Outta the game (for now)
Alright here's the deal....
Worked four hours monday night after doing P90x in the afternoon as I had posted. At about 6am I started feeling kinda weird and went to bed "early" Literally slept most of Tuesday, and all of Tuesday night. Back story - been feeling run down, achey, and just weird emotionally. I blamed it on my schedule and everything else...got the fever Tuesday like I had mentioned as well
As it worked out....I had to refill my meds for my thyroid....and noticed when I got the bottle to call it in (it was a 3 mos supply) that I had been given my INITIAL prescription strength - which has been upped 2x since that initial dose. So basically I've been taking 2/3 the doseage I should have been. I can guarantee my levels are almost zero at this point.
Called my primary - he said well no wonder you feel like you do after I explained everything including P90x and the fever the next day etc. So he obviously said go back to the dose I'm supposed to be taking. He actually wanted me out of work because the symptoms I was describing were so severe - he offered me FMLA for 2 weeks to just "sit at home and take meds" lol because he's actually concerned I had thrown myself into a partial thyroid coma by doing so many extra hours plus the P90x etc. I absolutely refused to do so. He also asked me to stop taking meds completely for 3 days to "reset" my body completely. I've done research on this and it's becoming more and more the practice among endocrinologists. So it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
However, I did agree to not exercise for the minimum of two weeks like he's insistent on. Apparantly working your body when it has no metabolism might not be the brightest idea.
I understand why. I understand running my body down to nothing will not help build anything except infection and fatigue and possibly an injury, and potentially, a hospital stay. I F*&%#@G hate this. Hate hate hate it. I want to feel better, but I want to do the P90x like I started. In the grand scheme of things is it a big deal? No, not at all. I was soooo thrilled I had finally gotten myself back IN the game and feeling like I could challenge myself.
So....I'm out for 2 weeks of anything but "work and home" as per the doc. And as much as it kills me, I'm complying.
Please please PLEASE keep up the 90 days - I will join you in progress on day 18 AND I'll be checking in, I PROMISE

Life happens - this is just a speedbump - you'll get over it and be on your way in no time!!
Ok, so lets be honest, as far as the 90 day challenge goes everyone knows that its easier to join and commit to a time limited exercise program. Thats how they sell these programs to us and we jump right in with both feet. The truth is that we ALL should be exercising for life especially because we have become a sedintary generation. My point is, that although it sucks big time that you have to postpone your exercise program the fact is that you can jump right back in when you are feeling better. You will just have to extend your 90 day deadline. I plan on continuing to do mine at the end of my 90 days and then keep it going for life. I have every faith that you will jump back in the swing of things as soon as you can. I would appreciate it if you continued to be part of this thread as well (on a daily basis) so you dont lose touch with it and we with you. Take care Pam and get well!
HW=400 SW=383 CW=252 GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!! Pounds Lost =148
I plan on a life long commitment. The 90 days was a short term goal.
I plan on staying close on this thread as well as the board in general. I obviously need the support.
Add insult to too injury, my computer crashed. So it'll ne work and iPhone posting.
I'll be around, promise!
Thanks all.

The best of them sit on the bench and come back stronger then ever! Take of yourself then show us how us how you kick ass.
Love Ya!