Weird Wednesday

on 8/23/11 7:48 pm - Lancaster, PA
Good Morning all. It is going to be a 12 hr plus day for me at work so not so thrilled with that. But I am thankful to have a job. The whole earthquake thing has be a little unsettled, I could not figure out how to fall asleep last night without fearing another one and being unprepared. I am thankful at least now I know what one feels like so if it happens again I will be better able to decide what to do. But then again not too happy to have felt it in the first place. I still am not sure what I am supposed to do when one happens.

I know one thing I would be pissed if I died at work LOL 

Ida and Jill you are both in my thoughts today. Hang in there.

Love to you all
Lisa H.
on 8/23/11 9:04 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Nic and Pa... I can understand how you feel about the earthquake.  I actually didn't feel it, but Siehara was in the living room and did.. very weird.  Sandra posted a few tips on her FB page and apparently the general population of the east coast did the WRONG thing by leaving the buildings.  

I had to start work at 6 this morning because Siehara has a dentist appt for a cleaning at 2:30.  After her appointment, we will head to Easton to pick up my replacement wheel for the one that cracked and could have fallen off at any given time in my endless driving all over creation.. yup.. someone was on my side for a change.  I'm not paying for the wheel or labor, just have to get to the shop to get it installed.  The car has been riding better on the donut than it did for the past 3 months on the regular wheel.. nice.  

After I get the wheel put on, we will grab something for dinner and then Siehara has an appointment with her psych for her med check.  She is out of her Celexa and does not have a dose for today.. yikes.. somehow we messed up the timing a bit.  One day isn't going to hurt, but we will head right to the pharmacy from her appointment to get it filled so she doesn't go without for another day.  

At that point, I'll be more than ready to come home and relax.   Hope everyone has a great day! It seems to be a nice cool one out there. 

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 8/23/11 9:17 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Nicole,
I understand your fear of what to do in an earthquake.  I believe if one occurs again, we are to hide under a desk, or stand in a doorway to avoid falling debris from hitting us.  I was outside, but had my car parked under a tree, so I guess I was safe, except for being under a tree.  Getting in my car was probably not the best thing, in case a tree limb were to come off. 

Today has me being a bum for the most part.  I learned my iron level is way low, and I need a couple of iron infusions, so I now know why I am tired all the time.

I will try to get some boxes packed today. I also have to take my car to the shop this morning.  My fan for my AC died, and it is state inspection time.  I hope it is not going to cost me too much.  I don't want to dip into my savings if I can avoid it.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 8/23/11 9:27 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All

I hope your day goes quickly Nicole.

I am here at wor****il 4ish then just headed straight home to hang with Mia.

We felt the earthquake here, one of the women in my office paniced. I was just sitting at my desk. It is very odd knowing that it happened but I thought it was kind of intriguing, not scary :)
IdaMae D.
on 8/23/11 10:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning Nicole & PA:

I totally understand how you feel about the earthquake yesterday.  Our company evacuated all the buildings then last nigh****ching the news and hearing the gentleman from the red cross say that the worst thing to do is leave the building.  Our buildings are 4 stories and we have a lot of ground surrounding them so we were pretty far away from the building but in center city seeing all those people out on the street next to the tall buildings if any had fallen oh my.

I was surprised when they sent the entire company home yesterday after the quake.  The office is open today, they inspected all buildings and were able to deem them safe for operation.

I'm working from home today, we have the building inspector coming to the house, then have some general contractors, painters, tile guys, flooring people, etc. coming out to the house to submit bids so we can get this moving again.  The plumber that was subcontracted with the old GC is staying on the job, he's the only one that was on that crew with morals and ethics.  He's working on the yard to get drainage situated to get the water from pooling around the foundation and to get all the down spouts etc.  hooked up to the pit the first GC dug but never completed.  Hopefully this will be competed be for the hurricane hits the east coast. 

Not sure how much work I'll get done with so many expected in and out of the house today, I'll try to get as much done as possible.

I've also been in contact with my prof and he has given me the blessing to work on all assignments and get them turned in prior to him needing to submit grades.  He said he will not take any points off for them being late due to all the stuff going on at home between dad and the house, it's getting harder to keep my stress level at an even qeel.

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 8/23/11 10:25 pm
Weird Wednesday it is!!

Good Morning Nicole and PA!! The last two nights have been interrupted with Dee not feeling well. She has been blowing her nose like crazy to the point where it was bleeding! She was up every couple of hours crying, so I will be calling the Dr. to get in to see him. I will need to be in caffeine induced state just to make it through the day!! Look out Wawa, here I come!!

We were supposed to go to my friends house for a BBQ, but I don't think that is going to happen!  There will be naps later on!!

Hope you all have a great day!
Boy, that earthquake was a freaky experience!!

Love to all, Beth">">>

on 8/23/11 10:36 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - I'm with you, Nic - that earthquake unsettled me quite a bit. We're on the 2nd floor and I was IM'ing with a co-worker off-site and noticed my monitor shaking (it's on an 'arm') - then my chair and I called out to my co-workers to see if they felt it, then things really started shaking - seemed to last an eternity but I'm sure it was less than 20 seconds. Afterwards I was really out of sorts. Not the greatest feeling in the world.

Neighbors stopped by last night and stayed for a while, so I never got out to the store. Think I'll run out at lunch today to do some shopping. A friend of mine from Maryland is going to be in the Wilmington area tonight so we're trying to meet for dinner.

That's about it from here. Hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 8/23/11 10:39 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning !!

The earthquake def freaked me out yesterday as first I didn't know what was going on. I thought it was a big truck coming down the street, then I thought my house was haunted  then I thought maybe the winds were kicking up, and then it hit me "Oh Earthquake" lol (Ummm hello my entire bed was shaking and it is a big heavy hand made wooden frame and the closet door looked like it was about to come off!!) ...I definitely have pregnancy brain at this point!!! Then my neighbor came running over to see if I felt it and was ok...The animals were fine through it..Peanut just lifted his head up looked around and went back to sleep...and the cats were nonplussed by it. Still it was my first earthquake experience and I decided I am very happy I do not live in California.

As for today just hanging at the homestead waiting for the FEDEX man to deliver the rest of my nursery items so I can finally get the rest of the nursery done...the stroller was delivered yesterday so excited..we went with the Eddie Bauer Trailmaker Travel is so plaid  with a gray/white toile liner...not too girly or too boyish plus it is black so hubby will feel comfortable pushing it too!! LOL

But hope everyone enjoys the sunshine today...I hear rain will be coming this weekend (boo)...

Have a great one!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 8/23/11 11:06 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Nicole and all - well, sorry to hear sooo many of you were freaked out by the earthquake.  I was sitting on the beach and turned to fb hubby and said, wow - the winds are really strong all of a sudden and he said as he was turning behind us, wonder if the kids are shaking the chairs....There was no one around, and then he said - huh, wonder if that was an erthquake?  I thought - you are a lunatic.....then I immediated looked at the ocean to make sure the water was not retreating and thought, huh, I wonder if that WAS an earthquake and where did it originate.......Kept my eye on the ocean - again, to make sure there was not going ot be a tsunami - like we would have had anywhere to go on a skinny shore island anyway - but still even I thought I could outrun Mother Nature....ha!  When we found out that is was an actual earthquake - I thought it was REALLY REALLY cool...

Anyway - I have no plans today but for going to the beach with Larry, the kids and our friends.  I am pretty sure that since not geting home last night until 11:40 with the kids last night from the boardwalk, we are staying low tonight.  I bought their family all the Spy Kids Movies to get ready to see the new one, so it is possible there will be a Spy Kids marathon! :)

That is all - Hope you al have a wonderful Wednesday.
on 8/23/11 11:34 pm
Hi everyone! Not much news at my end but I have been reading all of your posts. Trying to spend a little less time on line (with only modest success), to catch up at work (need to make some more success happen on that front), and be back to exercise daily.

I've switched over to yoga recently and enjoy it as a nice change of pace from the loud aerobics classes. Not sure how it fits the big picture of the exercise plan, but if I like it and will go....that's significant, still!
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