Thundering Thursday

on 8/17/11 7:59 pm - Lancaster, PA
Man there is quite a light show going on right now. Thunder and lightening, I hear we are in for more soon.
I am up and at work, have to leave early today to get to my house in time to let the CHEM DRY guy in. carpets are long over due. I am having dinner tonight with a friend I do not see enough. Part of my steps back towards my friends instead of away from them. The depression seems to be abating and I have learned alot about myself through this bout.

One thing I have learned is that I cannot do this work without support from people I trust and can be vulnerable with. I cannot set boundaries and slay dragons with my family without a CHOSEN family to fall back on for support. I have learned online is not enough, I need real human contact and support. I am going to find more of that and local if possible. I love you all and you are my preferred outlet of support but you all live so far away it is not always possible.

I have also learned that I MUST address my food from a standpoint of an addiction model. That is what it is pure and simple for me my drug of choice. So back to OA i go.

I love you all and hope you have a great day
Liz R.
on 8/17/11 8:43 pm - Easton, PA
Good MOrning Nicole - Quite the light show here too although I don't hear any thunder just yet. The whole area seems to have this pink glow to it - kind of eerie.

You always seem to have such a great plan for attacking things - congrats to you for that and for doing what you need to do for you!

I am at work today until 3 then I have to drive up to the SANDS in Bethlehem to drop off some signs, then home to make dinner, hang with Mia - bath bottle and bed. Maybe a walk in there if it isn't raining!
IdaMae D.
on 8/17/11 9:09 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Nicole & PA:

Nicole - I'm always in awe of your wisdom and your ability to share your struggles with us and so thankful you do so.

Doctor perscribed Metaxalone for my back, finally picked it up at the pharmacy about 9pm.  Our house was a flurry of activity yesterday, today will probably be the same.  I was able to sleep better than I have been last night.  First time in days that I've slept through the entire night without getting up because of back pain.

Hider is responding well to her regiment of pain medications.

Yesterday I'd forgotten I had to submit a paper for class through blackboard by midnight, so I started writing about 7pm last night and was able to complete it by 9, not one of my best papers but it will have to do for now.

The director of my MBA program is a lawyer so I reached out to her she gave me a list of lawyers she knows to call and see if one of them can help us.

I'm working from home today due to the flurry of activity we are expecting today.  We have a lot of phone calls and hopefullly the police computers will be up and running today so we can talk to the detectives today. 

It is just starting to thunder here so I'm also gearing up to get my body ready for more mopping, wet vacuuming, and bailing.


Hope everyone has a great day...



Patricia R.
on 8/17/11 9:28 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Nicole, and PA Friends to Follow,
Nicole, I am glad to hear you are learning what healthy choices you need to make for your recovery.  I am relearning about my food addiction the hard way.  I need to get back to OA.

I had bloodwork done yesterday to check for my iron level.  I have zero energy throughout the day, and I believe my iron level is in the tank.  I won't get the results till early next week.  In the meantime, I am taking it easy, packing a little and resting a lot.

I just got back from walking Utley, and will be heading to the podiatrist in a few hours.  In addition to needing another hammertoe surgery, I think I injured my foot.  It hurts like ever most of the day.  Reminds me of when I broke it a few years ago, just a different spot on top of my foot.  Fortunately, I had it x-rayed last week, so he can look at the pictures.

Nothing else is going on, other than packing.  I packed my craft closet yesterday.  Today is my cleaning closet, and some dishes in my kitchen.  The move is in two weeks.

Hope you all are well.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/17/11 9:58 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good soggy morning all - I didn't realize it was storming until a little furball came scurrying into the bathroom and hid under the vanity at my feet - when I reached down to pet him he was trembling, so I knew we were having storms - with the bathroom fan running I couldnt hear it. He's happily ensconced at Fuzzy Butts now and hopefully all of the barking will drown out any thunder coming his way. Roads were a bit crazy coming in - lots of water laying, especially thru the construction zones on 202. So far I'm the only one in the office.

Today is my annual ob-gyn appointment and I have been having some 'issues' in that area - hopefully nothing serious. Definitely not going to worry about or dwell on it for now. My younger sister is having an ultra sound today in that same area because she is having issues and problems - she's had fibroid issues in the past and it seems they may have returned.

Other than that not much going on with me. Ooh - thunder - guess the storm i****ting the King of Prussia area now. Glad I'm here. Haven't heard from hubby yet, tho - we drove separately today because of my appointment - need to see where he is.

Stay dry out there today, folks.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 8/17/11 10:15 pm - Bethlehem Twp., PA
Good Morning, PA!!

Nicole, you are always an inspiration to me with your insights about yourself.  I am glad you are one of those who posts what you are learning through this process.  I tend to read and not share too much.  I am trying to change that today with this post!

Ida, my heart goes out to you, I have been holding you in my prayers through this ordeal you are going through.  Hopefully it will work out quickly and easily!!

Just wanted to share what I have learned this week.  Last Thursday, after my morning appointment with my therapist, I told myself that I had to stop avoiding the truth and start journaling my food.  I had no idea how much I was eating and why I wasn't losing.  Well, I was shocked at the amount of calories I was consuming, over 2000 per day!  No wonder the scale wasn't moving.  I am happy to report that I have been journaling my food on the Daily Plate every day this week and as of this morning I am down 5 pounds since last Thursday!  What a difference just being honest with myself about what I am eating has made.  Tonight I can go back to Zumba, I have not been in 4 weeks since my emergency hernia surgery in July, so I am looking forward to moving again.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!


on 8/17/11 10:44 pm - Lancaster, PA
YAY DEB honesty is the best policy
IdaMae D.
on 8/17/11 11:34 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Deb!  Prayers are much appreciated.


on 8/17/11 11:32 pm
Good Morning Nicole and PA!!

Nicole, although we are far away from each other in miles you are never far from my thoughts! I am here for you anytime! If you need my phone number pm me and I will send it to you!! Call me anytime!!

Ida- You are also in my thoughts and prayers that things work out for you and Gene! You certainly don't deserve all the crap that you have been dealing with!!

Deb- GOOD for you! I need to start journaling myself!!

Went to Barix last night and was glad that I did!! Saw some great friends and got support that I needed! Gave support to those who needed it too!!

Today will be laundry and maybe some baking. I promised Dee we would make some brownies today. I like to do this with her to make a math lesson out of it without her knowing it!! Of course, eating the brownies afterward is also a plus!!

Have a great day and try and stay dry!
Love to all, Beth">">>

IdaMae D.
on 8/17/11 11:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Beth!  We need all the prayers you all can muster!


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