Tired Tuesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 8/15/11 8:12 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

Another late night of mopping, sweeping, and shop vacuuming up water.  The plumber came by yesterday and plugged up the hole where the gas line comes into the house.  Water is still coming in through all the new basement windows and around the foundation and through the basement walls were the dirt has caved in around the house and water is pooling up against the house.  The GC has not said a word about coming over to tighten up all the leaks or anything.  He did contact his insurance comapany to come out and look at the damage, however as we keep trying to explain to him we need to wait till all this rain is done to see all the damage not just the damage from these two rains.

I'm working from home until these rains stop.  So I'm heading back to bed to get a bit more sleep this morning.  I'm so exhausted.  On top of the exhaustion is the pain in my back.  I can barely move my back and body are so sore.  For the most part I'm in pretty good physical shape but I suppose this is causing me to move muscles that I don't even use for exercise...

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 8/15/11 8:22 pm - Lancaster, PA
Ida this continuing nightmare makes me so upset for you. This man should lose his business and be reported to the BBB for the awfulness he has done to you all. You thought you were hiring someone you could trust because you knew them, That is even more upsetting.

Today I have a Dr appt not looking forward to that scale. Working then off to the gym. Which I really do loathe. I also have therapy tonight so that is always tiring. My sunshine attitiude is off today just tired and dreading the gym. I should be grateful that I can go to the gym and that my body works.

An update on the house with the cats we were working with. They went in and removed between 105 -110 cats. There are still about a dozen to go.  It is totally amazing. Once I know the agencies that have these cats I will post so that if anyone were interested in adopting or spreading the word now that the kitties are out they can. Thanks to the three lovely people here who saved some very lucky kitty cats.

Have a good day and stay dry
on 8/15/11 9:28 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!

Ida--OMG!! I am so upset for you guys in having to deal with all these issues. That GC should lose his license over this! It is just an outrage. (((HUGS)))

Nicole--Sorry to hear you are having a rough morning ...I hope that your Dr. appt goes well and therapy doesn't drain you too much. You are doing great--such an inspiration to so many of us here but especially me. ((BIG HUGS))) Know you are inmy thoughts...

As for me..not much onthe agenda today..straightening up...putting laundry away..working on my ACT 48 course which I never got to yesterday...just hanging here at home with my doggy and the kitties...Peanut my dog likes to be right by my side for most of the day, Trouble our older black cat likes to spend most of the day curled up on the futon in the nursery and Bella my lil dwarf kitty who is a year and a half old and still looks like a kitten likes to spend the day either in the front window watching the birds or on the porch sleeping on the chair during the rain...she is a strange one..lolBut that is it for me..just me and the fur babies for the day...

Have a great one!

Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Laureen S.
on 8/15/11 11:10 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Ida, PA. . .

I really feel for you and Gene and wish there were something more I could say or do, but hopefully one day sooner, rather than later, this nightmare will somehow have a happy ending.

I am writing from the dining room of my cousin's house, we are a year apart and grew up like siblings, fighting like them and eventually maturing and having a wonderful relationship, I was at her house all the time growing up and today we are burying my Great Aunt Mary, the last of my grandfather's siblings, she lived to 91 healthy as can be from years of dedicated gym going and then she developed dementia and so the last 4 years have been a roller coaster ride for my cousin, she joined the rest of our family yesterday and today we will honor her memory and celebrate her life.

Last night I packed a bag of clothes and of healthy food to bring with to get me through this day, so I'm good to go and I will be here all day heading home after rush hour this evening. 

Guess that's really all going on with me, hope to see some of you tomorrow at Barix.

Wishing you all the very best day possible and peace and strength to get through the rough spots.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 8/16/11 12:40 am
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida, just know that I have been thinking of you and sending you strength to get through this nightmare! Hopefully someday soon this will be fixed and you can enjoy your house again!!

Nicole- I feel you on the exercise! I don't like it either! Once I do it I feel better, but getting the motivation to actually do it....not so much!!

Today I will be doing some house stuff including cleaning out the coat closet that I did NOT get to yesterday. My BFF called me and needed me to help her go through stuff in her apartment. She saw a mouse during the night and is now freaked out!! Spend the whole day there and was treated to lunch and dinner....We did get alot accomplished! I also vaccuumed for her, since she is still recovering from gallbladder surgery. I am a GREAT friend!!!

Tomorrow I am taking a friend to the airport and he is taking Dee and I out for breakfast beforehand so we will be up EARLY. I probably won't get to post until the afternoon if at all. I am also hoping to make it to Barix for support!!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth

on 8/16/11 1:09 am - PA
Good Morning Pa.,
Ida I feel so bad for you and Gene.  The rain was really coming down yesterday when I was coming home on the blue route, I was thinking of you, like has already been said, soon your home will be finished and you will be able to enjoy it, looking back on this and being able to laugh at it, I don't think so.
Nicole, so happy you were able to get all the fur babies out of that house, and will say a prayer that they all find their forever home.
Today has me doing the job of packing up three stories of belongings to take to the Tn. house, this will be the last round up.  What doesn't get packed up now will not be going, so much stuff to go through, I guess it will make someone else happy for all the stuff we can donate to Good Will.  No confrontation on the home front yet, and I am not looking forward to it. 
Need to get my glasses taken care of today, the lens keeps popping out.  That's about it for me today.
Have a good day all. 

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




on 8/16/11 1:38 am - Boothwyn, PA
Morning all. Prayers and strength going out to everyone struggling with life's challenges today.

I'm home - hubby had his prostate biopsy this morning. It went smoothly and he's resting now. Probably more tired from the stress than the actual procedure since that only took about 15 minutes.

I'm using the day to catch up on some cleaning that I didn't do over the weekend. Just finished our bathroom and getting ready to move on to the rest of the house. Honestly I don't know how people with McMansions do it, unless they have cleaning people because I have a smaller one story house and it's all I can do to keep up with it.

Yesterday was a good food day for me for the most part. I even used a small dessert plate for my dinner and was more than satisfied. Hoping to do good again today. One day at a time.

Ok back to cleaning - my exercise for today.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Patricia R.
on 8/16/11 2:10 am - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
I got a lot done yesterday, especially phone calls to doctors. 

Today, I am waiting for UPS.  They won't deliver packages that don't need a signature without me being home.  My apartment is a mess of boxes that I have to wade through to get around.  The packing is going slow, but steady.  I move in less than three weeks.  I am going to make a schedule for the rest of the packing. 

I still have to work on Sunday.  I am not looking forward to that.  I  hate missing church, but told my boss I was available any day.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa H.
on 8/16/11 2:12 am - Whitehall, PA
  OYE OYE OYE.. that's all I can say at this point about your house, Ida... that and I hope it gets better soon.  

Working and doing camp laundry during the day today.. fun stuff... 

After work, Siehara has an orthodontist appointment.  She didn't wear her retainer most of the summer, so I'm sure not much tightening of it will need to be done.  We will go to see the Caines after her appointment and I want to be back here in time to go to Pilates.  

Nothing much else going on.. going to put some chicken in the oven now so we can eat before we go to her appointment. 

My tracker


on 8/16/11 3:56 am
Hello everyone! I am back home from my writing class and back to at least part of the routine. The week was very intensive in terms of learning, but also a true step away from the real world - on an island 10 miles off the NH coast, a lot like a retreat experience.

One of my resolutions is to fritter away less time on line, so I may post a bit less....but will certainly lurk!

This was my linguist time away without control of my food. I did take protein powder for each breakfast, as well as one Quest bar per day and pre measured snack bags of almonds. The food situation worked out ok at most meals and I returned home at the same weight as when I left. Still 5# more than I would like!

I returned to the gym today for 2 hours of working out - aerobics followed by yoga. I plan to do more yoga and mat pilates, as well as swimming, which is a bit quieter form of exercise that may help me stay a little more centered.

Ida, I am speechless as I see what you are going through with the contractor. I am sure you are going to take all steps available and necessary to recover your house....but wow. Thinking of you....it makes my washing machine crisis a few weeks back pale by comparison!

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