Thursday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 8/24/11 8:17 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

This morning Gene and I have a grave side service to attend for a very dear friend of Gene's.  So I'm off from work this morning and will be working from home this afternoon.

Yesterday was a flurry of activity at our house, we had quite a few contractors as well as individual painters, HVAC, etc. going through to send us bids to get the house liveable.  Today we have a few more schedulded for late this afternoon.  Once we get all the information together and compare it we'll be able to make some decisions on getting this place in a bit of order. 

We've also has a guy here working on the yard to get the front of the house buttoned up so tha****er is no longer laying at the foundation of the house when it rains.  He's trying to beat today's rain and get the front in good shape prior to the hurricane that is predicted to bring us rain over the weekend.  Hopefully this is going to work and keep the rain waters from coming through the foundation and the basement walls on the old portion of the house.   If it does not rain today then he'll be able to start working on the sides and back of the house and hooking up the rain spouts to the drainage pit the old GC had dug in the backyard but did not complete.

Hope everyone has a great day...



Liz R.
on 8/24/11 8:42 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Ida ^& PA - I sure hope that you can get this straightened out and get your home back!

Just the same 'ol for me today. Working until 3:30 - 4ish then headed home to make dinner and hang with Mia until bedtime.
on 8/24/11 9:48 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - Ida, sending prayers your way that your yard man can get things taken care of so you don't have all tha****er pouring into your house again. I have no idea if this would work, but if he can't get it all done and the rains do come would sandbags around the house help?

I'm at work - had a really busy day yesterday - didn't get any formal exercise in but I walked the dog in the morning, walked the mall at lunch, walked around Costco in late afternoon, then finally the Christmas Tree Shoppe last night after meeting friends for dinner.

I met one of my oldest friends for dinner last night - I have know Kim since 7th grade and was in her wedding. She lives down on the Eastern shore but was in my area last night because her little granddaughter was having surgery at DuPont Children's hospital, so Kim and her mom met me for dinner - we had a lovely time - I haven't seen them in 3 years, but it's so easy to just pick up where we left off. Really nice time.

Tonight is a hair refurbishment, and boy do I need it!! It's long - roots are massive - there is no style to it. I'm not sure how I want it cut but it needs something.

Outside of getting the beer for Saturday's benefit I think I've done all I can do at this point to help my niece - the Costco trip yesterday was for paper goods and desserts. I'm taking a 1/2 day vacation tomorrow to start making my pasta salad and getting everything together.

Now I need to finish my coffee and see what's going on with work...have a great day everyone.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 8/24/11 10:01 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Ida and PA.. Ida, I hope you get this taken care of before the rains start.  I think of you both often.  I saw this in the paper today, too.  Looks like he's not the only crook.,0,7514904.stor

As for me, the wheel didn't come in yesterday, so I am driving the donut until Saturday, when I can get in there to get it replaced... no big deal.  I'll just get in there as soon as they open so I can still go to synagogue in the morning.  

Today as me working til 3:30 and then meeting up with someone from the synagogue at Wegman's so she can help me "bulk" up my recipes.  I am going to go armed with all of my recipes for the afternoon and night so she can help me out.  She's a great person and will be a big asset.  I'm also going to ask her if she will decorate Siehara's cake that we will have out at night for the guests.  She taught a cake decorating class for us awhile back and she does beautiful work.  We will bake the cake and then I'll see if she can come in and decorate it.  

From there, I am going to go to the gym.  I was there on Monday and it felt great to get back to zumba, although my legs are still a bit sore.  Tonight, there is Body Pump and Pilates at the Whitehall location, and zumba in both Bethlehem and Allentown.   I am going to aim for Whitehall so I can do some strength and toning work all in one night.  I should be fine to do both Pump and pilates as long as I keep my weights low in Pump.  

That's about it for me.  I'm gearing up for 2 nights of work at Dress Barn, as well as synagogue, possibly going out Saturday night, and a visit from Cherish on Sunday!  It's going to be a nice weekend despite any visits from Irene.  

My tracker


on 8/24/11 10:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Ida - I have been definitely thinking of you with all the rains coming in.  I am still at the shore and we are thinking of cutting our trip short because of the rains - mostly because of what might happen at the house.  There is plenty to do here even in the rain, however, I am worried about the new leak in our upstairs.  The only other person who has a key to my house is my step-dad and he is here in Cape May so I don't have anyone with a key to get in there and put a bucket under where the leak may be.  oh well....the most fun part of the week is over anyway - I am fine if we have to leave early - it would be from my in-laws house which I am having anxiety over anyway.   I really hope my mood stays in check.  So far, so good.

My plan for the day is to wait for Larry and Josh to get up, pack up and head over to Cape May to get Molly.  We were supposed to spend the day with Step-dad and his wife, however, I am not feeling it.  She said something stupid the other day and when I called her on it - she flat out lied and denied saying it.  So - it all depends on how I can hold my tongue.  Then off to my in-laws.  Maybe for me this Irene will be a good thing.

Found out yesterday that my girlfriends' 100 year old grandmom died and the funeral is Sunday at my synagogue.  So we are heading home early fo that anyway - so I can handle it for just a few days if need be.  If Irene is coming as hard as expected, we may head home on Friday.  Still not sure.

Hope your Thursday is calm.......
Laureen S.
on 8/24/11 11:28 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Ida, PA Friends,

Sure am hoping that this nightmare you've been living turns into a dream home soon!!!

Today has me at work, I slept late this morning last night before bed, I turned on my alarm (or so I thought) and my cell phone rang, woke me up and I was like who is calling at this early hour, thinking it was before 5 a.m., it was my b/f and he was like hey, are you sleeping still?  I'm like yeah, what the heck, OMG, I slept through my alarm?  I got up and I guess I must have done something wrong, because the alarm was not on and it was 6 a.m., which meant no gym workout this morning, so I will try to get it in this evening, but not sure that is doable at the moment because of other things I need to do this evening, oh well, guess I needed the sleep.

After work, I have an AA meeting and one of my sponsee's is speaking so I have to be there for her, she is celebrating 90 days and that is always special.  Well that is my day and I wish you each the best possible of days, get your hurricane kits ready, just in case you need them.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 8/25/11 12:30 am
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Thursday, Thursday and it looks like it is going to pour anytime!! Ida, I am thinking about you and hope that the house can get buttoned up before Irene comes!! It seems like it will be a real threat!! I am glad we don't live near the coast!! We were lucky when Floyd came here, the two sump pumps worked well!! I was a bit concerned because I had heard from one of the other neighbors that this development was prone to flooding....luckily didn't happen!! Hopefully it will be ok again!!

Today we are laying low. Had the child in bed with me all night. She threw up last night, but then said she felt better. Then her tummy was hurting again. So, we all slept in my bed. Now hubby is saying he is starting with a cold. OY!!! Never a dull moment!

Have a great day !!

Love to all, Beth">">>

on 8/25/11 1:23 am - Gettysburg, PA
Good Morning all!

Been busy working and running errands and other stuff lately. Hope everyone is doing good!

Today, Johnny & I are heading to Philly. We will have a bite to eat at Chickie's & Pete's, then head over to watch the game. Then driving right home. I have to work Fri, Sat, and Sunday this weekend so I have no fun exciting plans other than today's game.

Hope everyone has a great day!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 8/25/11 3:49 am - Boothwyn, PA

Have some crabby fries for me!! I've been jonesing for them big time lately, but with baseball in full swing and now the stinking Eagles I'll never get down there!! Enjoy- and stay DRY.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Sara E.
on 8/25/11 2:04 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good morning PA!
Today is my 4th day back to work.  I am exhausted and hurting.  I miss those pain pills :)  I had 2 open incisions. One is almost closed and the other open incision is about 2/3 closed now.  My seroma is back and my right leg hurts.  Now my ankles are swelling too.  I go back to see the asst surgeon in Danville Tuesday morning.  But it is all worth it to be rid of all the nasty skin.  I am hoping to work at least 1/2 day from home tomorrow to be off my feet. 



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