Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 9/8/11 9:18 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA;

I'm up and running out to the store to pick up an order at the electric supply store.  Then home to work on all the assignments I'm behind in and get all that submitted between today and tomorrow. 

I'm still out of sorts, hurt, and now I'm starting to experience that period where I feel numb.  I know I'm going to get through this, I know this is going to hurt for a very long time, I'm starting to want to leave the house and get some sort of normallacy back into my life.

Today is homework and writing, I've also cleaned out the area where my treadmill is sitting and will be dusting that off.  Due to the limited space in the house the treadmill has been buried behind boxes of stuff, Gene moved said boxed yesterday to a new temporary resting place so that I can get back a part of my life which is walking on my treadmill. 

Not sure what the weather brought last night or what it will bring today, those of you out traveling I know the waters, rivers, creeks, and streams are still flooding, be safe if you are traveling.



Patricia R.
on 9/8/11 9:47 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,
My son worked on my computer last night, via remote access, and installed Google Chrome, and now I am having trouble adjusting to it.  I just lost a post I was typing.  Argh!

I have some more unpacking to do today, along with some shopping and an AA meeting to get to.  I need to buy some picture frames for a set of wedding portraits from my daughter's wedding.  They are a set, so, since one of them broke in the move, I need to buy the whole set to match.

My son has a computer repair business, and he was able to work on my computer via the Internet, remotely.  I am so proud of him.  Not to mention, he saved me the hassle of taking it to the Geek Squad.  If anyone in Pittsburgh wants to take their computer to him, let me know.  I will send you the link to his website.  Anyone that wants him to work on it remotely, let me know as well.

Have a great day.  Stay safe.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/8/11 9:55 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning Ida and PA - Ida, it was so good to see a smiley face with your roll-call post this morning!! I know things haven't suddenly turned around for you, but to me that's a very positive move in the right direction. Even though you didn't get along well with your father I'm sure there will be a mourning period - maybe more over the relationship(s) that should have been with your father and brother then your father's actual passing. But from where you've been the past couple of months with the house, his illness and everything else the only way you can go is UP, right??!!

I do have to admit I got kind of 'blue' on my commute in this morning - the lack of sunshine is definitely affecting me right now. I have a lot on my mind as well - we are really considering buying a house in Florida now - the one we want has been reduced to a more reasonable sale price and we think we should go for it - carrying two mortgages is scary, though, and I know all of the legwork is going to fall on me because my husband won't do anything to help. But today I am going to call our credit union and see what we would have to have and how to proceed. Wish me luck!!

No plans for the weekend - packing, cleaning out closets - my nephew got my mom's good china out the other day so I'll be packing that for my younger sister tomorrow. Then I need to finish unloading mom's curio and wrapping the shelves in there so my older sister can take it back to Florida with her for my younger sister.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/8/11 10:17 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!

Well at least it isn't least not here, not yet...still dreary and muggy and like Kathy posted it is def starting to affect my mood as well. Praying for sunshine!!

Today has me headed over to my ob/gyn for my weekly appt if I can get there...the office is on the other side of town and so far most of the roads that I could take to get there are closed due to flooding.  The Manatawny Creek has turned King Street and the park into a lake and the Schyulkill crested and flooded all of Industrial Highway and that I have to figure out a way up and around all that...siggh

Other than that...nothing else really going on..have to go to Wal-Mart pick up some things and then home...

Have a good one everybody!!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 9/8/11 10:33 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Ida - am cautiously optomistic that you are wanting to get some more normalcy back in to your life.  Baby steps honey!

I had a better morning today.  Not good, but definitely better.  I found out yesterday that the mom of one of my students from last year will NOT be able to beat her cancer.  There are some families that I meet through my carreer that I truly fall in love with. This family is one of them.  The mom was diagnosed in October of last year, that following weekend, HER mom died.  My student was, and I am sure will continue to be, a hard worker and a postive force.  I have been in touch with them often throughout the summer and I am absolutely heartbroken.  One, she is an amazing woman, but the thought of my student, 14 and just starting high school, to not have his mom, well, I am tearing up just thinking about it.  The dad is amazing as well and I know that my student will be fine in the long run because of the love and support they give each other and the extended family that is there.  Sigh...nothing I can do!

Today,   I am school and then tonight is services.  That is all that I have going on.  Hopefully we will be able to go to apple picking tomorrow, we will see what the weather does!

Have a calm Friday all!
IdaMae D.
on 9/8/11 11:31 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Baby steps - Exactly!!! 

Love you!!!!!!


Laureen S.
on 9/8/11 10:54 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Ida, PA Friends,

Funny when you posted about the want to leave your house, I totally had that thought the other day, thinking if I were her, I would probably want out of what appears like an unending saga, I sure hope that the saga ends and you get back to yourself.  You've had more than you need to deal with for a while now and my prayer and hope for you is to feel better.

Good Morning Trish, OFFr's,

I sure hope that your procedure alleviates the pain in your back, seems with aging comes lots of pain to remind us we are alive.  Lately my lower back has been giving me grief, I think based on the type of pain it is, I am having sciata problems, but I have not gone to the doctor because there is not too much from my recollection that one can do about it, supposed to get up and move around to work it out, my job does not allow too much freedom since I am the front desk person, then there are the other wonderful aches and pains I wake up with, if I allowed them to, I'd probably never do any of the things I do, but for as long as I can bear it, I will keep plugging along, the aging process is not for babies and dear Trish you have more than your fair share of things to deal with and you keep trudging along. . .  hope your unpacking continues in a direction as to make you feel more and more like you are home, I'll just bet you enjoy being on the first floor with a yard, I know years ago when I had that option I jumped on it and Dillinger loved it too!!!

Yay!  Friday, the best day of the work week and for me, even better because Tony is back from his boys vacation and I will see him tomorrow!!!  I am hoping to see the sun shine sometime soon, but we'll see, I do hope that Sunday's weather is good for all the 9-11 ceremonies that will be taking place and Tony has opening day football, anyway, I'm here at work, was up at 4:40, at the gym by 6, I spent 10 minutes in the tanning booth to help with the lack of sunshine and feeling ready to meet whatever challenges come my way!  4 p.m. cannot get here fast enough!!!

Wishing you all a good day and the peace and strength to get through the challenges.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 9/9/11 1:26 am
Good Morning Ida and PA!

Ida, I am sending you hugs and love! You WILL get through all of this!! We are here for you!!! I am glad you are getting out of the house and back to some normalcy!

Today is Friday THANK GOODNESS! It has definitely been difficult adjusting to being back at work. I finally got a decent nights sleep last night, not totally restful, but better than the past couple of nights!
Wor****il 3pm, then stopping to get gas in the car, going home to pay some bills(yippee), then some food shopping. Pick up Dee and relax for the evening!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

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