Thrilling Thursday Roll Call

on 6/22/11 5:20 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Can YOU guess who is awake at 3:14 AM?!?!?!  Yep - THIS Philly girl!  However, I don't really care as I don't have to wake up at any particular time!!!!  YAY for being a teacher! :)  Although you all do know that I actually do like being a teacher when I have to get up in the mornings too! :)

I do have a ton of things to do once I get up.  Have to finish packing Molly.  Take her to Target for some last minute things - maybe Wal-Mart - it might be cheaper - and it IS camp after all!  I have to finish some paperwork for Josh's trip and start packing him.  And I have some final paperwork for Molly and Emily too.  Oh - and Molly has her last Therapist appointment before leaving on Friday.

Tomorrow afternoon I am hopeful that I am headed to the airport with a friend to pick up another friend who is flying in on an emergency visit to see her sick grandmother.  I don't know exactly what time her flight gets it.  Larry and I have dinner plans so, if it is late, there will be no Airport run for me.  Then said dinner plans.  They might include taking Emily with us to a friends house for dinner.  Still not sure - but that is the best part of summer vacation.....I have no where I MUST be until September 1!

Hope your Thursday is at the least, thrilling!
IdaMae D.
on 6/22/11 8:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning Steffi;

Went to bed late last night, so I'm moving very slow this morning.  just got up and I should be leaving the house now to be to work on time - oh well.

My brother called me last night, said to me,  "I meant to call you earlier in the week, the family meeting for dad is tomorrow (meaning today) at 2:30pm, I just go by myself since I forgot to let you know sooner".  I said I'll be there, when I get to work in the moring I'll make arrangements with my boss to leave work at 1:30.   At that point I'm sure he was sorry he didn't wait till 2pm today to call me.

Working till 1:30, heading to South Jersey to meet with dad's physical therapists and doctors, then headed home to hopefully get some much needed rest.  Tonight is Gene's final class for one of the graduate courses he's teaching this semester so he'll be back home with me on Tuesday and Thursdays for the rest of the summer.  I think next week or the week after he wraps up with the other graduate course he's teaching.

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 6/22/11 9:09 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa,
Steffi looks like you have a few busy days ahead, enjoy.
Ida good luck with the meetings for your Dad. (been  there done that many times)
This am finds daughter and I heading early to O.C. Md for a few hours on the beach before taking oldest grand (8 YO) for EKG and blood work.
Having trbl eating,nothing appeals,sounds good or tastes good.  Hope this is just a  phase.  Have been drinking protein, and forcing myself to eat at least one decent meal.
Have a good day all, stay cool and hydrated.
Hugs, Ena

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




Liz R.
on 6/22/11 9:19 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All! Steffi I am envious of not having to get up in the mornings!

I am at work today, we only have partial power so everything is running off of extension cords. Fun Stuff - NOT!

Working until 3:30 - 4ish then headed home to hang with Mia. Nothing too exciting!
on 6/22/11 9:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
I see you have got the computer working!  Missed you! :)
Liz R.
on 6/22/11 9:44 pm - Easton, PA
Nope, just got a minute to log in at work.

Missed you too!
on 6/22/11 9:39 pm
Hello everyone! I was up early too, and got my workout in before 7. I am doing the Jillian MIchaels 30 day shred  plus some added walking/cardio. It's an interesting workout because it's only 20 minutes....but you FEEL it, believe me. I needed to change up the routine a bit.

And good news - the scale has finally moved in the rright direction - I am down 3 of the dreaded 5 lbs. that I gained last winter. Maybe it's the Solstice - who knows!

Today is work, grocery shopping, and making an appt. for a hair trim. I also need to get the car in down here someplace for an alignment so need to check on that - I know where the dealership is, so will probably go there, but may ask around a bit before making a final decision.

Take care everyone and enjoy what the day brings to you! And if you can't "enjoy" it - hey, roll with it!
Lisa H.
on 6/22/11 9:58 pm - Whitehall, PA
 well good morning sunshine.  We had an interesting adventure to the wonderful world of LVH ER.   Marshall was in the living room with the girls and they were all having a grand old time.  Tanya and I were trying to get things packed, laundry done, etc.  Next thing I know, Lola is coming in to us saying Marshall's foot was caught in the coffee table.. what?!?   He sure did.. poor little foot was caught in between the bars on the leg of my table.  I guess he was able to fit it in and then it started swelling right away so we couldn't get it out.  We tried butter, but it did not do anything.  So we called 911, I held his foot at the widest part of the split and the girls went outside and waited for help to come.  

First, we had a policeman come and assess the situation.  Then 1st fireman came... he didn't want to scare Marshall with all his gear so he took off the top half.. down to his muscle shirt.. um, yeah.. oh wait, this is about the boy..   more fireman and paramedics came and were able to pull apart the leg of the table to free him.  We took him to the ER to do x-rays and make sure he did not have "compartment syndrome".  Poor Tanya could hardly soothe him b/c she can't lift him.  She laid on the table in the exam room and I put him next to her.  I held him during the x-ray.  All is ok, just bruised.. 

This morning, there is only a slight bit of red where there was a LOT last night.  So, I think all is back to normal in Marshall world.  


Roll call right???  Up, fed and changed the little man's diaper.. fed the cat.. posting roll call and checking FB.  In a few minutes, Tanya will be getting up and I'll help her get the rest of her stuff packed and out to the car.  She has her first post-op appointment today.  So she is driving home and someone will take her to the hospital for her appointment.  In my opinion she looks freakin' fabulous!

After we get her on the road, Siehara and I will wrap up a few last minute details and then leave to get her off to camp.  We are going to leave a little earlier than we need to so we can stop at the Wegman's in Wilkes-Barre.  My mom's life-long friend works there and we are going to stop to say hi and have lunch while we are there.  I haven't seen her in a few years, but we keep in touch on a pretty regular basis.  She hasn't seen me since before surgery, either, so she's going to be super suprised!  

Off to camp, then, where I will say see you on visiting day in July to my girl.  She gets on my nerves, of course, but I will miss her.   

Tonight is going to be shell shock for me here.. I'm going from 4 other humans and a cat to just me and the cat.. it will be strange for sure.  My plan is early to bed!  I DO have to work tomorrow morning and we have our work offsite in the afternoon.  So I'll be hitting the road down to Lansdale tomorrow for that.  

OK.. gotta go.. the troops will be awake any minute now. 

My tracker


Sara E.
on 6/22/11 10:18 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA

Good morning PA!

Steffi               - thanks for the talk last night.  You are fantastic...but you already know that :)
Lisa                -  WOW, what a night.  Tell Siehara to enjoy camp.
Tanya & Lois - I hope to cross paths with you in Danville today.

As for me, I work 7-11am, then off to Danville for the pre-op stuff & meeting with Dr Moya.  I saw the other surgeon yesterday and that appt went great.  My husband took off work to go with me today.

Have a great one everyone!



on 6/22/11 10:41 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - back at work this morning getting in the groove. Not really feeling it today, but I'll give work a shot!

My nephew's girlfriend came through her surgery okay yesterday - she'll be coming to our house tomorrow when she's released to recuperate. Too many steps where she lives with her mom.

Not much on my plate today - a lot on my mind. Some things to sort out but really struggling with it right now.

Stay cool and hydrated - Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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