Smurfy Saturday Roll Call

on 8/19/11 8:46 pm
Good Early Morning PA!!

I only had two hours of sleep on the recliner before nature woke me up, then the cats wanted to be fed! So, I am up, showered and dressed. Drinking my coffee and wondering when I will get some sleep...

I say Smurfy Saturday because I am going to take Dee to see the smurf movie! I used to LOVE the smurfs in my younger days!! I wish I knew what I did with all of my smurf dolls, I could probably sell them on Ebay?? Oh well, such is life!! After the movie we will come back home and do some laundry, OH BOY WHAT FUN!! I am going to TRY to get a nap in somewhere or just go to bed early tonight!!

So what are you up to today??

Love to all, Beth">">>

Lisa H.
on 8/19/11 9:10 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Beth.. not sure why I'm up either, especially when I went to bed late and need sleep, as well.  I am headed to synagogue today, but certainly did not need to be up just yet.   I'm going to lie back down after I am done posting here.  

Today, headed to synagogue with Siehara.  She is thrilled to be headed back there, let me tell ya.. NOT.. lol.  She will be fine once the Caines get there and when she is getting all the attention from people asking her about camp.  Ok, just the part about the Caines.  The rest will just get on her nerves.  

This afternoon, we are going to go to Dress Barn to see if we can find a few things for her for school and/or her Bat Mitzvah and then I will put the stuff on layaway.  We are also going to go to a fabric store to see if we can find something that matches or goes with the fabric on her tallis.  There is a hole in it that she said they tried to fix at camp, but didn't want to ruin it more.  If we can find some sort of fabric I think we can camouflage it.  I need to get it dry-cleaned before the big day but don't want to take it without being sure the hole is patched.  

Tonight, Siehara is sleeping over at her friend's place and I am having some friends over to just relax with some Chinese and stand-up comedy on video.  It will be a nice, relaxing and fun(ny) evening with good friends.  

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting at Panera for Dress Barn.  It is an hour and will also be a bridal shower for one of the asst managers who is getting married next Sunday.  In the afternoon we are going to Pride Fest in Allentown.   If you don't know, it is a festival to acknowledge the gay community in the Lehigh Valley.   We are going to meet up with someone who works for Aetna.  I haven't seen her in at least 5 years since I was driving back and forth to K of P daily.  I miss her a lot and she has a new woman, so I have to give her my approval.    because you know after 5 years, MY opinion will make or break their relationship.. lol.. NOT.. I have gone before with Siehara when she was much younger and we had a good time.  This year I think will be better because she is old enough to appreciate (and ask any questions) the differences and similarities in all people.  

It won't just be the drag queens and couples that will be educational this year.  My friend's girlfriend has a son with Progeria, so that will be a learning experience for both of us.  I am SOOO glad that Siehara does not judge ANYONE.  I taught her from a young age that we are all the same, yet different, and all deserve the same respect.  

Anyway, going back to lie down for another 45 mins or so.  Hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday!

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 8/19/11 10:20 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Beth and PA,
I had a good walk with Utley, when he was not pulling me.  I am getting used to wearing the boot, which is good, but need to not have him pull me as much.

Today has me heading to an AA meeting, then an OA meeting.  I am committing to no sugar and made my appointment with Dr. Marymor for my five year post-op visit in two weeks.  It's about time, I got serious about getting back on track. 

I will do more packing today.  Then, tonight, I have a prayer meeting to attend. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 8/20/11 2:43 pm - Maple Shade, NJ


Have you tried the gentle leader, it is sort of like a bridle, controls the dog from the head, it does not hurt them, but gives you better control, costs about $20 and well worth it, Roxie was not great on the lease when I first got her, between the leader and using techniques from watching the dog whisperer things have gotten way better. . .

Good luck, hope you had a great day!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 8/19/11 10:30 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning PA!!

Today has us heading down to Core Creek Park for a birthday party for my Hubby's cousin's 1 year old. We prob will not stay long though as it is supposed to be hot and sticky and I don't really do well in the heat these days...then off to run some errands at BJs and the butcher shop for some chicken for the freezer...time to start stocking up again.

After that home to give the Peanut pup his weekly bath and then veg out here...

I don't know what else other than that...hope everyone has a great Saturday!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

IdaMae D.
on 8/19/11 11:05 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Beth:

Just getting up, decaf tea in hand, muscle relaxer taken, Hider's pain medication administered (this is her last dose so we'll see how she feels tomorrow morning). 

I never made it to class last night - flooded basement, not as bad as last weekend, Gene and I have a routine down now so we were able to tackle it and keep the waters to a minimum that was very exhausting and pushed our bodies to their limits.

Things are looking up with the house, can't go into it right now, as soon as I can I will fill you all in, you have all been so wonderful letting me ***** and moan throughout this.  It's not over but there is a light at the end of the tunnel forming.....

I'm so happy to see the sun this morning but hear it is supposed to rain tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day...



on 8/20/11 12:08 am - PA
Good morning Beth and PA!!!

I actually slept in a little this morning, till 8.  Yeah, that's late for me!  I'm usually up by 7.  One of the cats was snuggled up to me, so it was nice to just lay there for a bit.  We're at the beach and are sitting on the deck with our coffee this morning.  (We seem to have gotten a table and 2 chairs but no idea where they came from.  Obviously they're from someone else's deck, but we don't know whose deck or who put them here.)

I'm glad I was able to work from home yesterday.  Even though I was working all day, it was great to be home---much more relaxed.  When I was done for the day, I turned off the computer and walked down to the beach.  I could get used to do that every day!!!

Have a great day, all!!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 3:30 am
Beth I really liked the Smurf movie...we saw it in 3d the other day. Plus I do still have my Smurf figures. Kim Burke was cracking up last week when we found them. I LOVED the Smurfs when I was younger as well. I do not have my big dolls but have the little ones.
on 8/20/11 5:54 am - Boothwyn, PA
Good afternoon all. We've had a rough couple of days with the dog because of these nasty storms that keep coming our way. Poor little guy has himself sick over them. Going to try a 'thundershirt' for him - have to order that Monday.

If you read laureen's post about combattin regain you saw my true confession post. I've been writing things down that I need from the store and coming up with a new food tracker.

This afternoon I cleaned up and took my $150 gift card to Home Goods/Marshalls and treated myself to a lovely new handbag - $139 marked down to $99 and it was a $300 bag so I'm a happy girl. Also got myself a new tee, 2 shirts for hubby and a shirt for my nephew. Still have my other gift card - not sure when I'll use that.

Hubby is taking me to dinner. Not sure where we're going yet. I'm thinking Lone Star or something like that. I know I can eat healthy there.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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