So Annoyed with Barix today
I had my PCP send a referral for my appointment with Dr. Marymor weeks ago, and today, when I was at Barix for my appointment, they said they did not get it. Now, I have had Keystone HMO since November, and every other specialist, of which there are many, has received my referrals till today. Now, I have to have my PCP's office send me a hard copy of the referral, so I can hand carry it to my next appointment, whenever that is. I can't even schedule it till I get the referral in the mail. So annoying. Not to mention I spent 20 minutes doing intake with the nurse prior to learning they had lost my referral, though they won't accept responsibility for it. ARGH! Not a good day for me.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Sorry they would not see you without the referral. They did not get mine last time and as long as my doctor had it back dated they would see me. It is odd because with them doing them electronically it normally just sits in the system. Refferals can be such a pain
Hang in there and you will see Dr. Marymor soon.
Sorry they would not see you without the referral. They did not get mine last time and as long as my doctor had it back dated they would see me. It is odd because with them doing them electronically it normally just sits in the system. Refferals can be such a pain
Hang in there and you will see Dr. Marymor soon.