Monday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 7/24/11 7:59 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

Monday comes too quickly.  Were do the weekends go?

Today I have work till 4, then class till 10.  Tonight is the last night of Strategic Thinking the entire class will be presenting tonight.

I'll be working on the finishing touches of my paper and my PP today so I'm ready to present this evening and turn in my paper.

Hope everyone has a great day, I'm guessing it is still warm out there so stay cool and hydrated....



on 7/24/11 8:48 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida--good luck tonight in your class! You'll do great!!! 

As for me today...sitting here with the Hubby having breakfast waiting till its time to drive down to work. Last week of teaching summer school! Last week of having to drive into Philly!!! Yay!!! I will be so happy when my hour and a half commute going both ways is done!!!

After work headed over to the ob/gyn for a belly check...I think I will be going to once a week visits soon...I am at 32 weeks now. Heading into the home stretch...yay!

Then home to finish up some work on my ACT 48 course and put laundry away...dinner with the Hubby

Not much else going on...hope everyone has a terrific day!! Stay cool and hydrated!!
Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 7/24/11 9:48 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida-Good luck with the presentation! I am sure you will do a great job!!

I am up early to take Dee to the doctor. She has been coughing and complaining of ear pain. Boy, I thought we were done with this!!!! She used to get ear infections all the time when she was a baby. One of the reasons why she has speech and learning issues. Oh well, it is what it is!! After the doctor I have an errand or two to run. Then back home to do laundry and such....I know, what an exciting life I lead!!!!!

Have a great day!!

Laura-Good luck with the belly check today!!

Love to all, Beth">">>

Lisa H.
on 7/24/11 9:57 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all... had a great weekend and now it's back to the grind. 

After work, I'm going to hang out and relax for a bit before I go over to a friend's house for dinner and hanging out. 

It's going to be a pretty low key day and I'll take it.  

My tracker


on 7/24/11 10:17 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Morning all - Yeah, back to work Monday - woo-hoo. Took forever getting here this morning between slow-moving trash trucks; PennDot moving construction equipment on 202 in West Chester; car broken down in Paoli and the final road-block - geese crossing the road at hubby's work! But we eventually made it.

I'm achey and sore all over this morning - moving furniture and really polishing and cleaning my hardwood floors yesterday - they look so nice, but sadly they don't stay that way too long between all the foot traffic and the dog. Also a little concerned about the dog - he hasn't eaten since Saturday night - just not interested. He did go to Fuzzy Butts today and I'm hoping it's just the heat, but if I can't get that little guy to eat soon I'll have to call the vet. He's small and loses weight fast. (I should be so lucky).

And that's about it for me...not much going on right now. Take care and Happy Monday.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Patricia R.
on 7/24/11 10:21 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
I am recovering from a horrific Emergency Room experience, and only 2 hours of sleep.  The ER was Aria Bucks, and the details are too complicated and I get too upset just thinking about it.

Today I will be speaking to a lot of Dr.'s offices and the hospital administration.  I also have to take a friend somewhere.  Somewhere in there, I will get some sleep.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 7/24/11 10:47 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA,

I'm sure you will do great Ida!!!  Good luck!

Well my weekend went quick, as I drove up to New York on Saturday, went to see my uncle Joe's wife (he passed last July), who was up from North Carolina visiting her son and grandchildren who live near my brother, so I timed my trip with a stop at an an old 12 Step home group I belonged to for about 13 years and it was nice to see lots of people I got clean and sober with all those years ago, from there I went to pick up my cousin Donna and then on we went to complete the first leg of my trip.  It was nice seeing my Aunt, her son, his wife, children and my cousin Athena and her daughter, who were also up from NC.  Everyone was looking good and my cousin Athena had lapband about 4.5 years ago and she has kept her weight down and looks really good.  Unfortunately, I did not get to see her husband, who had gastric bypass about 5 years ago, as he was visiting, along with their son, elsewhere.  Please keep them in your prayers, as Joe, Athena's husband is out of work and we all know how it is out there.  Well my brother came with my nephew Christian and then we all went to this fabulous rib place, called Bobiques, Louisiana style ribs, the best darn ribs I've ever had, I ate 4 ribs, had some collard greens, had just a little taste of the cornbread and was satisified.  After dinner we said our goodbyes and I headed back to my brother's house to see his newest four-legged friend, her name is Brooklyn and what a cutie, she is a pit/lab mix, six months old and what a delightful girl.  They also have a 10 yo black pug and a 6 yo mini dacshund.  After a cup of coffee, I hit the road, dropped my cousin off and headed home, arrived home to a happy greeting from Roxie girl and into bed I went it was 12:10 when I got to bed and then Roxie woke me up at 6 a.m. because she wanted her chewie which I take away at night because sometimes she is obsessive about it and it keeps me awake.  Anyway, I went back to sleep until about 7:15 when Tony called to say he would be there in 5 minutes, we went to breakfast when he arrived and both of us were just tired, as he worked Saturday in the heat all day until 12 midnight, so we hung, watched some neat shows on discovery, then went to lunch, he went home and I went into action, 3 loads of laundry, jaunted to some stores to pick up food items I needed and then home where I roasted aspargus, cooked up some garlic and spinach, cut up fruit and got everything ready for the work week.  Got my gym bag ready and by the time I finally sat down it was 8:15 and I was wiped out.  Went to bed around 9:30 and up this morning at 4:40, fed Roxie, brushed my teeth, washed my face, packed my food and out the door to the gym and here I sit at work. . .  So that's why I need 3 day weekends regularly, wish I had them, but instead I am just gonna have to be grateful for the life I have. . .  looking forward to a 3-day next weekend. . .

Hope everyone  has a great day, prayers and wishes for peace and strength for all experiencing life challenges.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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