Day 2 of 90!
Lemme tell you - no joke! Military push ups and dive bomber push ups, just to let you all know, are the devils spawn! Today was shoulders and back. Also supposed to do abs - I was entirely to spent in order to do it directly following the other work out, so that WILL be done after work tonight.
"Rome wasn't built in a day - and neither is your body" is a quote from the video. Definitely gotta keep that in mind.
Who's moving????

I was reading the post and thought maybe I will jump in on here it goes!
Yesterday was day one? ....This weekend found me not getting to the gym at all, I work nights and sometimes with my job we are soooo busy that it is hard for me to get anything done but work. I DID go to the flea market at the local high school and waled around for almost an hour with the hubby and kids, so I am gonna count that. Not to mention how much walking and lifting I do at work!!!
Found me back at the gym!!!! Thank God I switched to the gym with the child care. Had to take the baby with me cause both hubby and I worked nights last night. I let hom sleep in the morning so I got to sleep this afternoon. I did one of my normal routines at the gym......stretching, weights and then 30 mins on a Treadclimer. All in all a good day. Burned like 500 cals and got a good workout in there too. Back to work tongiht for some much needed OT and then finally a day off tomorrow.
I will check back in tomorrow.......good luck all!
double cardio for me today.. 60 MIN OF zumba and then I decided to stay for 60 MINS of boot camp to see how much I could do. I had taken it before and could hardly keep up. That was about a year ago, if not more.
I went, I kept up (most of the time) and I made it to the end of class drenched in sweat!!
IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!