********Tuna Fish Tuesday**********
Tomorrow we will hit Target and Rite-Aid, then I am done for the week.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
It is Tuesday - my LAST EVER crazy Tuesday - I am going to sit down this afternoon at the synagogue and tell the Rabbi that I am done teaching in the lower school. She texted me yesterday telling me that she was afraid of what our meeting was going to be this afternoon. When I asked her why, she didn't respond. I am sure she knows what I am thinking about. She knows how stressed I have been and that it has not been fun for me for a while. So, that should be interesting. It is also the last night of Confirmation Academy for the year. YAY! :) While I loved these classes, I am exhausted and looking forward to NOT rushing out of school to get to the synagogue to work work wor****il 9pm.
That is really what my entire day will look like, oh wait - i do NOT have students today - because GOD FORBID they see the election process in action....

Things are a little better in my head. Had a pleasant evening with Larry. He was playful and nice. We didn't really talk about things, but he knew I just needed him present, and he was. Now if only the Phillies can get their heads out of their butts, all will be good!
Happy Tuna Fish Tuesday y'all!
And the icing on the cake was an election day that fell on 9/11. I was directed to keep TV monitors OFF except in my office, because the news was of course so disturbing and because we had a high population of middle eastern families....but the voters didn't understand that and kept storming in to demand that we turn on the hallway tv monitors instead of scrolling our daily anouncments (which we normally did).
So...no school on election day I totally understand.
B - ham/egg/cheese on english muffin
L - lean cuisine
S - banana
D - whole wheat pasta (first time trying this) with meatsauce
S - 1/2 english muffin with cheese
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
I am FORCING myself out the door to the gym in the rain this morning. I could easily sit and be on the computer for another half hour.
Then work.
Then cleaning and organizing the freezer, which looks like a disaster area and has all sorts of crappy food hidden inside that MIke has bought and squirreled away...and forgotten about. Stuff I won't eat and he shouldn't eat. It is going out in the garbage tomorrow!
But speaking of MIke - he had to get up and out at 3 am. to check on a production run early this morning. He got that done and came home at 5 to snuggle back in for an hour. What a luxury as the rain poured down outside!
Yesterday I had an oil change appt. and the guy found that one of my tires was bad - literally delaminating away from the cord. So it was off to Costco for a new set of tires. On the way I stopped at Amelias (those in central PA will know what Amelia's is!) and got a TREMENDOUS buy on Greek yogurt - get this - 6 PINTS FOR A DOLLAR!!! Mixing it with some of my SF strawberry freezer jam. I also found some Breyers SF ice cream. I admire those of you who are into the coupon thing - with just 2 of us, I don't get much mileage out of coupons and I tend to shop more at Costco, some at Amelias, and fill in at Giant once a month or so.
Let's hope that this rain dries up soon!
One of my best friends is running for twp supervisor re-election. I hope she gets elected. There are 3 going for 2 slots. If she is reelected, she will be so happy, if not - well, we know losing isn't always a good thing. She has been very upbeat since her divorce was final last month and I would hate to see her attitude take a dive. Keep your fingers crossed for her.
You all know the Tuesday drill...work, dinner, scouts, help Caleb w/ homework...same old Tuesday.
Last night came home had dinner watched DWTS then Nurse Jackoe then hit the sheets to go to bed early.
Today after work I am going to meet some friends for dinner then the movies. Looking forward to the evening with my girls.
My head has been deep in thought on so many levels as of late and would love to just be sitting on beach watching the waves come in and out with music and good book. Yet life is not that easy so I will keep on thinking and follow my heart.
Life is Good!
Good Afternoon Swede and PA!!
Tuna Fish? REALLY?? You couldn't think of anything else with a "T"??? Terrific, Tantalizing, Totally Tubular....Ok, so I am a child of the 80's!! Sorry but I am not a fan of tuna fish, never was!!
Anyway, Had to wake up extra early to drive Dee to all day care at another school 10 minutes in the other direction from work. BLECH!
Today is wor****il 3:30, then off to vote, pick up child, then have Drs. appt @ 6pm, then dinner, reading time with the child, then bed!
That is it for me! Not much to say today....tired and cranky from the gloomy weather!
Love to all, Beth