Grey Sky Saturday

IdaMae D.
on 8/26/11 9:11 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA;

The plumbers were at the house till 9:30 pm last night working on the drainage lines to keep water as far away from the house as possible.  They are installing the lines the exact way that Gene wanted the GC to do it and he didn't.  They dug up a lot of the piping that he had installed and it's crushed and mangled so it was not was not working.  This is a step in the right direction so hopefully the house water wise will withstand this upcoming hurricane.

Gene was caulking and trying to install the rubber flashing that should have been installed around the basement windows yesterday.,  He cancelled all his clients so he could try to do something to protect the house.  He is so stressed at times I worry that he's heading for a heart attach or stroke - if he had not had WLS that would be more of a reality, thankfully his health is not where  it was 6 yrs ago

The house is still not really safe from damages from this hurricane due to crap the GC did and the condition he left the house in.  He never finished siding the house so we have a small section that is still not sided so that will be compromised during the storm, I'm wondering if the high winds will be under/behind that and start ripping all the siding off the house.  I've taken a lot of pictures of the condition the house has been left in so that I will have proof that any damages to the siding are his negligence in not completing work that would see that the house was safe.

Today the plumbers are supposed to be back if they can get their contact to deliver another dump truck of stone.  They need more stone to backfill the new drainage system to help hold the pipes down when the winds kick up. 

These guys are the only ethical crew that was working on our house.  They are a great bunch of guys!!!!

Other than worrry about the house, I have to work on some homework, try to get papers and such submitted so I don't fall too far behind.  Then watch this hurricane as it comes in and be prepared to start cleaning up water in the house just in case it comes in somewhere we have not thought about.

We have our water, batteries, candles, flashlights, etc.....I have to run out today to fill my muscle relaxer perscription, and I want some american cheese.  I want a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Both my daughters live in Jersey, I told them to bring their air mattresses, and blankies, and pets if they need to come over here.  My youngest daughter is close to the Garden State Parkway in south Jersey one of the paths they were showing last night that the hurricane might take once it is inland in NJ. 

Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe as this all rolls into our area.  Saying prayers for those that live in low lying areas.



on 8/26/11 10:40 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

SO happy for you and Gene that things are getting done the right way on the house!! Sounds like they are moving right along!!

I was awoken by the kitty, she is like my own personal alarm clock! I feel like she says, Ok, you have slept long enough, now get up and play with me!! I guess it is good because I have things to do to get prepared for what is coming weatherwise! I already went to the store yesterday and got all the provisions. I have some battery powered radios at the ready if the power goes out! I am thinking about setting up a pot of coffee just in case we can't make one in the morning. Cold coffee is better than no coffee!! I spoke to my hubby's aunt last night who lives in FL, she is a veteran of hurricanes. She went down the list of things to have on hand!

Hubby had to work today, hopefully he will get home safely. He doesn't get out of wor****il 5:15, so he will probably be in the thick of the wind and rain. Although they say it is not supposed to get really bad until after midnight! I am praying that everyone will get through this with as little damage as possible!

Be safe!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

on 8/26/11 11:07 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Ida and Beth - Ida - hoping and praying for a quick Irene visit for you with Minimal to no damage.  I am up and feel like poop!  Sore throat, headache and swolen glands.  UGH!  Seriously?!?!  I slept ok, took some tylenol before I went to bed, I just took some more now and had a sugar free cough drop.  I am not cold like I was when I forst woke up so - I am hopeful that this cold is short lived.

Today we are up in the air.  Friends of ours are having a hurricane party, 30 minutes away on a good day - we would bring the girls with us but leave Josh at home to handle the dog and things here - the more I think about it - the more I think that is a lot of pressure for a 16 year old.  What I am starting to think is that we may go over there in the afternoon, stay for dinner and then come home and sleep here.  If the storm is supposed to be the worst overnight, then we should come home before it could get really bad.  I will be keeping my eye on Glenn Huricane Scwartz and see what he says before I make any further decisions.

Good luck to all our Eastern PA and Jersey folks.  We will get through this....possibly a little damp, but we are stronger than we ever were! :)
Lisa H.
on 8/27/11 4:16 am - Whitehall, PA
 Good thinking to go in the afternoon and be home before it really comes through.  Plus, then you'll be home with Josh during the thick of it.. as much as our kids get on our nerves, I know I'm glad I don't have to work tomorrow so I can be home with Siehara to ride this out. 

My tracker


on 8/27/11 4:26 am - Philadelphia, PA
We are not going.  Larry, correctly, is worried about the water even early on.  So, we are home and hunkered down.  And really - I feel like **** so here is where I should be anyway!
on 8/26/11 11:14 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!

Ida-- so glad to hear things are really moving along with the house now...I am keeping you and Gene in my prayers through this!! 

As for me...not much on the agenda...just going to hunker down in the house with the dog and the cats today. Hubby had to drive his younger daughter(the 15 year old) back up to the mountains where she lives with her grandmother during the school year. It is part of the custody arrangement...He has her on weekends, her mother has her all summer and Grandmom has her for the school year. It was the best compromise they could make that actually made the child happy so whatever works. But it was extremely hard on Hubby...he had her full time since she was 3 months old but when her mother showed back up to be in her life two years ago...everything changed. Cheyenne has a definite "mommy idolatry" going on right now--mommy can do no wrong in her eyes. But Cheyenne also has some serious behavioral and learning issues and needs to be monitored 24/7. That is why she lives with Grandmom during the school year as the grandmother is retired. It was the best decison but I know these drop offs are hard on him. 

So I am hoping the hurricane holds off so hubby will be home with me when it does roll in...

Other than that --I am just gonna hang here...I'm going to put the patio furniture away and then I am just going to watch tv and read...pretty much try to relax and not stress the storm!

Hope everyone stays safe!!!
Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Patricia R.
on 8/27/11 2:08 am - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
Ida, I hope your house holds up during Irene.  You have been through enough.  Glad the plumbers are ethical.

I have been to the laundromat, because my dryer is not working.  In the heat we have had, I was soaking all my clothes with perspiration.  I also walked Utley down by the river, which is calm right now.  It won't be once the storm starts. 

I have my water, and I filled my bathtub in case we lose water, so I can flush my toilet.  I have my flashlight and batteries, and candles.  I just pray we don't lose power, because I have a freezer full of food I really can't afford to throw away.

I have packing to do, and I am just not motivated to work on it, but I must.

Stay safe everyone.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/27/11 3:00 am - PA
Good Morning Pa,
Ida keeping you and Gene in my thoughts and prayers, hope that the plumber has done a good job and made your house more secure.
Beth,Laura,Steffi, be safe and dry.
Trish just pace yourself,slow and steady for the packing issue, and be safe with the bad weather.
As for us on the Eastern shore of Md., the wind is starting to pick up, and we have had some water issues coming in under the roof and getting the attic wet, but nothing major.  We are hunkered in with our supplies.  My oldest granddaughter (8 yo) is with her grandmother and grandfather in Balt. at a reenactment camp in an old barracks.  Kind of glad she is not here as she does show some sighs of my type of anxiety, and is better off in a fun setting with her cousin, who is 2 yrs older for company.
We have had one bad moment already, my grandson who is 6 yo was playing in the upstairs bedroom with the 2 yo granddaughter, and comes down stairs saying she is all red.  She got into her sisters finger nail polish, all over the bed sheets, and the two pillow cases I embroidered for her.  This is some kind of new nail polish, and I did get as much out of the sheets as possible, but we had a hard time getting the polish off her, she is so covered in pink.  Gave her a bath, and I guess the rest will have to wear off, my daughter never does this, but let her run around with just a diaper on today, so at least she did not ruin any clothes.  It did have entertainment value for her father, as he could not stop laughing.
Well we are going to cook lunch, we still have electricity, although it has gone off and come back twice already.  I don't know if they will evacuate in this area because of standing water, so I told my daughter to pack stuff for her and hubby and the kids, and maybe pack some individual snack paks to put in a bigger bag for the kids, just in case.
Hope everyone rides out the storm safely.
Take care, Ena

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




Lisa H.
on 8/27/11 4:27 am - Whitehall, PA
 Howdy all... Ida, it sounds like you finally have someone working WITH you instead of AGAINST you.  Hopefully their hardwork will pay off tonight/tomorrow as Irene comes through.  

This morning I went and got my wheel replaced finally.  It was so nice riding home with a smooth ride.  Now, I just need to get the muffler taken care of and the car should be good for awhile.. knock on wood...   While we were in Easton, we paid a quick visit to Liz and Amelia.. Amelia is getting so big and so smart! She knows sooo many words!   

After that, we stopped to check out the Caines' new home and our timing was perfect in that David was coming witha van/truck full of stuff, so we were able to help out a little bit with unloading.  We couldn't stay long because I wanted to be able to come home for a bit before work tonight.  So, we left, stopped for gas and to pick up some sausage to make for dinner tomorrow, along with milk--which actually was in full supply at our Redners.   Now we are home and just relaxing.  I'm watching the reports on the hurricane and getting rest before work tonight.  Neil is on his way here.  He's going to hang with Siehara or somewhere around the area while I am working and we are going to hang out through the storm tomorrow.  I'm hoping the electric/cable doesn't go out so we can watch a movie together tomorrow afternoon.  If it does go, Siehara has lots of board games and we have cards.  We can keep ourselves occupied for sure.  

I have water in the freezer for us and the cats and will fill up the tub before I go to work, just in case we need it for flushing.  I don't THINK it will be an issue, but I'd rather have it and not need it, than not have it and need it.  

Be safe and hopefully everyone will get through this with few battle scars/stories to tell. 

My tracker


on 8/27/11 4:38 am - Boothwyn, PA
Good afternoon everyone. Rain has started - all the outside stuff has been brought in. Generator is gassed up and ready to go. Laundry is done -'ran the dishwasher one last time and now we'll go
To paper plates. Dinner is ready to pop in the oven and we've all showered (no not together - lol). We have water, meds, gas, food and booze - figure if we're all together for 3-4 days we'll need alcohol!!

Now I think it's nap time. Have watched enough storm tv for a while.

Stay safe everyone. Kathy

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