Tremendous Tuesday Roll Call

on 6/13/11 6:55 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning all you crazy PA Peeps, And you nutso New Jersey ones as well!

I am wide awake at 4:43 AM!  OH GOODY!  

I had a very strange thing happen to me earlier tonight.   I was hungry, I took my vitamins as I always do at night, was going to ignore the physical hunger, and go to bed.  After I took my vitamins, I immediately became completely and utterly nauseated.  I had pains in my pouch and started to sweat.  It was LIKE I was dumping, but I had a GREAT dinner, Tacos, about 3.5 hours earlier - which explained why I was hungry, however, I had no idea why the pains and the nausea.  It lasted about 10 minutes and then I was better.  Tired, but better.  I started to feel hungry again about 30 minutes later.  I successfully ignored the hunger and went to bed.  I also had a weird headache on Sunday.  The kind that comes with nausea and severe pains in which I couldn't even form a sentence.  I took a two hour nap and the pain mostly subsided.  I was dizzy and light-headed most of the day after that.  The only thing I can think of is that I increased my Anti-depression meds and added a second one after seeing the psychiatrist on Thursday.  I don't know.  Anyone have any thoughts on the subject?

So, I am headed back to bed in a few minutes - for what I am hopeful is another hour of sleep, this morning when I get to school, I get to take the kids to the auditorium for a meet and greet with Mayor Nutter.  That is if there is not another crisis in the city that needs attention.   I would LOVE to get a few moments alone with him to ask him why he feels that making all kinds of changes to the Medics in the city is a good thing?  I would LOVE some answers.  Wish me luck.  Then we have ONE more graduation rehearsal.  This afternoon we have the yearbook signing party where all my kids get their yearbooks, (If they show up at school today!  OY), they get their t-shirts, their tickets to graduation and their gowns.  Yes, 8th graders are getting to wear gowns to the ceremony that we are NOT ALLOWED to call graduation.  I don't get it either.

Then this afternoon, Molly has her therapist appointment and then we need to see Charlie - never made it earlier.

Hope your Tuesday is tremendous!
on 6/13/11 7:41 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa,

I am trying to make a commitment to get back to the routine of  supporting all of you and findig support in you as well. I have been lurking for quite a while, had to create a new username, cause it had been so long I couldn't remember min and my password but anyway, here I am.

A quick catch up, the biggest news is that I am just about 20 weeks pregnant. I keep up with most of you on FB so you know that already. But, gonna do my best to stick around for a while, life is crazy, but the again, whose isn't.

Up early for work as usual, I work 6:30 - 3:30 today. Just got my 3rd call out for the day so that should be interesting. After work it's off to hopefully find out if my new little angel is a boy or girl. Hoping for some cooperation. Then I am sure thre will be phone calls and more family chats about baby plans and all. Then something for dinner and I am sure I will be ready for bed by 8. Have been having some swelling in my ankles since it got hot, so trying to stay off them at night.

Feels good to be back, hope you all have a GREAT DAY!!!!
on 6/13/11 8:41 pm
Good to see you here Katie! Hope the milder weather today helps your ankles!
IdaMae D.
on 6/13/11 10:09 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Wonderful to see you here!!!



on 6/13/11 8:21 pm - Clifton Heights, PA
Good morning PA and peep in general,

Steffi, sure hope you were able to go back to sleep for a bit.  Hate to be Mayor Nutter if you didn't?!

Today is my last day of working this week.  Took a couple days off for me stuff.  So I'm going into work again early.  Working thru lunch and leaving at 5.  Whatever I get done, I get done.  Whatever I don't will have be done by someone else for a change. Normally, I would stay until I leave nothing on my desk for someone else to do.  But I'd be there till midnight, so say la vie...

Walked my 3 miles this morning.  It was 57 degrees when I left the house at 4:45.  Lovely weather for a walk outside with long sleeves. Tonight after work, I'll be headed to the gym to work on the leg machines and abs.  Probably will tan for a few minutes as well.  We leave for our cruise on July 2.  I need to get some color before we go.

Hope everyone has a wonderul day.

Love to all,
on 6/13/11 8:45 pm
Just a quick check in today from Lancaster....

I was up and logged on to work by 5 this morning to prepare for a meeting later today. I have some projects I'd like to get done before leaving at 10 a.m. - "must do" items for later this week.

My work productivity the last 2 weeks has been a problem. I was hoping that the antidepressant would cure the issue but I continue to fight distraction and a huge anti-momentum (is that a word?) I think after I get back from FL this summer I will get into some therapy to deal with this issue...or whatever it is a symptom of. This is the first time in my life/career that I have been so disengaged from what I am doing!

Tonight I am going out with friends for a walking tour downtown - it will be fun to actually learn some of the history of Lancaster!
IdaMae D.
on 6/13/11 9:18 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Steffi & PA:

Steffi - I hope you get your chance to speak with the Mayor.   I know when he was at Gene's doctoral graduation last year, they swept him into the facility and right out, no one had the pleasure of having photos taken with him or speaking to him.  I hope he is more accomodating to the children.

I'm working from home today.  We were supposed to go to the Granite yard to pick out that stuff over the weekend, however, rain changed those plans so today is nice and sunny and dry.  Our appointment is 11:30am so I'll be working then running out then back home to work to complete my 8 hr day.

Last night met our new professor - I really enjoyed class.  I have Strategic Thinking so I'm much more in my element - thinking, writing, research - YEAH!!!!!   Prof is a bit scatter brained but I'm getting the sense it is a tactic he uses to get to know who in the class needs complete and total structure and who in the class is adaptable and open to a bit of craziness. 

After work & granite, I think I'll be able to relax a bit, hoping to take a walk this evening once everything settles down.  The weather is so nice and my treadmill has been buried due to needing to move things into one room so the builders, plumbers, electricians, and any other ers can do their thing in this house.  Living in a construction site is sooooooo stressful....

Speaking of living in a construction zone and stress, my eating is approaching almost no actual food.  Gene and I are seeing a pattern with me, when I'm stressed I do not eat.  When I'm not stressed I'll forget to eat because I don't get hungry, but with the added stress I'm not eating and not drinking my protein shakes.  So I have to make a mental note, if this continues I'll have to start setting my alarm on my phone or my outlook reminders that it's time to eat.

Hope everyone has a great day....



Lisa H.
on 6/13/11 9:49 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning all.. Steffi, the meds could totally be the issue.. Pay attention and track what is going on so you can report in to your dr if it doesn't get better.

Katie... good to see you posting and I'm so happy for your news, even though I DID see it on FB!

Today has me working til 3:30.  Siehara just called me and asked me to bring her English book in to school.  Yes, there are only 4 days of school left, none of which are full days, and I'm still shlepping to school with stuff.. well, actually this is probably the only time I had to do it.  AND I will do it because if she doesn't bring it in, the teacher told her she would have to pay for it.  

Tanya and I spoke last night and she was doing really well.  They took off 8 pounds of skin! WOW!! She was getting her iron infusion last night that we thought might have to wait.  So, it looks like she should be coming "home" today.   Her hubby is going to pick her up and bring her and Marshall here for recovery.  They will all sleep here tonight and then I'll run Kelley to the airport in the morning. 

Siehara has a 1/2 day and will be putting away her laundry after school.  While she is putting things away, I am going to have her pull out the things she wants to take to camp and make sure everything is labeled.  

Tonight's plans will be determined by what time the Kelley family arrives here.  I would like to go to the gym for Body Pump and Pilates, but if the timing coordinates, then I won't go.  If they get here really early in the day, I will go since Kelley will be here.  Otherwise, I'll stay here with them.  I have chicken out to make for dinner for us.  Now, to figure out how I want to cook it since I will be cooking for 3 extra people.

Well, I better run that book up to school before I forget.  Have a great day everyone!

My tracker


Sara E.
on 6/14/11 2:36 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Hi Lisa!

Tell Tanya I said Hi and that I am happy everything went well.  WOW,8 pounds, that is fantastic.  I hope I can lose that much in 2 weeks.  Tell Tanya my pre-op appt is at 2:30 on the 23rd, maybe I can cross paths with her in Danville.  I can get there early to do that, let me know.
Again, it was super seeing you & Sieharra Saturday.




Patricia R.
on 6/13/11 11:06 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Steffi,
I hear you on the vitamins.  I dump if I take them on an empty pouch.  I have to have some food with them.  Maybe you could schedule a healthy snack for the evening, like some cheese and whole wheat crackers, just to get you through till morning.  A lot of people do. 

I started the training for my new hospital social worker job.  I worked at this hospital part time while I was teaching, but not as a social worker.  I have to call Social Security today and let them know I am starting the nine month program of seeing if I am able to work.  They have a program for Disability recipients where you work for nine months at any capacity to test to see if you are physically upto working.  Then, at the end of that nine months, you determine if you are able to return to work full time.  If not, I can still work part time, but only earning $720 a month.  This per diem social work job will have me sometimes filling in for maternity leave, sick leave and vacations.  I am looking forward to it.

Today, I will be getting some bloodwork done, and hit the gym for a swim.  Sitting all day in training has me stiff and sore.  Then home to finish my sewing projects.

Last night, I learned some news that upset me. My Mom dated a man that wanted to marry her, and before he died in 1996, he wrote an addendum to his will that basically said, he was leaving his house to her to live in as long as she wanted, and then it was to be passed on to his sons. One son, who never visited his father when he was sick and dying, contested the will. Every year since then, he sends my mother letters saying he wants to inspect the house, and basically hassling her. I just learned that he called her and said he is putting the house on the market and selling it. Mom seems to not care, but I am upset because she has a heart condition, and is 84 years old. He is harassing my mother.

So, I talked to my son, who had worked with a lawyer in Pittsburgh, and he told Sean to get a copy of the will, and the probate information of the will, and he will call this little jerk (the profanity I want to say is too crude). So, I am going to drive two hours on Friday and get the will, copy it, and fax it to my son. Mom lives in Wilkes Barre and is so forgetful these days, she would forget to copy it and forget to mail it to Sean. Sean, my son, can go on the Internet to get the probate paperwork, as it is a matter of public record.

I am also concerned because of Mom's attitude. While the son has no legal leg to stand on, he could set things up for a confrontation that stresses her. I would appreciate your prayers for her and this situation.

The weather is perfect.  Today is my granddaughter, Isabel's fourth birthday.  I am excited that she is coming into town on Saturday. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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