Sleepy Saturday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 5/20/11 4:37 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

It is 2:28am the squirrel that seems to be caught between the bedroom ceiling and the flooring of the second floor is in rare form tonight.  It has been over a week of this annoying critter living in that space, no one seems to have any idea how to get it out of the house.  We have never had critters in the house this is sooooo annoying not being able to sleep.

Today we are meeting with the interior designer to look at cabinetry for the kitchen and master bath.  We also have to look at tile and counter tops.  We still have to pull together what we want for the first floor bathroom and the bathroom on the second floor then figure out what's going on in the basement where we are adding a bathroom.  I have an idea what we want hopefully this will go smoothly. 

Work is crazy as usual.  Yesterday around 3pm I received an email that my presentation for Thursday needed to be submitted for the meeting materials packet by Monday noon.  I was not really planning a presentation, just talking points so I had to bring the laptop home which I was not planning to do and will most likely have to work on Sunday which I was not planning to do.  I'll pull something together for this.

Finance class is starting to wind down.  I asked for an extension for the assignment that was due last Monday so I could work with my tutor.  I was supposed to have my final project ready for presentation this coming Monday - had to ask for an extension on that as well to the last night of class. 

Hope everyone has a better day than mine has started off to be.....



Patricia R.
on 5/20/11 6:07 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida,
So sorry your squirrel guest is being rude.  Have you called an exterminator?  That's the only thing I could think of. 

I had a busy some stuff done.  Saturday will be interesting.  I have to get to the gym and get a swim in.  I need the exercise big time, and my cortisone shot kicked in during the night.  Then, this evening, I will be attending a prayer meeting that a missionary friend hosts when he is home.  He works with North Africans who live and travel through Southern Europe.  He was the best man at my wedding and stood by me during my divorce, as he felt responsible in some form or fashion.  My daughter went to Tunisia to help be a nanny for his family one summer when she was in high school. 

In that, Northwestern Human Services still has not completed my references, I have an interview for a per diem social work position at Brooke Glen Behavioral Hospital, where I had worked as a group and recreational therapist for three years.  I am looking forward to getting back to some part time work, and would love to go back there.  I always loved it there.  My interview is Monday afternoon, so I will keep you all posted.  Please askGene not to mention this at Northwestern, as it may not go through, for whatever reason. 

So, I am trying to figure out what to wear to an interview where I worked for three years, and must wear sneakers to the interview, because I can't get my sore, swollen toes into regualr shoes, and I know that the regs at the hospital do not allow staff to wear sandals, for safety reasons.  I have tons of clothes, just not sure what to wear.  Hmmmm. 

Anywho, I hope the weather is less wet.  My bedroom ceiling has a leak near the windows, and I am tired of hearing the drip in the buckets.  My landlord called a roofing contractor, and they can't come out till Thursday, a week after she called. 

Have a blessed weekend.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

IdaMae D.
on 5/21/11 9:43 am - Philadelphia, PA

Hi Trish;
Yes, we have called an exterminator.  He is as baffled as the contractor and we are.  This squirrel seems to be out smarting us all.  Or he/she just enjoys keeping us awake from 1am till 3:30am every night.  Short of ripping up the floor boards on the entire second floor or ripping down the bedroom ceiling I'm wiped out as is Gene.

Good luck with your interview.  Gene has been watching for you to show up at a new employee orientation.  He'd never say anything to anyone there about your interview.  Many of the therapists there also have other jobs either at other facilities or teaching at colleges and universities as well as their own private practices.

I hope your ceiling gets fixed soon.  I remember those months of it raining in our kitchen so not fun.



on 5/20/11 10:10 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!

Mr. Squirrel needs to be evicted!!! He is not being a nice guest keeping you up! LOL!! I know it is not funny but I was trying to make light of the situation.....

Today is going to be a busy day at home. Need to take care of balancing checkbook(SO MUCH FUN!!), put away clean laundry, change linens on both beds and wash blankets. I also need to do some baking for upcoming events. Well, that should take up most of the day!!

I am just wondering what is that bright yellow thing in the sky?? Is it the apocalypse?? Oh yeah, it is the SUN!! Haven't seen it in so long forgot what it looked like!!

Have a great day!!

Love to all, Beth">">>

IdaMae D.
on 5/21/11 9:44 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Beth;
You made me laugh which is not easy these days with our house guest :-)



on 5/20/11 10:15 pm - Clifton Heights, PA
Good morning all,

Ida - sure hope your "guest" leaves soon so that you can get some badly needed rest.  Somehow you need to tell him he's over stayed and he was never welcomed!  Good luck getting everything you need to do  Doesn't seem there are enough hours in the day for you.

This morning I have already been out to walk/jog my six miles.  It's just beautiful out.  Hope that sun stays out today.

For the rest of the day, I have the downstairs to clean, did the upstairs last night.  Going to get a mani and pedi this afternoon.  Hopefully spend som quality time with the husband since I haven't really seen much of him this week.

Hope everyone has a good day.
IdaMae D.
on 5/21/11 9:48 am - Philadelphia, PA
We bought an air horn, Monday morning when the contractor gets here, Gene is going to hold it up to the bedroom ceiling and the guys are going to watch to see where it comes out then close it up.  I hope this works.
You are absolutely correct there are not enough hours in the day.  I thought I had a busy schedule when my girls were young running to soccer games, swim meets, softball games, school plays, choir productions, and high school marching band competitions.  This is so tiring compared to all that, then again I was almost 20 yrs younger....Boy does that put things in perspective....WOW!!!!


Lisa H.
on 5/20/11 10:30 pm - Whitehall, PA
 That's it.. I'm sending Skecher to find that critter and remove him from your house.  

I'm up and about to get ready for synagogue.  There is a Bat Mitzvah (for a change) and I need to give the little "Mazel Tov, here's a book" speech.  This is a girl who grew up with Siehara, but I still don't know her all that well.  It will be fine.. I just wrote basic inspirational stuff.  

This afternoon will be for relaxing and maybe laundry since that is on my daily chore list.  Siehara needs to finish up hers (since we haven't started the "official" list yet).  I am also going to make a concerted effort to get my butt outside and walk/jog.  

Tonight is the Bat Mitzvah party.  Siehara was invited.  I was not.  There is karaoke at a place right near where the party will be, so I will probably hang out over there for a bit.  Unfortunately, the party is over at 11, so I won't have much time.  But, I'll just make them let me sing early so I can get it out of my system :D   I'm not sure what I'll do when the party starts at 7.  Maybe I can find some old friends in Bethlehem to hang with for awhile.

Tomorrow, Siehara has another Bat Mitzvah to go to.  I am going to drop her off at the service in the morning.  They are providing transportation to the party after which will be held at the DaVinci Science Center.  Another mom is going to bring her home with her.  I am headed into Philly for the day and will pick up Siehara from the friend's house when I get home.  

Hope everyone has a great day today!

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 5/21/11 9:50 am - Philadelphia, PA
Skecher is more than welcome to come get this house guest out :-)

Hider just lays on the bed watching the ceiling, she doesn't have any claws so she's not much of a hunter. 


on 5/20/11 10:58 pm - Boothwyn, PA
What a glorious morning - I've walked the dog, went for coffee and am relaxing a bit before starting my day. Just some light cleaning to do today since I did the big stuff last weekend.

Yesterday I bought a bunch of flowers and got them all in hangers and the ground last night. They are loving the sun today.

Eye appt this afternoon the. The new Pirates movie tonite with hubby.

Enjoy the beautiful day everyone.


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