Monday Roll Call

on 8/21/11 9:12 pm
Good Morning PA!!

I am up early because I am trying to get back to my work routine, no sleeping in and no naps during the day!! I set my alarm and was up at 6am! My usual time to get up for work! I only have a week and a half left of my summer so I need to get back in the swing of things!! I am actually looking forward to going back to work and the paycheck will be nice too!! Have to wait until the 15th for that :-(

Today I am doing cleaning and organizing as well as some laundry. I also want to do some reading and math with Dee. Because of her learning issues I have to keep up on those things!! She regresses ALOT more than most kids!! I am also hoping to get on the Wii today!! ZUMBA! ZUMBA!

That is it for me!
How is your Monday looking??
Thinking about all of you dealing with flooding issues!

Love to all, Beth">">>

IdaMae D.
on 8/21/11 9:19 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Beth &  PA!

I'm awake and ready to head out to work. I'm excited to be leaving the house and going into the office - weird huh.... Today I'm working till 4 then have an online blackboard class this evening. Thankfully not in class till 10pm.  I need to get some normalacy back into my life.

Of course the house flooded yesterday with all the rains. Our neighbor helped Gene put the final outside door on the house prior to the rain, they finished up just as the first downpour hit.  The only time it did not flood was while we were in NJ to see dad.  I guess there are some times prayer is answered. 

I got to get down to Jersey to my dad's about 8pm last night. It's amazing to see the difference in him from last Tuesday to yesterday. His legs are much more swollen, his hands are starting to swell up and become a very dark color, and his breathing is very labored even though he is sitting and not moving at all. Hospice started the morphine yeterday to keep him comfortable. Although dad's body is failing his mind is so sharp. I asked if he could take more lasix he told me no, he is on the maximum amount and if he takes more it will cause kidney damage. He was not eating as much, only had a half of a hamburger while Gene and I were there. And no sweets to follow it up. His regular hospice nurse is scheduled to be out at the house today.

After work home to meet with Gene and an HVAC guy. We have some HVAC companies coming to the house to give us bids to get the heater working prior to winter. I can't imagine a winter without heat.

Hope everyone has a great day...



on 8/21/11 10:09 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - might be a very quiet day for me as I'm the only one here right now. I know several of my people are traveling for business this week, so that's nice -keeps it quiet.

Tonight we go see the doctor who did my husband's biopsy last week to get those results - praying it's nothing. Len's confident it's nothing - I'm trying to be.

Had a quiet weekend - almost too quiet - really need to get myself in gear around the house and start cleaning things out. If we had a solid date of when we were really going to start the whole selling/moving process I'd be more motivated.

Both of my sisters are watching out for Hurricane Irene - my sister who lives in Florida is supposed ot be flying up Friday for my brother's cancer benefit but it appears it may not happen now if the storm continues on it's current track. We'll just have to wait and see.

And that's about it for me...have a great day, everyone.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 8/21/11 10:59 pm - PA
Morning Beth and PAers!!!!

Back in the office this morning.  Even though I worked from home on Friday, it almost felt like a vacation day.  It was a great beach weekend---beautiful weather, very relaxing.  We dodged the bullet coming home last night---it was raining when we left Ocean City, but we only had some light rain for part of the drive.  I hate to ride in the car on rainy nights, so I was thankful for that break.

I haven't gotten back to journaling or exercising, but one thing at a time---I'm trying to come to the board every day, which is a good start.  And I'm trying to eat better---make better choices and watch my portion sizes.  I've gained back about 15 lbs or so and am so uncomfortable now.

Have a great day, all!!!
Lisa H.
on 8/21/11 11:17 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Beth.. I'm sure it is not easy to readjust your body clock, but I know you can do it!

We had a really bad storm here yesterday after we got back from the Pride Festival.  There was a lot of damage, including in the parking lot where Dress Barn is located.  What a mess. 

I'm coming off a good weekend.. Yesterday was great.  I got to see my old friend and hang out and got the news about an offer on the house!!!   It's significantly lower than our asking price, but our realtor is going to negotiate and try to bring it up! Cross your fingers!!  They are getting an FHA loan so there are repairs that my ex will need to have done on the house.  Thankfully none of that is my responsibility since he is the one who lived in the house for the past 2 years.  
I also have 1 Tastefully Simple party booked (thanks Deb) and another potential from an old friend *****ferred one of her friends to me!!   Things are starting to look up!! FINALLY!

Today has me working til 3:30.  I have a bunch of phone calls to make.. Aetna Pharmacy management to find out why 120 pills costs more than 3x the amount that 60 pills do at the pharmacy; the hubcap store to get my wheel taken care of (FREE).. see FB for more on that if you aren't already familiar with my wheel drama... and I have to GO to the pharmacy to pick up Siehara's meds and hopefully mine with the correct pricing.  

Tonight will depend on the guy at the Hubcap store..  If he can get my wheel in today, I'll be headed to Easton to have it put on.  Then, depending on what time I am done, I am going to get to the gym.   I will make it to the gym for AT LEAST one class tonight.  That will all depend on the timing of the wheel. 

That's about it for me for now.. hope everyone has a great day.. It looks beautiful out there. 

My tracker


on 8/21/11 11:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Beth and all of PA - Beth - I also set my alarm this morning.  Mostly because we are headed to the shore shortly and I couldn't keep my eyes open last night to finish packing.

So that is my day - I am finishing up the packing and we will hopefully be on the road by 10.  We are headed to Brigantine to spend a few days with the fb hubby and his family.  Their daughter just came home from our camp yesterday and Emily was missing her like crazy so we are looking forward to watching the girls talk camp even though they were there at different times.  

That is my whole day - headed to the shore and hopefully some beach time and hanging out - I soooo need it!  And I love these people - we always have fun together.  However, Bipolar + PMS = I need some wine - of course, I am NOT going to have any - but I woke up cranky.  I am starting to feel a little better.  Should be an interesting month! ;)

Have a happy Monday all......
on 8/21/11 11:28 pm - Croydon, PA
Still ugh.  My leaking ceilings in 3 rooms are the least of my problems!  My son, Greg, had gallbladder surgery yesterday in Carbondale, IL.  Now the fun part starts -- figure out how to get him home.  I'm not going be okay until he is back with me.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

Patricia R.
on 8/22/11 12:20 am - Perry, MI
Good Morning Beth and PA,
I had a great time on Sunday, Shoppoing for a baby shower present for someone at church,  and birthday present for my nephew.  Both events are on my moving day.  I want to have them ready to give, or have someone give on my behalf.

Today is packing day and bloodwork day.  I will be getting my labwork for my hematologist done, as well as for my appointment with Dr. Marymor, in less than two weeks.  I will also be hitting my AA meeting at noon.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 8/22/11 12:38 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Beth, PA Friends,

Aah yes, summer is fast ending (at least the offical calendar) and school will soon be open again, as I have friends who are also school teachers, from that perspective, I understand about wanting that paycheck again. . . and look at you preparing to get back into the swing of things, applying that attitude towards living creates many opportunities for successful living. . .

So I had a pretty nice weekend, Tony was down on Saturday and we had a nice relaxed day together, after which I did some organizing and trying to get rid of things I no longer need, honestly that is soooo difficult for me.  I did manage to throw some old shoes out, as well as some that are in hardly used state and put them in a bag to bring to goodwill, now if only I could do the same with some clothing (lol).  Yesterday, other than going out to Produce Junction for fruits and veggies, I stayed home, cooked a bunch of stuff for the week and watched television, did laundry and played Zuma to my hearts content, then went to bed early so I could start my work week at 4:40 this morning. . .

This morning I had the car packed, other than my food and work bag and I took my cup of coffee and set it on the roof of my car while I put the things I was carrying into it, well guess what I did, I backed out of the driveway and heard a bang against the car, well if you guessed it, you're right, my coffee cup was on the ground and there was no time to make another cup, lucky for me it was one of those metal types, so no shattered pottery all over the road. . .  then I am getting dressed after my workout and doing my hair and I realize one of my earrings is missing, I'm like ok, retrace your steps and sure enough it was by the arc trainer, so it was a funny beginning to my work week.  Today has me working and after work seeing my dental hygenist for a cleaning.

Wishing you all the best possible day, enjoy your activities and sending wishes of peace and strength for any who are having life challenges this day!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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