from school.  We had an early dismissal from school that day, because the mayor wanted the city businesses evacuated as much as possible.  

My women's conference at church was a blessing.  Did a lot of digging into Scripture, which I love.  

Today, I am staying home from church, and nursing my other leg, as I have a nasty case of cellulitis and it hurts.  I have had it before in this spot, and the doc on call ordered an antibiotic for me.  I will call my family doc tomorrow to make an appointment.

I hope everyone stays safe, and has a blessed day.  


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/10/11 11:11 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Good morning Beth.  Thanks for sharing your memories.
On that fateful day I was meeting with my boss at the group home I was supervising.  We didnt have the TV on and we started the meeting at 8"00 am and didnt end until 10:00 am.  At that point we traveled back to the administration building to go to another meeting.  When we got there we found out that something was going on but no one actually knew or believed what was happening.  I live about 30 miles from Shanksville/somerset and I remember the fear that came across me when I began to realize how close to home all of this was happening.  I remember thinking Oh my God, are we really under attack, is this the beginning of World War Three?  My immediate thoughts went to my wife who was home on maternity leave with my daughter Helena who was born three weeks earlier.  Should I go home to protect them... do they need protecting...what the hell is going on?  Once I talked to her and found out that she was ok I was able to turn my efforts to explaining to 13 adolescent girls what was going on and to begin to try to deal with their questions, fears, concerns.  It was such a trying day, but it was a day that brought all of us together and it served to put into perspective what truly is important in life.  God Bless America!

HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 9/10/11 11:59 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - it is a very solem day but also one to celebrate the resilience of the American people. I was home recuperating from my second knee replacement and hadn't turned on the tv - my sister called from work and said to turn it on that we were under attack. Words you never want to hear. I just remember watching with tears streaming down my cheeks and wanting to surround myself with family.

But as with everything else life does go on - always remember to honor those who perished that horrible day and those who are still with us suffering from PTSD and physical ailments caused by breathing in toxic fumes and ash.

I am off to the grocery store this morning then home to clean. Think I'll make a nice stuffed chicken dinner tonight - just feeling 'homey' today


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 9/11/11 2:21 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Beth & PA:

Thank you for sharing your story.  A lot has changed in my life in the last 10 years.  10 years ago today I was dating a different man, we spent the week in Lake George, NY and were supposed to be driving home on 9/11, for some reason on the 10th we decided we wanted to come back to NJ at that time I was also living in NJ.  So we came home a day early.  I work up that morning to my daughter calling my work cell phone to tell me this was all happening. She thought I was still in NY state and was worried I would not be able to get back to NJ.  I thought she was blowing it out of proportion until I went downstairs to put on the TV. 

The company I worked for at the time sent a lot of water tankers up there as the rescuse and clean up began, I was responsible to coordinate this with the people up at ground zero.  I am thankful that I could be in the background making sure the rescue personel and ground zero personel had water available for both their needs as well as what needs they had for the water use in the cleanup.

So as I think back I have had so many positive changes in my life in the last 10 years.  I met and married Gene, changed jobs, I've completed both my Associates and Bacholers degrees and am months away from an MBA.  So many good changes as well as so much heart break, I do know the positives have outweighed the negatives, just need to continue on with my baby steps to heal the latest heartbreak.

Yesterday I was able to get all assignments except fo the one due tomorrow evening completed.  Gene and I will be working on that as it is a PP presentation outlining his and my leadership styles.  I'm looking forward to working on this one.

That's about it for me today.  We slept in late this morning and played hookey from church.  I needed a late morning with nothing on the agenda.  I am heading back to work tomorrow, and it will be a long day since I also have class in the evening. 

Hope everyone has a good day...



Lisa H.
on 9/11/11 4:22 am - Whitehall, PA
 Started to post and my computer rebooted on me.. I really need to get to the bottom of this..

10 years ago, I was out of work on disability nursing a bad back.  Siehara was just about to turn 3 years old and we were watching Nickelodeon.  I did not know anything until I was flipping channels during a commercial break.  I turned the TV back to Nick for her and went in my room to watch the footage.  It didn't even hit me how terrible it all was for a few hours when I realized just how bad it was.  What a terrible day. 

Today I am going to an interfaith 9/11 program at the Jewish Community Center.  The choir I am in is singing one song in the middle of the program.  I am looking forward to the whole thing to see how and what they are going to do.  After the program, the choir is going to stay and rehearse since we normally would have had rehearsal later this evening. 

From there, home to relax and get to bed early.  I had 2 late nights this weekend and while I had fun, I also need to rest.  

Hope everyone has a meaningful day today. 

My tracker


sandy L.
on 9/11/11 12:23 pm - Altoona, PA
 Evening Beth and PA.

Beth I'm saddened to hear your friend parished during the attacks.  I was at work in Duncansville, PA at the time and we had heard on the radio of the attacks.  I was trying like crazy to get hold of my Aunt.  My Cousin Mandy was stationed at the Pentagon on that day.  She went in late because she took a bunk mate to the Ob/Gyn for her appt.  When Mandy came back they ushered into a bomb shelter in the Pentagon and took everyone after the attacks and when they could get out to Camp David.  My Aunt only got a brief "Mom, I"m OK, will call when all clear" but it was the best news.

Today is the First Festival at Lakemont Park so I"m taking my neices, nephew and their mom (she hates it when I refer to her as my brothers girlfriend).  Just chillin' today and reflecting.


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