Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning PA!!!
I am up early this fine morning because the cat woke me up! She wanted to be fed! The NERVE of her!!
Today is cooking class!! SOOOO excited!!! I haven't been there in a long, long time! I think Mia is in college by now! LOL!!! Looking forward to spending at least part of the day with my support peeps!! I think Cherish will be carpooling with us! YEAH!!
After class, plans are up in the air....I would like to do something fun but don't know what??? We shall see.
So, who else is coming to cooking class today?? If not, you are going to be missing out on some yummy SF desserts and great support!!
Have a beautiful day!
Love, Beth
I am up early this fine morning because the cat woke me up! She wanted to be fed! The NERVE of her!!
Today is cooking class!! SOOOO excited!!! I haven't been there in a long, long time! I think Mia is in college by now! LOL!!! Looking forward to spending at least part of the day with my support peeps!! I think Cherish will be carpooling with us! YEAH!!
After class, plans are up in the air....I would like to do something fun but don't know what??? We shall see.
So, who else is coming to cooking class today?? If not, you are going to be missing out on some yummy SF desserts and great support!!
Have a beautiful day!
Love, Beth">">>
It will be nice to see you again!!
It will be nice to see you again!!
Morning my dear Beth! My cat woke me up, too.. on a Saturday that I am NOT going to synagogue.. sheesh.. On top of that, I was up pretty late last night after doing a zumbathon with Tanya. Siehara lasted about 45 minutes into the class. I was very proud of her for lasting so long, especially given that she hasn't exercised in awhile and with her ankle. It was a 2 hour event, so she lasted almost half!
Anyway, I'm off to take the car over to be looked at AGAIN. There is still something not quite right with the tires and I'm hoping it is something that can be adjusted with no cost based on the past service history I've had in the past few months. I really can't afford a repair bill right now.
This afternoon is the cooking class... looks like there will be a lot of different and new faces there! Soooo excited to see everyone and meet new folks, too!! I still haven't figured out what I'm bringing. I want to make something, but not sure what yet. I'll figure it out before noon, or I'll just bring a monetary donation.
Tonight, I am headed to a party in Reading. I'm not sure where SIehara is staying yet. SHe may be with a friend or may be with Tanya. It would be nice to know which place before we leave for Liz's because that will determine if we pack ahead or what. Anyway, I know I am headed out tonight and am going to have a blast!!
Hope to see a lot of your smiling faces soon... and for the rest of you, have a great weekend!
Anyway, I'm off to take the car over to be looked at AGAIN. There is still something not quite right with the tires and I'm hoping it is something that can be adjusted with no cost based on the past service history I've had in the past few months. I really can't afford a repair bill right now.
This afternoon is the cooking class... looks like there will be a lot of different and new faces there! Soooo excited to see everyone and meet new folks, too!! I still haven't figured out what I'm bringing. I want to make something, but not sure what yet. I'll figure it out before noon, or I'll just bring a monetary donation.
Tonight, I am headed to a party in Reading. I'm not sure where SIehara is staying yet. SHe may be with a friend or may be with Tanya. It would be nice to know which place before we leave for Liz's because that will determine if we pack ahead or what. Anyway, I know I am headed out tonight and am going to have a blast!!
Hope to see a lot of your smiling faces soon... and for the rest of you, have a great weekend!
Good morning all. I had a furface eyeing me up at 7:30 too - he knows he's cute and I give in and get up. So I got up and we went for a walk. Chilly today - where is spring?
Cooking class sounds like fun today - sadly I'll be cleaning all day.
Not really much going on in my life right now - hope everyone has fun at Liz's.
Cooking class sounds like fun today - sadly I'll be cleaning all day.
Not really much going on in my life right now - hope everyone has fun at Liz's.
Good Morning Beth & PA;
Coming off a crazy busy, busy, busy, did I mention busy week. Work is sooooooooooooooo busy, yet so very rewarding. It is nice to be able to get up in the morning and go into a job that you enjoy and that is geared towards those less fortunate. I love working with the population of people my job deals with.
One of the committees I am involved with we are in the final stages of finalizing the banquet which we organize every year. The employees at the company I'm employed by have a fund raiser every year then the company gives out college scholarships to a certain # of the members who apply. This year we are able to give out 49 scholarships, this is funded entirely by the employees what an amazing group of people I work with!!!!! I love this event, this is the only time I get to meet and intermingle with the members and their families. I get to talk to them about their hopes and dreams for their futures and their moms & dad's and in many cases their children are so proud of them and their academic accomplishments. Did I mention I love my job
On a fun note, I was asked by Eastern University to do a photo shoot which will eventually be used for their brochures and website. How exciting is that!!!!!!! Two years ago I would have never agreed to do this. When asked I absolutely had no problem saying yes. One of my other classmates also was involved so we got to talk and get to know a bit about each other on Thursday evening. It was a lot of fun being involved in this photo shoot
School is extremely challenging at this time. Accounting is so not my thing, neither is algebra. We had a word problem which is due today, for the life of me I cannot figure this darn thing out. I know the outcome is that I have to figure out the % of charges for a surgical procedure. I do this everyday at work, however, throw it into a word problem and I'm at a total loss. I begin working with my tutor on Monday evening - so thankful this professor is willing to work with me. I met him Thursday evening and thought I recognized him, turns out in 2008 he was one of my professors in my undergrad progam.
On the home front. What a pain the the arse this renovation is. It is exciting to come home each day to see something new happening to the house, but I am so ready for this to be over. I want my house back. We are living in our bedroom and in the family room. Thankfully I have two well actually 3 kitchens in my house. So as they are demoing the first and second floor kitchens, I still have the basement kitchen for minimal cooking. The two care garage is up and Gene's offices above the garage are all framed. The windows across the upstairs back of the house present a beautiful view of our yard. Next year I am going to have to be very mindful of gardening
I will be done grad school next May so I'll be looking for things to do, gardening and sitting out on the deck knitting and crocheting really do appeal to me. Today I have to get all the stuff cleaned out of the den and living room. I hear that next week Lou is starting the front of the house and if I want to use the front door I'll have to "walk the plank". Mind you I am scared to death of height so I'm not so sure I'll be able to walk over this plank that is going to lead up to our front door. I might need to use the new basement entrance on the days Gene is home so he can unlock the door for me, on the other days not sure how I'm going to enter the house, should be interesting.
I am very saddened that my daughter and son-in-law seem to be heading for divorce. Gene and I are planning to go visit them to see if we can get them to talk. My goodness Gene is a family therapist so even if it is going to end, hopefully he can get them to at least talk sensibly to each other. My son-in-law has a realitor coming to the house to put it up for sale, he seems to be forgetting that my daughter is the primary on the loan and if she does not agree he cannot sell.
HOpe everyone enjoys this beautiful day....
Coming off a crazy busy, busy, busy, did I mention busy week. Work is sooooooooooooooo busy, yet so very rewarding. It is nice to be able to get up in the morning and go into a job that you enjoy and that is geared towards those less fortunate. I love working with the population of people my job deals with.
One of the committees I am involved with we are in the final stages of finalizing the banquet which we organize every year. The employees at the company I'm employed by have a fund raiser every year then the company gives out college scholarships to a certain # of the members who apply. This year we are able to give out 49 scholarships, this is funded entirely by the employees what an amazing group of people I work with!!!!! I love this event, this is the only time I get to meet and intermingle with the members and their families. I get to talk to them about their hopes and dreams for their futures and their moms & dad's and in many cases their children are so proud of them and their academic accomplishments. Did I mention I love my job

On a fun note, I was asked by Eastern University to do a photo shoot which will eventually be used for their brochures and website. How exciting is that!!!!!!! Two years ago I would have never agreed to do this. When asked I absolutely had no problem saying yes. One of my other classmates also was involved so we got to talk and get to know a bit about each other on Thursday evening. It was a lot of fun being involved in this photo shoot
School is extremely challenging at this time. Accounting is so not my thing, neither is algebra. We had a word problem which is due today, for the life of me I cannot figure this darn thing out. I know the outcome is that I have to figure out the % of charges for a surgical procedure. I do this everyday at work, however, throw it into a word problem and I'm at a total loss. I begin working with my tutor on Monday evening - so thankful this professor is willing to work with me. I met him Thursday evening and thought I recognized him, turns out in 2008 he was one of my professors in my undergrad progam.
On the home front. What a pain the the arse this renovation is. It is exciting to come home each day to see something new happening to the house, but I am so ready for this to be over. I want my house back. We are living in our bedroom and in the family room. Thankfully I have two well actually 3 kitchens in my house. So as they are demoing the first and second floor kitchens, I still have the basement kitchen for minimal cooking. The two care garage is up and Gene's offices above the garage are all framed. The windows across the upstairs back of the house present a beautiful view of our yard. Next year I am going to have to be very mindful of gardening

I am very saddened that my daughter and son-in-law seem to be heading for divorce. Gene and I are planning to go visit them to see if we can get them to talk. My goodness Gene is a family therapist so even if it is going to end, hopefully he can get them to at least talk sensibly to each other. My son-in-law has a realitor coming to the house to put it up for sale, he seems to be forgetting that my daughter is the primary on the loan and if she does not agree he cannot sell.
HOpe everyone enjoys this beautiful day....
Good Morning Beth and PA,
Say "Hi" to the cooking class for me. I am heading to a Phillies game with my son, his Mothers Day gift to me. I went to the podiatrist this morning and got the green light to stop wearing the boot on my foot, but I can't wear sneakers yet, just sandals. It's a start.
Hope everyone enjoys this glorious day.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer