Finally Friday

on 6/2/11 8:15 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi all thank goodness, short week but a long week.

I am happy to be getting my hair done today after work, my roots are awful! Tonight not sure what is up, but I do have some GF coming for the day tomorrow so that should be fun.

Today is my niece Brittany's 18th BD. She is the one who has the OCD etc. She of course is going to go get her first tatoo and of course somewhere visible. I have asked her not to, even offered to pay for the tattoo if she gets it in a non visible location but of course sheis 18 and it is her body and she is sure it will be fine. UGH this is why I do NOT have kids.

Therapy last night was good, I had kind of dropped out of OA because reaching out to a sponsor on a daily basis felt to weird to me. Calling anyone out of the blue without prearranging it, is weird to me. So she kicked me in the rear and said GO back, CALL the sponsor. This has nothing to do with your food and everyting to do with your ability to reach out and put your needs first. SO, wil be doing that.

This is all such hard work sometimes people !   But worth it right?? 

I hope you have a great day the weather Thursday was unbelievable so gorgeous.
on 6/2/11 8:48 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning Nicole and PA!!

Nicole--Hope your day is good and I think it is great that you continue to work hard and put your needs first even if it is hard to do. You continue to inspire me! :-)

As for me...not much on the agenda today. Been up since Hubby left for work at 5:30 am (I have off today) started laundry and did dishes already. May go back to sleep for an hour or so and then I just plan on hanging out here at home and trying to relax. Will prob organize some things in the nursery --my shower is on Sunday so I know I will have to make room for stuff!

That's it for me! Hope everyone has a Fantastically Fab Friday!!!

Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

IdaMae D.
on 6/2/11 9:19 pm, edited 6/2/11 9:27 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Nicole & PA:

I hear you on the reaching out. In my younger days I was taught that I could not reach out to anyone, therefore reaching out is extremely difficult for me. I had a good therapist that I worked with for about 5 years who was able to get me to a point where I could reach out. And then having Gene as a back up to my therapist also helped me get it. Although I get it, I'm still very closed in reaching out and only to those I completely trust and feel safe with. Gene is the first person I've felt safe enough with to be able to reach out and just as you stated: it is hard work!

I can totally relate to you on the tattoo and your 18 yr old niece. When my oldest turned 18, I had to work late that night, came home she was not there, her friend accidentally let it slip where she was. I went to the tattoo palor while she was getting her first tattoo, the guy about had a heart attack, kept saying to me "she swore she's 18". I said yes she is, and her first tattoo is a huge snake around the middle of her arm, exactly where everyone can see and where I had asked her not to put it. Kids!!!!!!! Most of the time they are a joy and she's never regretted having the tattoo and is now in her 30's. It has not kept her back from jobs either, I think society has changed a bit when it comes to tat's.

Yesterday - HORRIBLE. Was set up by the GC and the interior designer. Ended up telling her exactly what I though of her as a business person as well as her inablitity to hear what WE WANT FOR OUR HOUSE. I was sooo frustrated, upset, melting down, thankfully Gene was still home and was able to take the phone from me and talk to her. He ended up having to cancel two clients due to a family emergency, took him a long time to talk me down and calm me down. Told the GC off as well, I do not like to be blindsided, I do not react well to that. Pulls on a lot of old stuff from my former life with an extremely abusive husband and ex-inlaws. So unfortunately the GC is a friend, but there is a wall up inside me because I can't trust him. I know it is "my stuff" but I have to feel safe and know I can trust those around me. Gene is amazing, I am so thankful he understands me, gets me, can point out to me that others don't have this inside knowledge of my need for safety and trust, and that I have the ability to see and hear what Gene is pointing out.

I still have to put my PP and 2-3 page paper together for Monday night. I sat down yesterday to try to read all the research I've collected and organze it into a presentation and paper that makes sense but could not unwind enough yesterday to do anything with it. I still have to put all my notes and some charts and medical terminology definations into my coding books that test is TOMORROW - time flies. Again I could not settle down enough yesterday to read or do any of that. I was not able to really settle down and feel safe until Gene arrived home last night, which was a late night, he had a class last night and was giving them their mid-term so he couldn't even end class early to come home with me. Once he got home I felt all the tension start to leave my body and was finally able to relax.

I did call in another cabinetry person yesterday. We stopped at a cabinet place on Saturday when we were picking out the tile. The cabinet place is on Grant Ave close to home. They said they've been in business since 1993, so hopefully he'll come up with a good proposal and pricing so we can make an informed decision.

As for work, I'm on day 3 of working from home. Yesterday a huge project I was working on did come together, pulling 3 departments together for the end results in 3 days was tough, exhausting, but satisfying when it all came together last evening at 5pm. Today we have to report out on the results and the actions that were taken to resolve. Will be working till about 4, hoping to get out at lunch for a walk.

Today will be a better day.

It is a bit cold this morning, but looks to be shaping up to be a beautiful day...

Hope everyone has a wonderful day....



on 6/2/11 10:00 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Ida - First rule of Interior Design is 'What does the client want' - and if your designer is not listening then you should find someone who will - like you said, it's YOUR house and you want it YOUR way. Designers should help you figure out what you want - and she should be asking you a lot of questions so she has a good understanding of your tastes and desires. Then she can bring you ideas and suggestions - and you decide from there. Don't let her personal agenda or tastes take over your house.

Hang tough! You can get through this but I would definitely be looking for another designer.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 6/2/11 10:36 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Kathy...I am interviewing and having other designers come out to show me their design ideas.  We are sort of locked into where things can and can't go at this point due to some early decisions we made with her which is fine.  She did come up with a great idea to open the house via doorways to see straight through from the living room to the new great room, gives the house the same homey feel that I like but also has a bit of an open feel.  Again after all the uproar yesterday, this morning there was an email from her with some of the pricing Gene asked for yesterday, but again she didn't completely listen which is where my frustration comes in.  Just seeing her email this morning put my pouch back into knots and my stress level skyrocketed again.  I'm willing to look at and discuss this her stuff with Gene jsut in case no one else comes in with the pricing we want.  From looking at her pricing I'm guessing we can do better...

Again thank you!


on 6/2/11 10:47 pm - Boothwyn, PA
It's so frustrating when you have people who are supposed to be working for you but don't listen to what you want. When we were in Florida in February my b-i-l hooked us up with this realtor that he knew so we could discuss with him what we'll be looking for, our timing for moving, etc. After sitting with this man for about an hour and telling him our wants and needs he says he just listed this 'castle' that he wants us to look at - knows I'll fall in love with it on the spot and be ready to move immediately - okay, I'm game - we weren't doing much else as it was raining that day so we went with him to see this house.

We pull up and the house is gorgeous on the outside - huge, brick, kind of 'stately' - nice big corner lot in a lovely development. OK, first problem - it's about $40,000 OVER what we told him we want to spend. But again, we'll look at it. Get inside and as nice as the outside was the inside didn't match - it needed a whole new kitchen - ugly old (broken) cabinets, mis-matched appliances, broken tile floor. I told him I want a newer or updated home that does not need that type of renovation because we don't want to go through all that. Also told him I want a walk in shower in the master bath - we go in the master bath and there is a huge garden tub, and no walk in shower. OK, so what did he hear when we were telling him our wish list?? Needless to say we will not be working with him when the time comes to move.

I hope you can work things out with this designer - as hard as it can be try to stand firm with her when it comes to what you want, because in the end you're the one who has to live with the choices.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
IdaMae D.
on 6/2/11 11:40 pm - Philadelphia, PA
I'm glad you had that experience from the get go.  Now you can find the person who will be a good fit for you guys.  Unfortunately we are half way into the project and now it's like pulling teeth and she still is not hearing us.  So darn frustrating.  If I had sensed this from day one, and as I think back the signs were there, but Gene and I being so green behind the ears with this.  Neither of us have ever taken on something this huge, and we were looking to the GC for guidence.  He loves working with this designer - So Gene and I supressed our red flags and went with his recommendation.  Bad move on our part, I think she works best when her customer gives her a credit card and tells her to make it happen.  Gene and I it's our house, our money, I have a design background and know what is tasteful and is a blend of Gene and I.  I think that intimidates her.


Maura M.
on 6/2/11 9:22 pm - Yardley, PA
Going in to work a little late today and hopefully leaving early!!!  13 hour hell day yesterday - lots going on this week at work and I am sooo glad that the week is over!!  Have done nothing excercise wise since Monday (BAD, BAD Maura!!)

Low key weekend - tonight we will do happy hour in our back yard (yardwork followed by a well deserved beer) - tomorrow am running some errands and we are spending the night with our friends Chris and Jen and our God Children (well, not really God Children as there is nothing spiritual about our relationship - we would actually be legal guardians of them if anything were to happen - god forbid - so I don't know what you call that...?).  Then home on Sunday - will most likely have my parents over.

That's all for me - still maintaining which is good - almost at the18 month mark - can't believe it has been that long already.

Have a great day PA,



Patricia R.
on 6/2/11 9:35 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Nicole,
When my niece, Erin, turned 18, she got a tatoo on the small of her back.  It's a shamrock.  She proudly said to me, "I'll always be Irish, Aunt Trish."  She has had it embellished since.

I totally relate to the reaching out to a sponsor regularly.  That has been my hang up since day one in AA, and when I was in OA.  Hope you can get more comfortable with that aspect of self-care in recovery. 

Today, I am heading to my AA meeting. Then, I have some last minute shopping to do for a bridal shower we are throwing for my sis-in-law. Then, I am heading to the church to help set up, and afterward we are heading to a friend's for a picnic. Should be a fun day. The shower is tomorrow.

Hope yo have a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa H.
on 6/2/11 9:54 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning all.... this short week seemed to last forever.  But now that it is Friday I realize that I have procrastinated on learning my Torah portion and writing my speech for TOMORROW.. I am SUCH a procrastinator.. UGH.  Guess I'll be cramming today.

Last night was the Girls on the Run 5K.. that little girl whooped my butt..  She is 10 years old and 4 foot nothing.. tiny little thing.  She jogged the whole time, which means I jogged the whole time.. YAY US!   I don't know what our finish time was, but it doesn't matter.  She did awesome and I was able to keep up with her for the most part.

Working til 3:30.   I'll be baking SF chocolate chip cookies during the day today so I can take them to a BBQ I am going to tomorrow night. 

Tonight, we have a Bat Mitzvah to go to at the Chabad--it is a branch of Orthodox Judaism.  The service is actually being held at a local Holiday Inn because they got so many RSVP's they can't accomodate everyone at the actual synagogue.  This is their Rabbi's oldest daughter and a good friend of Siehara's from when she went to the Jewish Day School.  The service will be followed by dinner.  We will come home from there as I'm sure I will still need to do some more learning and writing for tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

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