Tired Tuesday

IdaMae D.
on 7/11/11 7:39 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA;

I'm up and moving.  Class didn't let out till almost 9:30pm last night.  The prof was ready to let us out about 8pm, but the director of the program was teaching a class across the hall so he could not let us go with her so close, he would have been questioned and gotten reprimanded if he'd have let us out that early with her still in the building.

Between now and Friday @ midnight have a huge paper to read and then do a case analysis paper in addition to having an online Friday class which requires more writing to answer questions then responding to classmates.  I love writing but not when I'm this tired.

Today I have work till 4pm.  Hoping to come home tonight and take a nice long nap before bedtime.  I need to get some sleep.  Was restless last night did not fall asleep until after midnight.  The soda machine at school ran out of water so had to get a snapple diet iced tea - I think the caffeine in the tea kept me awake instead of me being able to fall asleep as I usualy do when I get home from class.  So lesson learned no snapple iced tea even if I am thirsty, I'll figure something else out.  Normally I carry my decaf iced tea with me but sleeping late yesterday and running out the door in a hurry I forgot just about everything yesterday.

The picnic @ work was nice, nothing there for me to eat.  I did manage to throw some cheese and fruit in my cooler so that ended up being my lunch and dinner yesterday.  We also had a suprise baby shower for a co-worker.  She was surprised which was very nice - it is so hard to keep things quiet in our department.

The stone is going on the front of the house, when I leave today I'll be able to see it, last night Gene brought out a flash light but it was still hard to see what it actually looked like.

Stay hydrated today, hope everyone has a great day...



Liz R.
on 7/11/11 8:33 pm - Easton, PA
wow Ida - what a day! I hope that you get your nap in, you need rest! Make sure you are getting in your water and protein - cheese and fruit doesn't sound like much of a lunch dinner! You are too busy of a lady to be getting sick! *hugs* When is this class over?

I am at work today, Mia had a restless night and slept with me all night. Poor thing has a horrible diaper rash that just won't go away. We've been using the Nystatin cream the Dr perscribed for almost a week now with only slight improvement. I am calling the Dr today to see if he can see her. My Mom is going to take her to the Dr for me so I don't have to leave work (I am on vacation next week or I would leave immediately to take her, I still might!). After work need to make a quick stop at Target then the grocery store, to my parents to get Mia then home to make dinner and relax before it's bath, bottle, bedtime!

It is going to be HOT and HUMID out there today - stay cool and drink lots of water!
Lisa H.
on 7/11/11 10:56 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Liz, don't think I'm crazy.. well..no more than normal, but when Marshall was staying here, his dr had told Tanya to use athlete's foot cream on his really bad diaper rashes.  It cleared it up within a day.  Have your mom ask the doc.. It can't hurt to ask.

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 7/12/11 7:41 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thanks Liz :-)

This class is over on the 25th, then the next one begins immediately.  I usually throw down a protein shake in the morning before I leave the house then one as soon as I walk in the door at night.  Lately it is the only way that I make sure I get enough protein.  When I'm working and doing school work and house stuff, my pouch is always way to upset to eat food.  The protein shakes seem to settle the restless pouch along with the fruit and cheese.


IdaMae D.
on 7/12/11 7:46 am - Philadelphia, PA

Hope Mia's diaper rash is better.  My my daughters were babies, my youngest got a really bad diaper rash.  My mom, mixed up corn starch with water, and swabbed it on her bottom keeping her diaper off.  That worked better than all the creams the doctor had perscribed for her.  That was 31 yrs ago.  Wow my baby is going to be 31 in October....I'm old....LOL


Liz R.
on 7/12/11 8:51 am - Easton, PA
You aren't old! You are probably my mom's age i turned 31 this year too.!thanks for the advice!
on 7/11/11 9:45 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida- I don't know how you do what you do! I guess when you have no choice you just do!!

Liz- Hope Mia's diaper rash goes away soon...that is no fun! It could be from the heat??

Today I am going to hang around the house and do some cleaning and straightening....I especially have to pay attention to the one room in our basement. That is where our new kitty will be for awhile. We haven't gotten the cat yet, but in the next day or so we will have it! We are rescuing it from that house with over 100 cats in it. I wish we could take more, but we just can't!!

Drinking lots of water and staying cool!!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth

Liz R.
on 7/11/11 10:05 pm - Easton, PA
YAY for the new kitty!!!

I think it is a killer combination of the heat, teething and a diaper rash - no fun! It hurts me just looking at it!
on 7/12/11 1:08 am - Lancaster, PA
yay do you know which one you are getting? make sure it stays seperate until you know if it has a cold or not. lots of times kitties in situations like this get share colds. Get a check up and be patient.
IdaMae D.
on 7/12/11 11:47 am - Philadelphia, PA
To tell you the truth Beth neither do I


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