Finally Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 9/1/11 9:27 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA;

Today Gene and I are going back to my mom's grave to cut down the trees that are growing there that should not be there.  Clean it up and spend time with the one parent I have who I know loved me.

I'm very angry with my brother, he was calling my daughters making them feel guilty for them seeing no need to be at their grandfather's funeral.  He told them if they come to the funeral that although they are not in the will, he'll have them come to the house to take things that they wanted and that he'll give them the $$ that my mother wanted them to have.  I was even more hurt last night when I found out my "brother" was using my daughters like that.  I feel horrible I was not protecting my daughters from him and his crap. 

We also need to stop at a few grocery stores.  And stop at Lowes or Home Depot to pick up some bulbs to plant at my mom's and her family's plot, and then take some across the cemetary to my grandmom's grave, so that they will both have spring and summer flowers for next year.

Hope everyone has a great day...



on 9/1/11 9:49 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - Ida, you can't protect them from everything, and I would imagine they know by now how manipulative and toxic your brother is and hopefully will stay away from him. If he's really honest about the money he can send it to them - his problem is he knows HE'LL look bad when you and your family don't show at the funeral and everyone is going to wonder why. You've put up with enough of him and his crap over the years - don't let him get to you through your daughters, too.

We are supposed to be heading to our friends house in Fenwick for the long weekend but my BFF texted last night that her husband's mother was moved into hospice yesterday - she's been in a nursing home for years with Alzheimer's, but they think she's had a stroke and isn't eating now, so we'll see what the day brings. For now we're on to still go, but if plans change we'll adjust.

I'm at work...tummy has been upset the last couple of days - not sure what's up with that. I did get a fresh supply of new sugar free syrups so I can really kick my back on track mode into gear - I do prefer starting my day with a protein shake - it sets the tone for the rest of my day and my eating, but I was down to just chocolate and vanilla powder and that gets boring, so now I can mix it up. I'm thinking for a while lunch is going to be my main 'meal' of the day, and dinner will also be a shake and a walk. I have got to get this excess weight off that I've managed to put on over the past year.

And that's about it for me...hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend - at least it's a long one!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/1/11 9:53 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi there - STOP!!!!  Stop feeling guilty.  You can NOT put any more on your shoulders right now.  You have raised wonderful children.  They are not little and they can hold their own heads up high.  You brother is obviously not a well man, and he is trying everything he can think of to make himself feel better about a situation he created. You can not MAKE someone feel bad.  That is a person's own emotion to take control of.  The fact that you know what your brother did must have come from one of your children, which means that they were confident enough in their relationship with you that they decided it was better to let you know that they were moving forward even with the bribe of their, "Uncle."  They know him, they know what his agenda is.  You HAVE protected them.  You can not control what he says to them and you can not control their emotions.  They have lost their grandfather, there is bound to be some sadness no matter what they thought of the man or his actions toward their mom.  Ida, honey, take a deep with Gene, who is hurting as well, talk to your mom, (I have been doing it so much lately with mine you might think I didn't know she was really gone!)  Talk to us here.  But please, please, please.....don't take on any added emotions......You will not stay as healthy as you have become.  We all know what emotional stress can do to our physical health.  I adore you and only want you to find some peace.....

Sorry for that rant - I hate when wonderful people are hurting.....I am already at school, have been in since 7:20, they closed the building at 3 yesterday - the custodial staff decided they wanted to leave early?!!  WHAT?!?!  So many have classrooms not ready - and we had to leave - have to leave today too - I am so not going to be ready for Tuesday at this point.  Oh well....thankfully I have 8th graders who can hang things up for me! :)  My ear is defiintely infected, ran to the doctor right from school yesterday, he took one look and said, "That looks like an angry ear."  Gave me penecillin and a script for the inevitable yeast infection that will surely occur based on my summer of secondary and now tertiary infections....ugh! :)  I have no plans for after school.  Still trying to get my feet back on solid ground.  Larry is meeting with the Public Adjuster today regarding our flood last week.  Nothing is covered on out homeowners policy. So, looks like FEMA will be our new friend. We shall see!

Happy Friday all - and Happy Labor Day weekend......let's go shopping! :)
IdaMae D.
on 9/2/11 12:59 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Steffi!  My role bestowed on me in my family system was to shoulder all the guilt.  It's tough to shed that role and draw a boundry and say I have to take care of me. 

Thank you for your rant - this is helping me to become grounded again. 


Liz R.
on 9/1/11 10:14 pm - Easton, PA
Oh Ida - Im so sorry. Everyone is right though, Your kids are grown and it sounds like they know exactly what's going on with your brother.

I am at work today until 3:30 - 4ish then headed to Kohls possibly and home to hang with Mia. It is supposed to be another gorgeous day so we will definately take a walk after dinner!
on 9/1/11 10:31 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!!!

Ida--You can not take on the added burden of guilt..your daughters surely know what their "uncle" is and will surely stay away. Just take each day and spend it in peace with yourself and with doing what is best for you....((HUGS))

Not much going on with me today...just heading over to the Dr in a have my belly check and the hear the heartbeat of the Lil Sweet Pea and see what my lab results were..

Then off to the book store to get something for my niece who starts first grade next week (omy where does time go???) and then over to the Walmart to pick up shampoo since I inadvertently grabbed a bottle of conditioner last night instead lol...then home to relax until the hubby gets home!

That is it for me...hope everyone has a good day...despite the dreary weather we seem to be having..

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Lisa H.
on 9/2/11 12:11 am - Whitehall, PA
 Seriously, Ida.. you do NOT need one more thing on your plate.  Your children know who has been here for them and that's all that matters.  I'm sure they know better than to give in to him and will make the right decision.    Take time to talk to your mom today and enjoy planting the bulbs knowing what is going to be there next year.  Find peace in that.  

Kathy, I hope things with your friend's mom give everyone peace.  I'm sure the Alzheimer's took a lot out of everyone she was close to.   Be careful with switching up your diet back to shakes.  Just be sure you are getting in enough protein and water.  Don't starve yourself.  

Skinny, tiny ***** I mean Steffi.. welcome back to school.. hopefully you can get your classroom done and your ear infection gets better soon.  That and tooth pain are the worst.   Good luck with FEMA.  I hope they help you out with the basement. 

Laura, when is the sweet pea due?   I am looking forward to seeing pics of the new baby!

As for me, I am working for Aetna til 3:30.  I got a new vacuum cleaner last night on my way home from Tanya's.. FINALLY!!  When I moved in here, I brought an old one with me.  Even that had been given to us by a friend and was a few years old when we got it.  Then, I was able to get 2 from Freecycle, but neither of them were very good.  It was time.  I have never been so happy to vacuum in my life.  The cup was full after just my bedroom and the hallway.   It just feels so much cleaner in here... now if I can borrow my neighbor's shampooer, I'll really feel better about the condition of my apartment.   

The house is moving along.  The realtor just called me to discuss the inspection.  There are a few things that need to be fixed and we are going to try to get the buyer to cover it since we came down so far on the price.  Hopefully, she can work her magic and get this done and over with.  

After work today, I want to head up to Staples and the fabric store.  I want to get the invitations printed so we can get them in the mail.  I also want Siehara to find the pieces she will need to fix the hole in her tallis so she can get that done and I can take it to be dry-cleaned.   Tonight, we MAY head back up to Tanya's.  They are having some sort of Drive-In movie pack your car special at a new drive-in theater up her way and it's only $5 per car for as many people (up to 15) that you can fit.. we are going to park outside the place and pile in her van! It will be so much fun!!  There are 2 things that will stop me from going.. the weather, and/or my inability to stay awake.  I have been running so much and may need the downtime.  

Tomorrow morning I am going to check out some shoes a former classmate of mine has for me to look at and then we are headed to celebrate the birthday of our miracle baby!

My tracker


on 9/2/11 10:22 pm - Pottstown, PA
Lisa--Aww thanks for asking about the Sweet Pea--the estimated arrival date is the 20th--but the Dr. said technically I can go anytime between now and then!! EEK! LOL But I can assure you there will be lots of pics when he/she makes their grand entrance!!!


"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Laureen S.
on 9/2/11 12:20 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA. . .

Everything Steffi said I 2nd, you need not feel any guilt, your brother and since you say he is basically a copy of your dad, is a very sick person and it is sad, but that is not your issue to have to deal with, other than your own grief, because no matter the fact that you dad was sick, I'm sure it still hurts that he is gone and there is probably something sad for you in that.  You have a wonderful husband and others that love you and see you as a wonderful human being and do whatever you need to focus on that stuff.  Your daughters will be ok, after all they have a wonderful Mom!!!

Well I'm at work today and looking forward to 3:30 coming, as that is when I get out of this place, not that I have any great plans for after work, thankfully, since I have a weekend that is full of plans, I need some down time and that is what I am planning for the time after work today.

So other than that, I'm good.

Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable Labor Day!  Special prayers and wishes to all of you facing any of life's many challenges, may you find strength and peace to get through whatever you are experiencing.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Patricia R.
on 9/2/11 12:25 am - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
Ida, I am so sorry your brother has made a difficult time worse.  You deserve better than that.  I keep you in my prayers. 

I was blessed yesterday by some women at church who came and packed the rest of my kitchen, cleaned my fridge, wiped out my cabinets, and cleaned my bathroom for my move.  What a blessing.  Then, my son texted me that he is thinking about coming down from New York to help move me on Saturday.  I thought he was going to be out of town this weekend, because yesterday was his wedding anniversary, and his wife is on tour with Les Miserables.  Turns out, he went to visit her last week, got home to New York earlier this week. 

Today, I am packing up a few last minute things.  I will head over to my AA meeting at noon as well.  Tonight, my sister is taking me to dinner, since my kitchen is out of commission today. 

Hope everyone has a blessed day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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