Wonderful Wednesday Roll Call

on 5/24/11 9:03 pm - Lancaster, PA
7am and NO ONE HAS POSTED??? Oh well. I will.

Yesterday was great I was offered the Clinical Supervisor Position and my Boss was offered the Director Position. This is good we work well together. I am very happy, scared but happy. I had moments of pure joy yesterday..which is rare but I went with it. So happy.

I hope you all have a wonderful Day
Lisa H.
on 5/24/11 9:19 pm - Whitehall, PA
 CONGRATS NICOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I assumed this is what was going on when I saw the congrats on your FB page, but wasn't sure so I just joined in the festivities!! Hopefully, this will ease some of your stress at work. 

Today has me working til 3:30 per normal.  I did not get to Aldi's yesterday so I will go at lunch time today.  I am planning on making the cheeseburger pie so I can put some in the freezer so I need to get there to get the ground turkey and the peppers and onions and cheese.  I think I may also throw a spinach chicken bake in the oven.  They are both great meals that Siehara and I both enjoy and are easily frozen for later.  

I also need to make a few phone calls today to rearrange some dr's appointments.  I'm wondering if maybe I should get Siehara in with the GYN instead of the Endocrinologist.. I'm going to ask them when I call to reschedule my yearly appt.  

TODAY will be day 1 of the chore chart.  We discussed it with her therapist last night and made a few changes (like making the big chores once a week instead of jumping into insane cleaning for us after only doing things "whenever")  We will alternate weeks instead of days.  She has her daily list, as well.  So, we'll see how that goes. 

She has physical therapy AND Bat Mitzvah tutoring today.  As long as the weather holds, my plan is to walk during her tutoring time.   I'm not sure if we'll get to the gym after tutoring.  It depends on our moods, so I want to be sure I get something in for the hour that she will be occupied. 

Tonight, I want to do some stuff out on my patio.  The couple I helped out last week sent over a few things like plants and decorations for me so I want to get them outside. 

Other than that, not much going on.. yeah I know.. not much room for anything else.  

Hope everyone enjoys the day and gets out in the sun!

My tracker


on 5/24/11 9:22 pm
Well hold on to those moments of joy, NIcole! They have been long in coming!

I am back into the routine today - work and gym. I'm concerned about my weight jumping another pound in the last couple of days, but maybe that was with the travelling over the weekend.

Did anyone watch the Oprah farewell shows on Mon. and Tues.? I had taped them and watched parts - what an "institution" that woman has become! Even though I'm not an "ultimate fan" and didn't always like her celebrity shows....pretty amazing run.

Feeling pretty good after my MIchigan trip that I took time to wrap some birthday presents while I was there. June is a huge month of "family events" for us - 8 family birthdays, Father's Day, plus our anniversary. And oh yeah, my mom's birthday is July 1. So just add that to the list. At least I got the "Michigan phase" of this onslaught taken care of without shipping or resorting to gift cards.

Have a great day PA.
Lisa H.
on 5/24/11 9:31 pm - Whitehall, PA
 I forgot they were on.. or maybe didn't realize since I don'****ch her often.  I did see bits and pieces while Siehara was in physical therapy on Monday so I came home and DVR'd the rerun that was on at 1am or whatever Monday and then Tuesday's show.  I will watch them at some point.  I hear they were awesome. 

My tracker


on 5/24/11 10:54 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning.  Nicole - first and foremost MAZEL TOV!  You are finally being rewarded for your perserverence and steadfastness.  You have an obvious passion for what you do and the clients are better because of it.  The two of you will make an amazing team and the program will be stronger!  Again, congrats!

So, my day yesterday was insane....now my father-in-law is in the hospital down the shore with a strong possiblity of emergency gall bladder surgery.  UGH!  Poor Larry may have to run down there.  I am trying to talk some sense into him, he has not slept in days, is working nights and has a brother who can get down there.  (Although, I doubt he will.)  As of now, we don't know what the plans are.  He is close to 80 years old, and while the gall bladder surgery is NOT all that dangerous, his age makes it more so.  And really, I am more concerned about Larry at this point than his father - the surgeons know what they are doing and you have to trust the experts.  As for Charlie - he had a relatively good night again.  They are moving him from the ICU to the stroke floor.  They are definitely calling it a stroke.  Don't know if I mentioned that yesterday or not - *****members at this point.  Spoke to his wife this morning.  She is cautiously optomistic.  She says that while he can hold a conversation, he does say some strange things and is still slightly slurring. I took the kids to see him yesterday.  Emily was a bit apprehensive but she made his face light up.  We were only there for about 20 minutes as Molly had her first therapy appointment with our favorite therapist.  SOOOOOO happy to have her back in our lives.  Larry was funny and light, Molly was great until the end when she needed to talk about the episode she had that night two months ago when she left the house and we didn't know where she was.  She wouldn't talk about it, made me do it and then cried.  Obviously it still affects her.  Good to know that we were in a safe place for her!  Last night a friend came over to help me be distracted from the craziness of my life, we watched the ball game, laughed, giggled and then started to watch a movie.  It WAS a great distraction and thank god I have these people in my life!

Today, more craziness ensues: At school today, becuase you can only imagine how effective I am going to be yet again, but to add to the joy, I am being observed by the principal.  I am not even a little concerned.  As I stated yesterday - he has NOTHING to complain about with my teaching, so I am sure that will go smooth so long as I don't fall asleep on my feet! :)  After school, I have to get the girls as they have a dentist appointment at 4:15 far away.  Then from there I am headed directly to the synagogue for a camp event.  We will see how long we stay because I want to TRY to get to the hospital.  And all of this is of course subject to change based on parental units and their respective health concerns!  UGH!

And to think I was hoping to get back to the pool more regularly this week.  I did get two new bathing suits after all! :)

I could really use a recess!  Happy Wednesday all!
on 5/24/11 10:56 pm
Good Morning Nicole and PA!!

Like I said on FB, I am SO happy for you! You definitely deserve all the happy moments you had yesterday!! I know work has been really hard for you recently and maybe this is a sign of change for the better.

I really needed my mental health day yesterday. Got ALOT done, but not everything I wanted to!! Just not enough hours in the day! I had an appointment yesterday at the hemotologist to check on my levels and well my neutrophils are the lowest they have ever been. The doctor is perplexed and wants me to see a specialist at U of P. This has been an issue at least for the last four or five years and I have had more tests than I care to talk about! So, that is why I posted on FB that I am a medical mystery!?!  Anyone have any ideas? Pam??

Today is wor****il 3:30, have an appointment with the chiropractor, then home for dinner, homework with the child, bath and bed! She has her field day today so I am SURE she will NEED to take a bath!!

So looking forward to this weekend spending time with friends and enjoying the long weekend. Although with all the things planned it will go by so fast it won't even feel like a long weekend!!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth

(deactivated member)
on 5/24/11 11:22 pm
There is this big Yellow Bright ball in the sky rumor has it is the sun! Hey I'll take it! 

Last night came home Den made dinner then Sissy and Tiffy stopped over for alittle. When they left we watched American Idol then a little of DWTS then we flipped on Chopped our new favorite show.

Today has me in work till 4 then leaving early for a doctors appointment. It is a new doctor a little nervous but it needs to be taken care. Then home to run through Oprah's last show not that I am a big fan but it is history. Then settle in to watch American Idol to see who wins.

Nicole I am so proud of you Girlfriend! 

Steffi you know I am a phone call away if you need anything at all.

Beth No answers just do what the Doctors want you to do.

Is it the weekend yet?

Life is Good! 
on 5/24/11 11:33 pm - PA
Good Morning Pa,
Nicole, congrats and enjoy your moments of joy as long as you can, you really do deserve it.
Today will be running errands, and shopping at the outlet mall down here. (no tree work today, thank goodness as it will be in the 90's today.)  Out to dinner with a friend and maybe a movie, who knows what the evening will bring.  Have a good day everyone.
Hugs, Ena

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




Laureen S.
on 5/25/11 12:09 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I am really thrilled for you!

Today is a pretty nice day, I'm stuck in the office for now, looking forward to a rare treat, as Tony is coming down to have dinner with me tonight and my nights of working until 6 p.m. are officially done, so I now work 8 to 4 p.m. and that will give me more daylight hours to accomplish things.

Going to a noon AA meeting, dinner with my guy and that is it. . .

Prayers for the many people in the midwest living in shell shock and experiencing such devastating losses. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Dennis Belk
on 5/25/11 12:29 am, edited 5/25/11 7:24 am - Philadelphia, PA


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