What up Wednesday roll call************

on 7/26/11 1:44 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
What up all?  Im staying up to see if the Pirates can win this thing against the Braves.  Lets go BUCS!
I got home late this evening cause I was up at my son's football practice field helping to build a shed we will use to store the football equipment.  It was a nice time hanging with the other coaches. 

Today I will be at work trying to navigate through all the politics and fakeness!  It gets tiresome sometimes.  Why cant people just be real? 

Looks like I got a training to State college set up for next week.  That should be fun. 

What are you up to today? 


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

IdaMae D.
on 7/26/11 7:58 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Swede and PA;

Yesterday was a flurry of activity at the house.  It is amazing to see that by telling the GC no more $$ would be released until all work was caught up, how quickly the GC organized and brought in more bodies to work on the house.  The siding is going up and looks amazing with the roof we chose, I can't wait to see it on the front of the house with the stone. 

Work was busy yesterday, but had so many phone calls from Gene where we had to discuss things and make decisions for the house that not much "work" actually got done.   So today as long as things remain quiet at the house I have to catch up on what I left hanging yesterday.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day....



Liz R.
on 7/26/11 8:29 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Swede & PA -

I hear you about the office politics and fakeness, it is running rampant here.

At wor****il 3:30 - 4ish then headed home to hang with Amelia, make dinner, bath, bottle and bed! She was up at 2am last night so I am exhausted. Poor baby, I think it's another tooth.

The cool air felt great this morning! Slept with the windows open last night and was chilly at a few points!
on 7/26/11 8:30 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning everyone!!

Today has me teaching summer school till 12 pm...tomorrow is the last day! Yay!  And I can't wait..I'm exhausted and my feet are just beyond SWOLLEN these past few days...ahhhh the joy of being 8 months pregnant in the middle of summer...lol

Then home to start writing up the Action Plan paper for my Act 48 course...and early to bed for me tonight...

Not very exciting I know..but some days are just like that!! lol

Have a great day!!!

Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 7/26/11 9:51 pm
Hi everyone. What a gorgeous day!

It's the gym for me this morning, writing class this evening, and working in between!

Ida, I'm glad that the ultimatum to the GC seemed to work. And I won't talk about work politics - I'll spare you getting on THAT soapbox!

Take care everybody!
on 7/26/11 9:53 pm
Good Morning Swede and PA!

Long time no hear Swede!! Glad that things are going well!!

Ida- SO glad to hear that the GC is finally getting a fire under his butt to get done! It is about time! SOOO proud of you for putting your foot down!

Today is gonna be a low key day for me. Do a couple of things around the house then watch a movie I had DVR'ed a while ago. Then watch my soap ( my daily guilty pleasure). I want to do some reading as well before the child gets home from school.

Last night our new kitty followed me to bed and slept with us!! LOVE THAT!!! I have been noticing that sometimes she is a bit skiddish. This morning she swatted at me, what is THAT about?? I don't know if it is because of the other cat being kind of nasty to her or what?? Any other cat people out there who might have suggestions? Pam, Nicole, Lisa....

Have a great day and enjoy the less humid weather today because the HEAT is coming back!!
Love to all, Beth

Laureen S.
on 7/26/11 10:47 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Swede, PA Posters,

It is one of those rare summer days, where things are perfect and I wanted so much to stay home and enjoy the day, but alas, I am too conscientious to do it, but next time I just might. . .

Office politics, I'm with you on why can't people just be real, but I guess in this climate, more so than usual, people are afraid for their livelihoods and have become practiced liars (fakes).  Scary times for many of us, I've learned the art of giving people what they want, but not giving up who I am in the process, which if done with finesse can be accomplished, it just took me years to learn the last part. . . 

So last night I babysat for the grandkids and we played tickle monster, which is my version of hide and seek and tag, with the person who is hiding getting tickled when they are found and caught, the kids love it and when I come over ask to play it every time, it's fun to watch how they've become much more practiced hiders.  Afterwards we watched Monsters, Inc. and then I got them ready and into bed, so by the time I finally got home it was 10:15, bedtime came at 11ish and so this morning instead of getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym, I slept until 6:15, so today, which is normally my crash day of the work week, I will not go to the gym, but instead I will hit the pavement at lunchtime and take a walk and enjoy this wonderful day, as tomorrow it will be back to hot and humid for a stretch, oh well, guess this what summer is like, anyone with me on having a nice Blizzard?  lol

Tonight I will meeting up with a good friend, whose birthday was last week and we will celebrate at one of our favorite sushi restaurants.  That's my day and I'm sticking with the plan, but maybe something else will happen, as often my plans don't jive with my Universal Spirit's.

Wishing peace and strength to anyone facing life's more challenging aspects.

Peace, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 7/26/11 11:05 pm - Croydon, PA
I'll take some of that peace and strength, Laureen.  Laura, I hear you.  My son Greg was born in September 1987 and it was a brutal summer without air conditioning.  I was reminiscing about that this past weekend! 

Excerpt from today's journal:

I feel absolutely crazy.  I want what I want NOw.  I don't know what the next right step is.  I can't slow my head down.  I feel insane.  I need space.  I need to regroup and refocus, but that is so hard to do with a racing mind that is screaming I NEED!  I NEED!  I NEED SEX, FOOD, MONEY -- MORE MORE MORE!!!

Today I will weigh my behavior carefully.  Responsible behavior builds gladness of heart.

Thanks for letting me share.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 7/26/11 11:13 pm - Lancaster, PA
Good morning Swede and PA. Man it is nice out. Makes me want a hammock. Worked out with my trainer she is going to work with me to help me combat some of this regain. It will just keep getting worse if I dont hit it with everything. I need to do the mental, the food and the physical all at once rather than in bits and pieces to get this done. I did not come this far only to gain weight back.

I hope you all enjoy your prettty day today
Patricia R.
on 7/27/11 6:50 am - Perry, MI
Hey Swede,
Sorry I am late posting.  I was running late before work, and have been crazy busy since getting home a few hours ago.  I have the best PRN Social Work job in the world.  My boss has me come in for 4-5 hours only.  I love it.  Plus, I am treated with respect by my colleagues and boss.  That was not the case in my teaching jobs.  Principals would yell at me, in front of students, and never a positive word came out of any administrators' mouth.

After work, I had to go to a doctor's office for a form I needed signed for a Disability Parking Placard.  Afterward, it was a stop at the quickie tag place to get it notarized and shipped off to Harrisburg.  I also stopped to get some groceries.

This evening is an early AA meeting, and then home to watch the Phllies game. 

Any time the Pirates play the Braves, I will be a Pirates fan.  I will root for any team playing the Braves.  I was at a Phillies/Braves game where the Phillies beat the Braves 14-1. 

Have a good evening.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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