Frying Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 7/21/11 7:55 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA;
From what I hear on the news this is going to be one frying hot day.  I'm working from home today, I have a gastro appt. this morning.  I've cancelled 3 times on this doc due to work committments getting in the way, told my boss I had to make it to this appointment.  After the doc appt I have to wait for my daughter to call when she gets home from work so I can run over to NJ to pick up a couple things she ordered for me and get the money to her.

I plan to work on some school work in between work stuff, and also catch up on the rest of the wash that needs to be done.  I do not plan to run the dryer to much because the vent pipe is still not hooked up outside but is venting into the basement.  Not sure when the contractor is planning to take care of this.  In my mind he took the piping out of the wall so it should be his responsiblity to vent it back out of the house.  But we are having so much trouble with him that I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he told us that it was not part of the plans so he's leaving it as is.  At this point the onlly thing Gene and I have is the remaining money owed to him, he is not getting any more checks until this house is in a condition we expect it to be.

Gene should have an early day, we'll see a client always pops up at the last moment needing to see him.

Hope everyone has a great day...stay in air conditioning....stay hydrated....



on 7/21/11 9:25 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!

OMG! It is HOT out there already!! I went out to the store last night and at 9:15pm it was still 92 degrees! CRAZY!!!! I don't remember heat like this....

Anyway, today I need to do some baking. Yeah, I know in this heat?? One of my hubby's friends just came home from another tour of duty in Afghanistan. So they are having a big party for him tonight. I figure I will do the baking this morning. Then I have to begin my sojourn to the basement! YUCK!! Major cleaning and dumping must be done!! I have Dee with me today so she can help me. I am going to try and keep us both busy today so boredom doesn't set in...

The kitties are still growling and hissing at each other, but it has only been a week. I will perservere!! Reba is already protective of Deanna. She sleeps with her and watches her through her door. SO CUTE!!!

Drink plenty of fluids and stay cool!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

on 7/21/11 10:08 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - It was 91 on my way in to work this morning - oh yeah, it's going to be a hot one. Thank goodness for jobs with central air. I went out last night around 8:30 to water my flowers and it wasn't too bad - a breeze had kicked up so that helped a lot. I feel for the people who have to be outside working in this stuff, or in places without air conditioning. The one good thing about this heat is that it has definitely affected my appetite, and in a GOOD way!

I'm at work - will be staying in all day - too hot to venture out at lunch. Probably picking Chinese up on the way home - too hot to cook and heat up the house. No big plans for the weekend - am going to do some more yard sale packing - weeding thru closets and stuff - bought a new floor cleaning that I want to try on my hardwood floors - yes, I am just THAT exciting!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend - Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 7/21/11 10:08 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning PA!

Well the Hubby and I are on our way back to feeling human! Thank goodness! Today has me doing wash and cleaning house since it is pretty much a disaster in here from both of us being sick all week.  May run over to Wal-Mart and pick up a lil cooling fan for my netbook and def need to stock up on the Lysol and some cleaning supplies to get house back in order.

It is grossly hot out there...only letting my dog Peanut out for 5 min stretches so he can do his business and get backin the a/c...I have no intention of going further than the drive to Wal-Mart today.

Stay inside everyone, stay cool, drink lots of fluids and be safe if you do have to be out there for any length of time...this weather is toooo hot to handle !!

Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Lisa H.
on 7/21/11 10:13 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Happy Friday!! Yup, it's gonna be a hot one today..

working til 3:30. Have to run up to the bank to make a car payment and pay the balance on my rent for the month during lunch break.  

Neil is coming in at some point today for the weekend.  I or We will hang at the pool after work til it closes.   Tonight's plans are up in the air.  We MAY take in an Iron Pigs game, but I'm not sure if I want to sit out in the hea****ching a game.  I may try to find something inside instead.  I haven't been to a movie in months.   Or, I'll try to locate karaoke since Neil has commented on more than one occasion that he has yet to hear me sing.. 

Tomorrow morning, I am hoping to get my car looked at by an old high school friend.  I did something to my muffler on the way out of camp on Sunday and now my car sounds like a motorcycle or a hooptie, depending on the day.  Hopefully, he can just repair it and I can be on my way.  I told him I don't have a lot of money and need it to be fixed with the least amount of cost possible. 

Tomorrow afternoon, Neil and I are driving to Chester County.  We are stopping at Sandra's to pick up a few kitty things and then meeting up with some college friends of mine (one of whom coincidentally married my cousin) and possibly my sister for a late lunch/early dinner at PJ Whelihan's in Downingtown.  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.   I invited my sister since my cousin would be there.  Chances are good that she'll bail.  She tends to do that.  As long as the rest of them are going to be there, I'll be happy.   Tomorrow night, I'm not positive what we are doing.  There are a few options and I think I'm going to leave it up to him since I've planned the rest of the weekend. 

Sunday, there are really no plans for during the day.  I thought I was going to have to work all day at Dress Barn, but I don't (unless they call me).   If I don't work, it will probably be a nice relaxing day at the pool.  I am TOTALLY loving that the pool is here for me in my time of need.. :)    Sunday night is choir rehearsal.  The 2 pieces we looked at last week are nice.  I'm looking forward to this even more this year.  

Hope everyone stays hydrated and cool today!! 

My tracker


on 7/21/11 10:41 pm - Croydon, PA
Ever since losing weight, I always feel cold.  Not so today.  I was sweating as soon as I walked out the door to go to the bus stop.  I'm staying in AC today.  Heading for Wildwood this evening for the weekend with Greg, Sheila and their 2 friends where there is no AC, but hopefully will have an ocean breeze. 

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 7/22/11 2:51 am - Boothwyn, PA
Someone at hubby's work offered him two free tickets to the Iron Pigs game tonight and at first he wanted to go, until I told him how HOT it was going to be!! I might be able to handle it but I know he couldn't. If you can take the heat it might be a fun night - I saw they're having fireworks after the game.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 7/22/11 3:15 am - Whitehall, PA
 I don't think we're going to.. actually;, we're NOT going to go.  I'll find karaoke somewhere INSIDE where we can stay cool. 

That would have been cool if you had gone, we could have finally met in person. 

They typically have fireworks after Friday night home games.  It's nice.  They treat their fans VERY well. 

My tracker


on 7/21/11 10:53 pm
Hello PA friends!

Yep, it's hot! My son Bryce said that yesterday they had 15 hours of straight 911 response calls - almost all for heat related issues, including a 5 year old who got dehydrated and collapsed. So all of these plans to keep cool and drink lots of fluids are right on target!

Bryce had great news - he received a promotion a work and is now in a supervisory position. He is on the road still but also has the other duties and will be teaching classes for new recruits as well. He has insurance (HOORAY!!!) and tuition reimbursement as well. The insurance issue has been a thorny one between him and his dad - his dad has excellent coverage through his job at General Motors, but took Bryce off at about age 23 even though he would have qualified for 2 more years. That's just one of the ex's passive aggressive types of moves.

It has really been a good week. Mike had a couple of "yes!" moments at work and got a very nice thank you call from an associate - those are hard fought successes, I tell ya. Yesterday was my review at work and I will be getting a raise this year - which in the nonprofit/education sector isn't something to sneeze at. It's not a huge raise of course, but for what we are expected to know and do....well, let's just say that after 8 years I am FAR FAR from even matching where I was salary wise in MIchigan.'s all a series of compromises and rewards, right?

Hopefully we will have a quiet day today. I'd like to see HP but it's not Mike's cup of tea - he may go along just to humor me, who knows!

Take care everyone!
Laureen S.
on 7/22/11 12:32 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Ida, PA Posters!!!


Ida, sorry to hear that your contractor is starting to feel like doing the right job is a bother, guess he doesn't realize the value of word of mouth adverstising. . .  hope you get what you need done from him. 

I am ready to begin my weekend, driving up to NY tomorrow to visit with family, as my late uncle's wife is up visiting my cousin and his family, along with his sister and her family and since they are leaving on Monday to head back to NC, I need to visit tomorrow, so it will be a long trip for a couple hour visit, but I really want to see my Aunt Ella, as I have not seen her since my uncle's funeral service last summer.  I will also see my cousin Donna, who is on death watch with her own mother, who is currently in hospice care, this is my Great Aunt Mary, the last of my grandfather's siblings, she is 95 and has been healthy as a horse all her life going to the gym, but unfortunately she developed dementia several years ago and in the past month has gone downhill, I grew up in their house, going there after school and on weekends when my Mom would be with her boyfriend, so my cousin and I grew up like sisters, she would go home and rat me out every day and I would get even (lol). . .  anyway, family is dwindling and when I can see some of them, I do what I can.  Sunday I will be spending with Tony, just relaxing at home.

Hope you all have a wonderful day, stay cool and hydrated and I will be thinking good thoughts for all, wishing peace and strength to any with life challenging situations.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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