Memorial Day Roll Call - Where is everybody?
Good morning everyone - can't believe it's 9:00 AM and I'm the first one posting roll call? Everybody sleeping in today?
First let me say Thank You to all of our veterans and men and women serving our country to keep us safe and preserve our freedoms - they'll never get eough credit in my book.
Not sure what my day is going to bring. I was going to plant the rest of my flowers but when we got home from a bbq last night our a/c was off - 80 in the house so we put the ceiling fans on and tried to sleep - it was a very restless night.
Have to run to the grocery store for a few things - not sure what I'm going to cook for dinner.
If you have plans enjoy the day - if not try to stay cool!!
I was up and out the door with Utley already this morning. Came home and showered, and am getting ready to start working on my sewing projects. I have five garments cut out, three dresses for Isabel, and two shorts coveralls, for Lincoln. Two of the dresses look easy, as they are called Pillowcase dresses, and the coveralls don't look too complicated. The one dress has a zipper, which I am still mastering. I love to sew, and the kids give me a great excuse to do so.
This afternoon, I am heading to the movies with my sisters, not sure what movie.. Just looking forward to going out and having fun.
Have a safe holiday everyone.
Albert Schweitzer
Looking forward to doing THIS all day long!!!!!
Anyway, have a great relaxing day. I'm pledging 24 hours of sobriety and sane eating.
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
I just got back from the Memorial Day Parade that my daughter was in with her brownie troop. I took some pics and will try to post them on FB later. Right now I am hot!!! I just want to chill in the house with the air on!!
I had quite an experience this morning! Dropped Dee off at the meeting point. I was going to go home, but decided instead to go and find the park where it was ending. I got directions from one of the people at the parade. Well, I got to the street that it was on and I could not find the entrance!! I had to go up and down the street three times until I finally found it!! At that point I just decided to stay there. An hour and a half later, the kids were there. They had hot dogs, pretzels and bottled water. Stayed for a little bit longer then high tailed it out of there! I am NOT a hot weather person. I had to go to my happy place to deal with the heat. Plus, I didn't want to drink too much because I thought that there were no bathrooms! Found out as we were leaving that there were, but at that point I just figured I would wait until I get home. Dee has her friend over now and they are just chillin on the floor watching a movie. Hey, they were out in the hot sun all morning!!
Tomorrow is back to reality!!BOOO!!!!!
Love to all, Beth
Just got back from a Memorial Service at the local Cemetery no I"m off to the movies. I'm excited to see how I now fit into a seat, LOL. Tomorrow is my 3 month check up with the surgeon on Danville, hopefully it will stay nice, it's a 3 hour drive.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day and staying safe.